Detention of the Dead
Detention of the Dead
R | 27 April 2012 (USA)
Detention of the Dead Trailers

A group of oddball high school students find themselves trapped in detention with their classmates having turned into a horde of Zombies.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Leofwine_draca Well, there certainly are many zombie B-movies being made these days, and many of them are very bad. DETENTION OF THE DEAD isn't. Although it's yet another comic zombie horror set in a high school, the jokes aren't bad and there's plenty of fast-paced action to take your mind off the deficiencies of the script. Plus, the constant references to THE BREAKFAST CLUB are unexpected and a lot of fun too.DETENTION OF THE DEAD gets to the zombie action very quickly, while the laughs come thick and fast too. Some of the plot ingredients are over-laboured to the max - that running severed head joke for instance - but others are handled quite well. The zombies are effectively ferocious and the gore effects don't disappoint either.Mainly it's the characters that make this film work, with the actors putting plenty of enthusiasm into the performances. I found the main nerd character to be a bit dull, but the supporting players like Alexa Nikolas and Justin Chon have fun roles and do plenty with them. DETENTION OF THE DEAD isn't the best film in the world, but I found it to be an enjoyable time-waster.
trashgang A perfect example of how you could ruin a gory start of a zombie flick into a love story. I have no problem to bring in love into horror but here it overruns the death. And that's the major problem with Detention Of The Dead.It has been compared with Shaun Of The Dead (2004) but on that part I don't agree. I never laughed with the jokes because they were again for an American release very childish. The farts, that has to be in every US comedy, how stupid is that. On the other hand when they start talking like in The Breakfast Club (1985) then again I prefer The Breakfast Club because it do has funny situations but here they are trying to make it funny with the sexy cheerleader known for sucking off every guy on school, the nerd falling in love with her and finally does, that's one you see coming from the first minute but hey, there's the weirdo, the goth chick who falls for the nerd and of course the muscled guy who dates the cheerleader. But all situations are so predictable that it even becomes a bit boring. The final is a bit better because the zombies are coming in again. Still, the zombies looked rather good and some attacks were really messy and even sometimes gory. An ideal flick to start the evening while necking some brewies with your pals. Gore 1,5/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 3/5 Story 2,5/5 Comedy 0,5/5
ersinkdotcom Do you remember all the typical garbage you had to deal with in high school? You had to wear the right clothes, hang out with the right crowd, and get all your homework done so you could pass. All those seem hard enough to handle. Now add to your laundry list of things to do "Escape from my fellow students who have turned into zombies." High School was bad enough before. Imagine having to attend "Detention of the Dead."A nerd, a jock, a cheerleader, a bully, a goth, and a stoner are stuck together in detention. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? It's just a typical afternoon in high school until ravenous zombies overtake the hallways. Now the motley crew of teens must put aside their differences in order to survive a terrifying night of the walking dead."Detention of the Dead" is exactly what it looks and sounds like. It's "The Breakfast Club" and "Night of the Living Dead" blended together. It's impressive how well Director/Co-Writer Alex Craig Mann takes a zombie apocalypse and uses it for the backdrop of a film about six high schoolers from different walks of life. Not only are they struggling to fight the stereotypes, but now they have to save themselves from being devoured by masses of teenage walking dead.There are several ways "Detention of the Dead" pays homage to "The Breakfast Club." Each of the characters here are basically updates of the ones in John Hughes' legendary film. At one point, the kids climb through the air ducts, just like Judd Nelson's character did in the classic 1980's film. No matter how tough Nelson's character was, he would have freaked out and ran in the other direction if he came face- to-face with these flesh-eaters.It's nice to see a movie where practical effects take front and center. Every scene of zombie carnage uses real props, giving the film a classic flavor sorely missing these days. The makeup for the living dead is good for the most part, with only a few missteps here and there when it comes to detail. This minor fault can be overlooked if you take into account how many people had to have makeup applied. Add to that the fact this is a low-budget flick shot in a small time frame.The cast of "Detention of the Dead" is an impressive mix of television and movie stars. Christa B. Allen of "Revenge" plays the cheerleader. "Greek's" Jacob Zachar portrays the nerd. Alexa Nikolas of "Zoey 101" and "The Walking Dead" takes on the role of the goth girl. Jayson Blair from "The Hard Times of RJ Berger" and "The New Normal" is the bully. "The Twilight Saga's" Justin Chon plays the stoner. Max Adler of "Glee" portrays the jock."Detention of the Dead" is unrated, but if put before the MPAA would be given an R. There's plenty of gore and bloody violence to satisfy bloodhounds. The language is what you would expect from a movie set in a high school. There's no nudity, but plenty of adult situations and sexual humor.Zombie films are a dime a dozen these days, and they're all preaching some type of serious social commentary. "Detention of the Dead" rises above the multitudes of "Night of the Living Dead" and "The Walking Dead" impersonators by injecting a dose of comedy and relatable characters to the recipe. Everybody went to high school and they all fell into one of the social circles represented in the movie. The only difference here is that viewers probably didn't have run-ins with zombies stumbling through the hallways. Okay, I'm not counting the potheads or druggies shuffling by as you ran to class before the tardy bell rings.
paul_alderson2011 This movie is really not too bad , its funny and acted pretty decent , its supposed to be not taken too 'serious'. All in all I had a great time watching it , it has a mix of high school students all in detention together , a geek , a Gothic chick , the prom queen and king and a couple a stoners , as the zombieness breaks out. The comedy is pretty stupid but that's what makes it so funny . Don't get the rating been so low , only 3.9 ? I have definitely saw worse zombie movies on bigger budgets than this. I give it 6/10 and look forward to seeing it again.don't go buy the rating !! This really is worth watching !!