R | 09 May 2014 (USA)
Rage Trailers

When the Russian mob kidnaps the daughter of a reformed criminal, he rounds up his old crew and seeks his own brand of justice.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
ephuigens I'm not a critic, i just look at films to see what they are and find myself some sort of entertainment. What i can't understand is how people that don't know anything about making films can't stand at telling they are satisfied or they find the movie bad. The reasons those criticasters give only show how little they really know about the movie making industrie, and they try to appear to be all knowing how a movie has to be in their eyes, without ever consulting the directors, producers or the actors themselves. Is there any criticaster that ever have for real been an actor him/her selve? Let people decide themselves what they think about story, choreography and the capabilty of the actors and makers of a movie without displaying your own complete ignorance, or proove to us, you really have an understanding of what you're writing about. Bad or good, i enjoy the way Nicholas Cage playes his characters, and after living for 76 years now, you can't tell me otherwise.
warren-87235 After watching Tokarev, I had to read a few reviews. What you quickly realise, is that most of the 'hate' comes from viewers discovering this isn't the film they were expecting. It's something very different. I'm not going to say it was brilliant, but this film is well made, with some pretty good actors (albeit not always at their best).This isn't another 'Taken', as many seemed to expect. It plays with your expectations by setting up that kind of story, then turning it into a revenge thriller, which in turn is yet another opportunity to mess with your expectations. What you finally realise, with these morally dubious characters, is that actions have consequences. Violence begets violence. This is a morality play, a tragedy in the Greek tradition (I'm not saying it's of the same quality).This isn't another gangster movie that glorifies the cool lifestyle. Some reviewers also questioned why Danny Glover's character is there. He's the voice of reason. The voice of conscience. Nicolas Cage's character has become a 'good' person, attempting to redeem himself from his bad ways, but when something terrible occurs, this puts him to the test. Can he still be good, without the original reason he had (his daughter)? He doesn't have to return to his old ways, but his core is rotten, despite his attempts, and he cannot resist the fall. Glover's police officer is there, each step of the way, offering him the opportunity to pull back, but he can't.Rachel Nichols is very good, in a role that could have easily been disposable. She's somewhere in between. Someone who feels they could do terrible things in the name of vengeance/justice, but becomes the final victim of the fallout from Cage's violent past.So essentially, perhaps not a great film, but it's different and goes against expectations by using clichés for it's setups but not its ultimate resolution (in this type of story, anyway). As someone else said, it's probably a solid 6, but I'll give it a 7 to offset some of the negativity.
Paul Magne Haakonsen If you have seen any kind of action thriller within the last twenty years, then chances are that you have already seen a movie with a storyline very similar to that which is presented in "Tokarev". Yep, it is one of those movies where the director played it safe and put all money on a formula that has been used countless times and bled dried many times over.The story told in "Tokarev" is about former criminal Paul Maguire (played by Nicolas Cage) who is now turned legit. But when his beloved daughter is kidnapped, then all bets are off and Paul turn to his former associates in order to track down whomever responsible. And Paul Maguire knows only one kind of justice; vigilante justice.Right, well this was essentially the movie summarized. And yes, the movie is that generic and mundane. It follows a very strict blueprint and doesn't deviate one inch. There was only a single attempt at throwing the audience a surprise, but it didn't work out that well, because if you have any sense of foresight, then you will see it coming a mile away.And I must admit that I sat down to watch "Tokarev" with no expectations at all. After all, this is a Nicolas Cage movie, and the synopsis of the story sounded unoriginal and very generic. Which it also turned out to be.The acting in "Tokarev" was as to be expected from a movie such as this. So don't get your hopes up here, and don't expect a Shakespearian experience in any way. You know what you get with Nicolas Cage, and this 2014 movie is no exception.I am rating "Tokarev" a mere three out of ten stars, because director Paco Cabezas went in a direction that countless other directors in the action thriller genre has ventured down before him. And the director offers no mental challenges to the audience of this movie. Just simply switch to autopilot if you plan to sit down and watch "Tokarev".
Dark Jedi I was hoping for some good old classic criminals-messing-with-the-wrong-guy rather violent action movie when I sat down to watch this one. I was indeed expecting it to be a B-movie but being a B-movie does not necessarily make it a bad movie. Well I was right about it being a B-movie and it was indeed rather violent but for the rest it did not turn out to be exactly what I hoped for.Paul and his buddies does indeed start to crack down on the less desirable elements of society. This they do using the well-known strategy of applying a healthy dose of violence and if that does not work then you use more violence. In general the movie starts off fairly well but as we ride along it starts to degenerate into silly outbreaks of rage. I know the movie is called Rage (as well as Tokarev) but I was expecting the rage to be directed towards the bad guys and not just senseless shouting into the air. The further we go the more it degenerates. There is the classical cops-who-intervene-and-let-the-bad-guys-get-away stuff. Very annoying. The stupid screw-up of Danny and Paul's way of handling it was also a bit of a downer.Still, the movie was not all that bad until we reached the end. Well, the end does have a twist to it that has to be said. It also had to be said that I did not like it at all. Even if I could have gotten over the twist itself, the actions of Paul afterwards and the final scenes really sunk the movie for me.Nicolas Cage did not do a bad performance but, as far as I am concerned, he was given a less than stellar script to work with. Technically I would say that this was on the upper half of the scale for B-movies but the story, especially the ending, was not my cup of tea.