Call Me Claus
Call Me Claus
NR | 03 December 2001 (USA)
Call Me Claus Trailers

When Lucy Cullins, a successful but cranky producer at a home shopping network hires an actor named Nick to play Santa Claus on the network, she gets more than she bargained for.

Konterr Brilliant and touching
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
adonis98-743-186503 When Lucy Cullins, a successful but cranky producer at a home shopping network, hires an actor named Nick to play Santa Claus on the network she gets more than she bargained for. Nick really is Santa Claus, and he faces mandatory retirement after 200 years on the job. Nick must find his replacement by Christmas Eve or the world will face dire consequences and he has his sights set on Lucy. Although Call me Claus is no masterpiece or even the best Christmas movie ever made it was still enjoyable and easy to watch but it also stayed true on the Christmas Celebration and Whoopi Goldberg was really good but for me the stand out performance was definitely Nigel Hawthorne as Santa "Nick" Claus he gave a really good performance and overall this is a simple TV Movie with a very simple premise and i'm gonna give it an 7.5/10
taylorjan-63962 Eight stars as although its the usual story; bad tempered person who hates Christmas for personal reasons blah blah blah, there are some laugh out loud moments. Unfortunately the laughs are few and far between and the film could have been so much better with some original aspects to the story, instead of incorporating others into it.Whoopi Cushion is not the best actress and at one point her performance is pretty cringe worthy. There are some feel good moments and I had a few tears in my eyes, but its a story told over and over again and we know the outcome. Loved most of the film, the shopping channel's take on Christmas was brilliant. Hated the fact the makers couldn't spell the niece's name properly (Ieesha, for Ayesha - what!) and her awful rendition of Oh Holy Night (hear my vocal exercises as I sing!) totally spoilt it. I've added a spoiler alert to this review but we know the outcome as soon as the niece says 'oh auntie you must come to the church Christmas eve I'm singing solo'
wes-connors Because she had true Christmas spirit as a young lass, "Shop-A-Lot" TV producer/pitch-woman Whoopi Goldberg (as Lucy Cullins) is chosen to be the world's new Santa Claus. This decision was made (in a 1965 flashback) by traditional roly-poly red-suited Nigel Hawthorne (as Nick). Being "Santa Claus" is revealed to be a 200-year job. If the presently grow-up and grumpy Ms. Goldberg can't get her girlish Christmas groove back, Earth will suffer a massive flood. Call her Scrooge. For Goldberg's Los Angeles-based home-shopping channel, she hires Mr. Hawthorne as a seasonal sales-marketing Santa and he tries to win her over. For a TV movie, "Call Me Claus" is nicely produced. This was the last role for Hawthorne, who performs memorably. The soundtrack music (by Van Dyke Parks) pleasantly moves it along. Having a woman take over the role of Santa Claus is an interesting and welcome premise, but the story really doesn't work. As it's destined to get lost in future years, we won't have to explain to millions of confused young children how Whoopi lost the job.***** Call Me Claus (12/2/01) Peter Werner ~ Whoopi Goldberg, Nigel Hawthorne, Taylor Negron, Brian Stokes Mitchell
newleaf Like many made-for-TV Christmas movies, you'll be able to figure out the entire plot within the first five minutes, and you'll know exactly how it's going to end.Whoopi Goldberg stars, but even though she seems to be just going through the motions, I imagine the movie would have been worse with a lesser actress in the lead role. Nigel Hawthorne, portraying Santa Claus, is by far the brightest spot in the movie.If you've seen more than a handful of other Christmas movies, you've seen all of this before. Think "The Santa Clause" with Whoopi Goldberg instead of Tim Allen, and you're 90% of the way there.But it's Christmas, after all. I imagine there are worse things you could do during the holidays.