The Jungle Book 2
The Jungle Book 2
G | 14 February 2003 (USA)
The Jungle Book 2 Trailers

Mowgli has been living in the man-village with his little stepbrother Ranjan and his best friend Shanti. But the man-cub still has that jungle rhythm in his heart, and he misses his old buddies Baloo and Bagheera. When Mowgli wanders back to the wild for some swingin' fun, he soon finds the man-eating tiger Shere Khan is lurking in the shadows and planning his revenge.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
manizeh-78126 I like the movie. My favorite part of it is when Mowgli, Shanti, and Baloo trick Shere Khan into getting trapped in a statue. My favorite part is when Shere Khan dies in the lava pit.
ccfinlay After watching the first mesmerizing brilliant Jungle Book, its sequel enraged me - it was just so unspeakably fourth rate, I felt ripped off that it had taken up my time. Tricked into watching it by the captivating parent movie. What a con!!! Really, really, really, bad, bad, bad, bad!!!!!!!.... The first Jungle Book was a masterpiece - awesome in everything that makes a first rate movie classic. Jungle Book 2 might entertain under 3s, although I doubt I would have thought much of it when I was that age as I had fairy tales, Noddy, Mae Gibbs etc at bedtime. I am most suspicious of the financial interests of anyone giving the sequel a good review. Some good reviews had appalling grammar - so maybe these reviewers don't need intellectual content. Other positive reviews sounded like they were straight out of an PR company - full of slick advertising jargon.
Tord S Eriksson A terrible rehash of the original Jungle Book, where everything is worse, and they lead characters ever so often do song and dance numbers, even less motivated than in the original film.John Goodman as Baloo is maybe passable (but different from the original version, of course), Haley Joel Osment is OK as Mowgli, Phil Collins is great and the other actors do a decent day's work, but the story stinks, and a lot of the scenes and ploys are reused from the original movie. Although those involved in the making of this howler pride themselves of the fact that the technology used in this movie was so vastly better than that used in the original movie, it sure is one of the worst Disney movies I've seen, and I've seen a lot, the last 60 years of my life!Thanks to huge advances in technology, and script-writing, movies this bad are just not made by Disney nowadays!
TxMike The 1967 Jungle Book was about a baby left in the jungle, a caring Jaguar took the basket to the opening of a wolf's den so that the mother could raise the baby with her pups. This baby grew up to be Mowgli and when he was about 10, taken to a village to be with people of his own kind.This 2003 sequel, 'Jungle Book 2', was released on DVD recently, or at least my library only got it recently. It is very faithful to the original characters, but the animation is a bit more polished and sharp. Also modern actors voiced the roles. It pretty closely takes up where the original left off.The story is simple, even though Mowgli seems happy with his new adopted family, and has a young girlfriend in Shanti, he misses the jungle and his wild friends, especially the big gentle bear Baloo. So he wanders out into the jungle and Shanti goes looking for him. While in the jungle they have close brushes with danger, especially the big Tiger that wants to eat Mowgli.Of course all ends well, this is a Disney movie, and Mowgli goes back to the village and resumes his pleasant life. John Goodman is superb as the voice of Baloo, and Haley Joel Osment, maybe 13 or 14 during recording, is good as Mowgli, as well as young Mae Whitman as Shanti. They even did their own singing.A pleasant, small movie, barely over one hour.