The Adventures of Hercules
The Adventures of Hercules
PG | 01 October 1985 (USA)
The Adventures of Hercules Trailers

Hercules searches for the Seven Thunderbolts of Zeus, which have been stolen by renegade gods.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Benedito Dias Rodrigues I really love this kind of movie,even agreeing with mostly IMDb's reviewers about this sequel,l enjoy every minute,Ferrigno is really a bad actor as showed in Hulk,all special effects are outrageous funny,but the girls light up the scream,in final the producers used a footage from George Pal's Atlantis the Lost Continent,at least they shooting in several old Roman ruins along the picture,so bad and so delightful....the old FX tricks is a shame and laughable,but everyone has to admit this fully expected!!! Resume: First watch: 2017 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 5
utgard14 More cheesy badly-dubbed greatness from Cannon. This sequel to the classic Hercules has our hero and his humongous pectorals out to recover Zeus' stolen thunderbolts. To do this he must fight guys in ghillie suits and creatures created with poor computer and stop-motion effects. A full day's work for Herc.Lou Ferrigno is certainly a physical sight to behold and his stone-serious facial expressions at all times makes the movie that much more hilarious because it does not deserve to be taken seriously in the least. Unfortunately, sexy Sybil Danning does not return from the first movie but there are still some scantily-clad Italian babes to feast your eyes on. The special effects are cheap but charmingly so. Love the obsession with neon. The stop-motion Medusa appears to be made from Play-Doh. Lots of bad but quotable lines coming from voices that are clearly not those of the actors. Look, it's glorious garbage of a movie but there's a good deal of fun to be had laughing at it. I'll take unintended entertainment over no entertainment any day.
Movie Buff If you are in the mood for an old fashion cheese adventure, then why not Hercules 2?Many people stated that Lou Ferrigno acted badly, yet everyone failed to notice that they are not even using his voice for the movie. They dubbed in someone else for his voice.It also seems as if they may have dubbed in other characters voices too. If you pay close attention, you can see the audio is a bit off.There is a lot of action and older special effects in this movie. There are many different characters and adversaries.And hey, at least it's widescreen. :-)
Woodyanders Strong and courageous Hercule (a stiff, yet sincere performance by Lou Ferrigno and two insanely hot babes -- tender psychic Urania (the delicious Milly Carlucci) and feisty Glaucia (the equally delectable Sonia Viviani) -- must retrieve Zeus' seven stolen thunderbolts and thwart an attempted coup by four rebellious gods. Meanwhile, the evil and vengeful King Minos (a gloriously hammy William Berger) gets resurrected so he can settle a score with Hercules. Writer/director Luigi Cozzi once again strikes out something rotten with often sidesplitting kitschy results: the supremely asinine script (among the perils Hercules faces are a hostile upright humanoid shag rug, yucky slime people, and a tribe of ferocious Amazon women, plus we get an unnecessary recap of the creation of the universe!), liberal use of stock footage from the first flick, subpar (far from) special effects, the ludicrously serious tone, an absurdly solemn narrator, dippy 80's video game style sound effects, terrible dubbing, crummy acting (Claudio Cassinelli as a decidedly unimpressive Zeus cops the top thespic booby prize; he resembles a bargain basement Santa Claus with his laughably fake white beard and wig!), ham-fisted use of strenuous slow motion, cheesy excessive rotoscoping, and a simply astounding climactic confrontation between Hercules and King Minos in outer space (Herc turns into a giant gorilla while Minos transforms into a savage dinosaur!) all add immensely to the considerable unintentional hilarity. Pino Donaggio supplies an exceptionally lively and stirring full-on orchestral score. Alberto Spagnoli's slick cinematography gives the movie a blindingly garish Day-Glo shine. A complete campy hoot.