Ring of the Nibelungs
Ring of the Nibelungs
PG-13 | 19 November 2004 (USA)
Ring of the Nibelungs Trailers

In this swords-and-sorcery tale, good-hearted blacksmith Eyvind hides away infant Prince Siegfried after two malevolent kings murder his father. But a fiery meteor sent by the gods reveals Siegfried's destiny, sending him on the quest of a lifetime. To save a crumbling kingdom claim the heart of his true love, he'll have to slay the nefarious dragon, Fafnir.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Myriam Nys Sadly, the movie does not wholly succeed : it would like to be a window on a far distant, far different time (mostly pre-Christian or not- Christian), but both its knowledge and its imagination fall short. When and where it tries to fill the gaps, it veers too much in the direction of, say, renaissance fairs, cosplay or sword and sorcery. On the plus side, this is a pleasantly clear and understandable introduction to the Nibelungen saga. It whets the appetite and invites the viewers to go on their own voyage of discovery into a world of poetry, myth and history. It also works on its own merits, as a reflection on the difference between real accomplishment and genuine merit on the one hand and pretend heroics on the other hand. It's also a pretty watchable tale of love, treachery and calculation. (By the way, you're not human if you don't want to kick Kriemhilde in the behind.)The music, I suppose, isn't too bad, but it is used too liberally. There are things in our world which have a deeply evocative sound of their own - such as, for instance, a sailing ship moving at considerable speed or a wood filled with eager hunters and hounds - and it's both annoying and redundant to cover such sounds with layers of music.
adonis98-743-186503 The young blacksmith Siegfried, who, not knowing that he is heir to a conquered kingdom, becomes popular with the Burgunds by slaying their bane, the dragon Fafnir. When the reward seems to be a huge treasure, Siegfried ignores the curse that lies on the hoard - which now seems to endanger his love to beautiful Norse warrior queen Brunhild. Ring of the Nibelungs is starring Kristanna Loken (Terminator 3) and Benno Fürmann (Speed Racer) and i feel like it's an underrated movie about dragons and swords and other stuff of that time it's not Lord of the Rings in case you want to know and it doesn't have a lot of action but it's entertaining because you have interesting characters, good action and even some alright cgi because this is a TV Movie and not a film that came out on theaters and if you watch it you will not be disappointed.
Wuchak Released to TV in 2004 at 184 minutes and originally titled "Curse of the Ring" or "Ring of the Nibelungs," "Dark Kingdom: The Dragon King" runs 132 minutes on the shortened DVD, meaning its cut by 48 minutes. This is an ancient European tale going back 700-1500 years about a Scandinavian child of noble birth who is reared anonymously by a noble blacksmith (Max Von Sydow) and names him Eric (Benno Fürmann). Eric miraculously meets and falls in love with the Queen of Iceland (Kristanna Loken) before slaying a dragon and becoming a king. Unfortunately, he can't marry his first love because a rival king and blood brother (Samuel West) manipulates him into marrying his beautiful sister (Alicia Witt). O what a tangled web we weave when at first we practice to deceive! For a movie that originally aired on Sci-Fi (now SyFy), this is an impressive film. The casting, locations (South Africa), CGI, score and numerous sword-fighting scenes are all top-notch, especially for a TV movie, which explains that it was released theatrically in some areas. Although this is a fantasy sword & sorcery flick the tone is serious and realistic beyond the magical elements. Witt is likable and winsome while Loken is stunning and tough in a warrioress sense. Fürmann is solid as the main protagonist, Eric/Siegfried, having the requisite noble looks. His fight with the dragon is outstanding and the creature looks formidable and frightening, to say the least.The story struck me as very unique, but only moderately interesting. It could've been more compelling IMHO but, then again, I've only seen the shortened version. The cut scenes include: (1.) the Saxons at the smithy, (2.) Siegfried bringing the Dragon carcass back to Burgund, (3.) the lady saying she would be a pagan again just for tonight, and (4.) Kriemhild confessing her love for Siegfried (Eric) to Hagen, the house villain, played by Julian Sands. It's hard to believe that peripheral scenes like these could turn the movie into a captivating powerhouse, but I could be wrong. Nevertheless, the positives outweigh the negatives and this is a worth seeing if you have a taste for sword & sorcery.GRADE: B
r-c-s Rating a movie cannot simply ignore the budget and the production values. This is a TV product (mini-series, whatever )with B or C-lead actors and it is EXTREMELY GOOD for what it is, compared to billionaire Hollywood productions with (supposedly) AAA+ actors paid millions each. Photography is the best thing I suppose; Uli Edel does another very good job. For what it is, it ought to get 10/10. Lead actor Furmann gives me the feeling of a young Liam Neeson ( I wouldn't be surprised if that resemblance had impressed casting directors ); Julian Sands seems a re-edition of the Nottinghan sheriff from Robin Hood (the scar,the slimy demeanor etc ); the first scenes (the castle under siege, the medieval armors etc ) seem right out of Excalibur and a great liberty for times when a Roman Emperor was supposed to still be in power. Samuel West as king Gunther is unconvincing...his face doesn't fit the character...completely miscast. Loken is one of the most credible, along with Witt. A great TV product worth rubbing elbows with AAA+ productions like Lord of the Rings. Great courage in filming and adaptation of the real legend, instead of fantasy junk books 'inspired' by the same (originality is dead, eh?). I just dream of what would Edel have come up with with a LOTR budget... Von Sydow does a nice cameo part and he's among the best of the bunch. Overall, I recommend it.