Little Boy
Little Boy
PG-13 | 23 April 2015 (USA)
Little Boy Trailers

An eight-year-old boy is willing to do whatever it takes to end World War II so he can bring his father home. The story reveals the indescribable love a father has for his little boy and the love a son has for his father.

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Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
queenofhairspray The entire film is a little boy trying to use telekinesis to bring his father home from war... yes seriously. While the movie is one of those 'Christian' productions about faith, it's like the film equivalent of a watery chicken soup coated in buttercream frosting; it's supposed to be good for you, but it's cheaply made and coated in so much sweet stuff that it's hard to finish and leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Also, it is completely unrealistic and misleading; God is not a genie in a bottle who grants wishes, and having faith doesn't get you everything you want. If all that doesn't bother you, watching a small child use racial slurs for an hour and a half probably will. As stated by other reviewers, not one adult (not even the priest trying to help the boy) tell him that referring to anyone as JAP isn't a very Christian thing to do. (never mind the disrespecting of his elders) Especially when said little boy is being bullied and called names himself throughout the entire film. (dwarf, midgit etc.). And if THAT doesn't set off your alarm bells then the fact that this film (and the title character) are NAMED after the codename for the atomic bomb dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima should; 66,000 people were killed as a direct result of the Hiroshima blast, and 69,000 were injured to varying degrees. Of those deaths, ONLY 20,000 were members of the Imperial Japanese Army. Not cute, not a wholesome or realistic story, and not worth the time.
Pravesh Mishra I don't agree with the critics on this one at all. Little Boy is a good movie that combines different human feelings altogether in a movie. It is very good narration of love,compassion and hope. Little doesn't loses any hope rather always gets inspired about finding his father. Little Boy gets convinced on him moving the the mountain whereas earthquake happened coincidentally making it look like Little Boy did it for all those were watching the scene;Mrs.Busbee says she will always remain Mrs.James Busbee all her life to the doctor; Little boys brother realizing his mistake and saving Hashi Moto's life;Little boy completing the list to help bring his father by believing it. All these are lessons in the movie that provides you with relief on watching the movie!!
Lalam1982 I created an account just so I could review this movie. This a wonderful movie that made me smile and cry! The negative reviews of this movie are what is wrong with this world. There are so many people filled with hatred and bitterness that they can't see what a heartwarming film this is! Why can't these people just accept this movie for what it is??...a lovely film! Movies are meant to entertain; that's it! I have rented it twice and just watched it for the second time. I love it so much that I am going to buy the DVD. Even my 6 year old loved it. The acting in this movie is outstanding and I don't mind the cliché ending. This movie touches on many things, but the part I liked the most was about faith and believing in yourself. And I like movies that also make me cry buckets of tears. The people who gave this movie a negative review should have their pulse checked! Bottom line is that I highly recommend this movie and wish it got more recognition.
Henriette Azeredo So, this is a "cute" story about a little boy who's determined to do what may be needed to bring his father back from the war. He hears in church that even a mustard seed-sized faith may make you capable of moving mountains, and he takes it literally (and he proved he was somehow capable of it...). A priest gives him a list of "tasks" which are required of him to bring his father back (but only if it's God's will, the priest says). Apparently, the intention of the priest was to stimulate the boy to be sympathetic to other people's suffering, but the boy takes everything literally. Overall, it's a "cute" story, apart from the explanation of the boy's nickname (and the title of the movie...) "Little boy" came out to be the name of the bomb which the Americans dropped over Hiroshima!!!!! So, in a way, the "little boy" was responsible for the end of the war, and this was the most celebrated fact in the whole movie... Are you kidding me?? Do anyone think this is cute or something like it? A bomb over Hiroshima?? For me, this "little boy" link demonstrated an extremely bad taste! I could have scored the movie as 7, but after that, 4 was my score. It was horrible!