Day of Reckoning
Day of Reckoning
| 18 May 2017 (USA)
Day of Reckoning Trailers

Some years ago, the world experienced a "day of reckoning" when creatures came up from below and purged humanity of evil. Now, it is happening again.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
jadzia92 Found out beforehand that Day of Reckoning featured an appearance by the beautiful Barbara Crampton and oh my with this movie released in 2016 she still looks beautiful as ever. The premise of Day of Reckoning has evil creatures invading Earth and then they made their return fifteen years later. Day of Reckoning is passable enough fluff for me and the creatures do look impressively menacing. However I did my interest in this movie the moment the beautiful Barbara Crampton made her last scene as she is the reason I was most looked forward to see Day of Reckoning. It was sure a Day of Reckoning of seeing the beautiful Barbara Crampton in this movie not so much for the movie itself. It is always a reckoning to see the beautiful Barbara Crampton.
rsoto_md The theme, although recurrent, was not bad, but the film as Such performances, dynamics, special effects so poor, With the joust lasted 20 minutes. Mainly what killed the film were the performances, too forced, as imitating third-party performances, and how to present the plot, very poor, lacking in imagination and dynamism.
Paul Riley A vote of 1 is too good for this movie. I stopped viewing after a few minutes.You could tell from the start it was going to be awful with the cardboard acting.The CGI must be an example of the worst CGI possible, it makes old Sinbad Plasticine creature look 100% real. ( I loved the old Sinbad movies as a kid)Why do these people even bother? I downloaded it for free and feel cheated and criminal that it took space on my hard drive.I worry about people that voted this above 1
Crash Froelich I've given up on the SyFy Channel. This is typical of all their productions. Terrifying and spectacular scenes involving CGI monsters/aliens/whatever separated by deserts of arid narrative with little or no purpose other than taking the characters to the next scene involving CGI. It's just crap. Some visual engagement but zero intellectual value otherwise. The suits at SyFy either are idiots or venal purveyors of weird trash -- or both. Don't waste your time. There's so little artistic value, other than the yeoman efforts of the put-upon casts, that I honestly believe SyFy is soliciting scripts from middle-schoolers. With a title like "Day of Reckoning" and the very rare religious references made in dialog, one might suspect that some attempt at rationalizing the cause of a disaster threatening the existence of the human race might be made. One would be mistaken in that assumption. There's nothing here. Watching while drunk might improve the experience.