Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight
Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight
R | 13 January 1995 (USA)
Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight Trailers

Ex-soldier Frank Brayker is the guardian of an ancient key that can unlock tremendous evil; the sinister Collector is a demon who wants the key so he can initiate the apocalypse. On the run from wicked mercenaries for almost 90 years, Brayker finally stops in at a boarding house in New Mexico where — with the help of its residents — he plans to face off against the Collector and his band of ghouls, preventing them from ever seizing the key.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Leofwine_draca A gleefully violent, gory comic book adventure ride with little sense or intelligence but plenty of tacky yet gruesome special effects, this is a film made to appeal to the lowest common denominator and comes across of those cinematic Big Macs (apologies to the originator of that metaphor) - easy to digest, tasty and yet somehow empty, which leaves you wanting more.Forget the plot and storyline - there isn't one. Instead, it's a virtual remake of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, with a group of people battling monsters who are just dying to get inside and rip them to shreds. Along the way we get many unoriginal moments, such as a death scene blatantly stolen from ALIENS. Basically, what this film is about are the many varied special effects, thankfully there are few of the computer variety. The demons themselves are pretty good, but it's the excess gore which really sticks in the mind. A man is punched through the head and then has his head ripped off, there are arms torn from their sockets, decapitations, stabbings, heart-rippings, and some hideous monster people with lolling jaws and drooling tongues. The blood flow is thick and plentiful, yet the gore is always presented in a comic way so it's never particularly disturbing or horrendous - in fact, it's just like Peter Jackson's BRAINDEAD.Surprisingly, the makers gathered together a great cast for this film. Billy Zane plays the smooth, seductive demon from hell with great relish, and it's a perfect piece of casting - nobody could have done it better. William Sadler plays against type as the hero of the film, and he's good value too. The supporting cast is for once excellent, and full of familiar faces; there's CCH Pounder, who's been in about a million things; Dick Miller, Joe Dante's favourite bit player and a guy who has been acting since the '50s; and Brenda Bakke in an oddly affecting role as a hooker with a heart of gold. Jada Pinkett is a Ripley-esque heroine, but aside from being Will Smith's wife, she's nothing to write home about.Added to the gory proceedings are lots of scenes of nudity, so this film obviously isn't exploitation in any way, shape, or form. DEMON KNIGHT may be absurd, crass and brainless, but it's fun too and doesn't take itself too seriously, factors which make it stand out from a lot of films these days.
Stephen Pike Tales From The Crypt: Demon Knight is a forgotten and underrated gem. From the outset, the movie sets it pace as "all out" and doesn't let up. Being a TFTC title, of course it is filled with camp, but at it's heart this is just classic, good old fashioned horror fun. Billy Zane's performance as "The Collector" is one of his best and shows his chops as something more than just another handsome guy. Also strong is William Sadler - here taking a break from his oft-played redneck roles and delivering a surprisingly deep character in Brayker. The entire ensemble is made up of terrific actors and, even in a campy horror movie, they give strong performances. the story itself felt different, and not simply a retread of other horror flicks. It has a certain cleverness and wit that I find is missing in many movies of it's type. If i were going to categorize this I'd place it closer to "The Cabin In The Woods" or "From Duck 'Til Dawn" than i would "Dead Alive" or the "Saw" films. One could say it was overdone in parts, or too campy, but they'd be missing the point. This is a "Tales From The Crypt" movie, after all, and a touch of the eccentric and camp is to be expected. There is more to this movie than meets the eye and, if one goes into with an open mind, they will be rewarded with one HELL of a ride. Overall, I thought TFTC: Demon Knight was unorthodox in it's approach and handled well in terms of the balance between camp, horror, comedy, and drama. The acting and actors are strong and play sit straight, despite it's tone and topic. The effects are great, including some innovative design work, and the soundtrack is still good to this day. I recommend this one to any horror fan.
amnesiac12001 "DEMON KNIGHT" is a criminally underrated masterpiece of 1990s B-cinema; I argue that it stands with other genre siblings like THE PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS and DEAD ALIVE as an overlooked gem composed of everything enjoyable about the horror movie experience.DK is incredibly fun. Bloody, gory, goofy fun, but it's also quite surprising. It accepts its limitations, both financial and thematic (due to being a "Tales From the Crypt" project) and embraces them with all the enthusiasm and grandeur it deserves and some that it doesn't. It accepts that its premise is fundamentally far-fetched, but also accepts that to the characters, its nothing short of completely real, and so the story and the cast treats it as such and that is what sets it above other, disappointing kitsch horror films that stray into the meta or take themselves overwhelmingly seriously for an underwhelming concept.What sells this film more than anything else is the cast; it's a testament to the craft to watch them work here. They never wink to the audience or treat the material with disdain, but instead, give it all they have (without veering into parody or kabuki), and that sells the importance necessary to invest in the characters and care about their plight. Virtually everyone in this film except Dick Miller is cast against type, and given a character in stark contrast with the ones they are usually given in films and TV outside. The most notable is Thomas Haden Church, who devastates his charming, adorable iconic role of Lowell in "Wings" as the loathsome, irredeemable, belligerent Roach. Sadler in particular is affecting as Brayker, who is a character of such quiet dignity and resignation that I truly wonder why he hasn't been offered more roles like this since. The true standout, however, is Billy Zane, who has such unparalleled charisma and humor that had this film been recognized at its time for its greatness, Zane would be remembered for The Collector and not for TITANIC. Zane's performance as The Collector is nothing less than on par with Christoph Waltz's Landa in INGLORIOUS BASTERDS.If that sounds like hyperbole, then you have yet to see the evidence to the contrary.You really can't go wrong as a horror movie fan, casual or serious, with giving this film a go. Even if you don't find it to be your cup of tea, you'd be hard pressed to argue that it wasn't worth your time.DEMON KNIGHT is actually worthy of your time. Give it a shot.
rockiebattles411 This is one of my all time favorite movies, and it's the very first movie I saw more than twice while still in theaters. I was already a fan of Tales from the Crypt, and with this movie, there were constant thrills from beginning to end, and everyone was involved in causing those thrills. This was also the very first movie I ever saw Jada Pinkett in--I had never even heard of her before; I absolutely loved her part, and I was already a William Sadler fan from having seen him in Die Hard 2. From beginning to end, the action & suspense keeps you rolling right along on the edge of your seat! The bottom line is this is a movie that I absolutely love, & I have seen it more than 20 times already. The only thing that I did not like about this movie was that it took about 8-10 minutes or so for the actual movie to start.: )