The Christmas Shoes
The Christmas Shoes
NR | 01 December 2002 (USA)
The Christmas Shoes Trailers

Two separate stories mesh - in the first, a young music teacher, Maggie Andrews, begins dying of a heart condition and her son Nathan tries to get a pair of Christmas shoes for her before she dies. In the second, lawyer Robert Layton and his wife Kate are slowly drifting apart and the matter comes to a head during Christmas when Kate takes over for Maggie for the school choir.

SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Amy Adler In a small city, two families are in trouble. One, headed by hard-working lawyer Robert (Rob Lowe) is experiencing problems caused by Robert's long hours. He and his wife are not getting along and his darling daughter is sad that her father can never seem to make it to one of her school choir events. Arguments ensue between the spouses, also caused by Robert wanting his wife to go back to work so he can get a new car and play looser with the family's money. Meanwhile, heading the school choir is music teacher, Maggie (Kimberly Williams-Paisley). She and her husband, a car repair business owner, have been at odds about getting their tween son a dog, which he longs for. So far, no dog arrives. But, very sad news does. Maggie's heart has been affected by a virus; she has been having trouble breathing. This most important organ is damaged beyond help and she is added to a transplant list. Unfortunately, her rare blood type is going to complicate the process. Finally, Robert's mother is getting up in years and she would so like to have more time with her son. It hasn't happened yet. When Maggie's son is told about the seriousness of his mom's illness, his one wish it to buy her the "most beautiful pair of shoes" in the world, which he spies in a store window. The young boy is on his own raising the money, dad won't help. But, a kind neighbor of his grandma's (Dorian Harewood), just might be able to aid the lad. As Christmas approaches, will Robert learn to appreciate the best things in life? Will Maggie make it to the Big Day? This lovely film has many wonderful lessons about the most important matters in life. No, its not new cars, flashy homes, lucrative but time-consuming jobs or the like. Its loving those closest to us and getting loved right back. As such, love is timeless, too, as people we love are lost yet we hold them in our hearts. This film moved me to a waterfall of tears while warming my heart in a big way. The cast, especially Lowe in a tricky, sometimes maddening role, is very, very nice. Also well chosen are the sets, costumes, and meaningful direction. No, its probably not the movie to choose if you need happier fare. But, do make time for it someday, its a shoe-in for a yearly viewing choice.
Armand adaptation of a book, classic story of Christmas - mixture between emotions, tears and faith, parable about the conquest of sense and triumph of good feelings, it can be, at first sigh, only part of a series. but something is different in its case. not only the performance of actors or Hallmark atmosphere who is not really pink, the Christian strong message or the shoes but the grace of story. a story like an ice frame. each wrong step can destroy its magic. or that is the good point - all is at perfect place. in a perfect circle. so, a little more than a classic Christmas movie. maybe, in a special version, a lesson. about miracles and the others as seeds of them.
mantis594 I watched this a friend who randomly bought it. She's more into sentimental films whereas I'm admittedly not, though I enjoy a good one. This one misses the mark by quite a bit.Some of the acting was decent (a lot wasn't), but unless you get completely into the sentimental moralistic theme of the film, the rest is laughably bad. The story is simply ludicrous and feels completely contrived. Even my friend couldn't take it seriously. Once I realized she wasn't into at all; I stopped biting my tongue and we did enjoy poking fun at it.After all that, I understand why a lot of people would enjoy the movie. I would liken it to my enjoying some poorly made action movies or comedies. The movie was not well made in most respects, but if you enjoy this sort of thing give it a try; if you don't, run, don't walk, run to the nearest exit.
thumpergirl03 I rented this movie from my church and just got finished watching it. I never read the book but I've heard the song on the radio, and cried the first time i heard it. The acting was superb especially Rob Lowe as Robert Layton (he's one of my favorite actors). The boy who played Nathan was excellent his acting was so good and realistic that I cried with him. It's especially sad that his mom died at Christmastime. The choir who sang outside the home were beautiful they sounded like a professional choir. I'm not gonna ruin it for people who haven't seen it but I will say that I definitely recommend it to people who believe in miracles and how the smallest ones can change your life.