Freaky Deaky
Freaky Deaky
R | 22 April 2012 (USA)
Freaky Deaky Trailers

Set in 1974, a pair of '60s radicals rely on their bomb-making skills on their way to becoming capitalists.

Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
kosmasp Watching movies without any previous knowledge of them is how I experience them. Sometimes I might know the book, graphic novel or whatever source it is based on. In this case, I had no idea there was a book, therefor cannot compare it to it whatsoever. From reading from other sources it seems to be a good interpretation of it. I can only say that it has a nice vibe to it (guess the book had the same thing going on then).Michael Jai White might seem to have the weakest character at first, but seems to have more going on (also acting wise) than some of the others. Everyone is having fun though and it's tough to really dislike the movie, I think. It's good little fun, even for those who didn't know what a "Freaky Deaky" is ...
Tad Pole . . . one expects a little more than FREAKY DEAKY delivers. Apparently this was exhibited theatrically somewhere for at least 15 minutes, but it plays like a second-rate made-for-cable-TV flick. Since it does not have any nudity, Showtime and Cinemax definitely did not underwrite FREAKY DEAKY's bills. If there is a Speed Junior channel available somewhere (or better yet, a Jackass Channel aimed at the Amish market), FREAKY DEAKY would be a good fit, since the producers idea of fun is to blow up everyone but the bomb squad cop with explosions spaced about 15 minutes apart. Nothing too graphic, since FREAKY DEAKY (unlike, say, PULP FICTION) is film that pulls all of its punches. The characterizations are thin and unbelievable, and the actors do not look like they're having much fun--two things one would NOT say about PULP FICTION. According to recent comments from the mayor of Boston, Detroit should not have a bomb squad, anyway (in FREAKY DEAKY, Billy Burke plays Motor City demolitions Defuser Sgt. Chris Mankowski). Bean Town's boss says the first thing he would do in the Mitten State is blow up its biggest city.
Will Merrett I once again must ask who I must speak to to get my latest wild imaginings put on film as this is a sure sign that they will make just about any piece of garbage into a film. Elmore Leonard (RIP) has some great works out there and some of the film adaptations of his work have been fine films. Unfortunately Freaky Deaky by Charles Matthau is not to be listed among that group. Christian Slater is a fine actor and brings something great to each role he plays as well as does Crispin Glover, who is the poster boy for edgy character. The biggest mistake the producers made in this film was casting Beanne Racano in a role. She brings new meaning to the term "wooden delivery". Wow, what a stick she is. This women should never be allowed near a script again.If she didn't look like she does and had to audition for the role based on talent, well...... I could not finish watching this film.
dogcow I love Elmore Leonard I have read just about every novel he has written this is not among my favorites. However some of my favorites (Stick, 52 Pick Up, Rum Punch) have been made into completely terrible films.This on the other hand is a nice adaptation. Characterizations and dialog doesn't stray much from the original story. Much of it plays out just like it did in my imagination when I read the book. The acting was passable, though I thought Glover (and to a lesser degree Andy Dick) were miscast but they did a decent job. The tone of the movie was light and breezy just like the novel. I would love to see the director take a crack at one of Leonard's better novels like Stick or The Hunted.