R | 02 November 2012 (USA)
Flight Trailers

Commercial airline pilot Whip Whitaker has a problem with drugs and alcohol, though so far he's managed to complete his flights safely. His luck runs out when a disastrous mechanical malfunction sends his plane hurtling toward the ground. Whip pulls off a miraculous crash-landing that results in only six lives lost. Shaken to the core, Whip vows to get sober -- but when the crash investigation exposes his addiction, he finds himself in an even worse situation.

Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Michael Ledo The title is a little misleading. This is a story about an alcoholic substance abuser (Denzel Washington as Whip Whitaker) who has yet to come to terms with his problem. The flight incident happens early in the film while the rest of the film documents Whip's denial of his problems. What muddies the water is that Whip, while drunk, is a better pilot than anyone is sober.John Goodman provided the comedy relief for the film. I wish there had been more of him in the film. Nadine Velazquez provides the full frontal nude scene at the beginning of the feature.Denzel Washington creates a good character, but the plot was weak. It wasn't a flight film. And as far as a man coming to terms with his alcoholism, it didn't exactly grab me. There was some questions involving Denzel's secular views vs. the religious views of those around him. The co-pilot's wife caused laughter believing the accident was God's will.Parental Guide: F-bombs, nudity, no sex.
johnmonter First I did not expect much. Just watched it at home since I was bored. But I got very positively surprised. A great movie from the beginning to the end. Not one boring minute.
ellis-63434 I'm a huge Denzel Washington fan, mainly of his action adventure style gun slinging like in The Equalizer however this film completely took me by surprise. I was captured by it within the first 10 minutes. The first few scenes are incredible, especially the initial flight. I was invested in the film emotionally the whole way through and whilst toward the middle of the film I felt there was perhaps a little too much dialog and not enough actually happening that was all negated by the touching end to the film and the emotional response it created in me. The mark of a great film to me is one that invests you in the characters and leaves you still feeling that way long after the credits have rolled. This film did that for me.
Tracy Winters Denzel Washington plays a thoroughly unlikable airline pilot who flies his passenger-laden aircraft while high on drugs and alcohol resulting in a crash which kills six people on-board.After his chief executive and the lawyer he hired find out that Denzel was blitzed at the controls of the plane, they both join the Unlikable Club by trying to bury the truth so they can get the pilot off the hook.Stupid 'only-in-the-movies' stuff includes Denzel flying the airliner inverted (upside down) and the co-pilot opting not to reveal what he knows about the pilot's impaired condition the day of the crash because the co-pilot is a religious fanatic who chooses God over conscience.... SCRIPTWRITER COP-OUT!!! John Goodman is on hand (again) to over-act as a worthless drug dealer with a comic twist in his performance which fails miserably.My one most important issue concerning this film is: Why didn't they make it on the level? What's with Denzel having swagger and an irresponsible attitude? Why not portray him as a real character, an airline captain who has a terrible secret? The way they did it, this movie is simply 'comic-book', incredulous, and dumb. It's a real shame.I strongly recommend, that if you wish to see a realistic film about an alcoholic airline captain, watch 'The Pilot' (1980) starring Cliff Robertson, whom also directed. Now THAT was a realistic movie on this subject.