S.W.A.T.: Firefight
S.W.A.T.: Firefight
R | 01 March 2011 (USA)
S.W.A.T.: Firefight Trailers

Los Angeles S.W.A.T. officer, Lt. Paul Cutler, is sent to train the Detroit S.W.A.T. team on new anti-terrorism and homeland security techniques. Cutler has a hard time settling into his assignment as he locks horns with his new captain and encounters resistance from the team he must lead. Cutler begins to adjust to his new assignment, starting a budding romance with police psychologist Kim Byers along the way. Unexpectedly, a routine hostage call turns deadly, and a relentless ex-government agent named Walter Hatch vows revenge on Cutler and the entire S.W.A.T. team for killing the woman he loves. Cutler must use his considerable S.W.A.T. training and knowledge to save his teammates and defeat a trained killer.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
uA_oNuR Everybody makes lots of criticizes about the that movie.But I really don't know what they really want to see ! This is all about SWAT and they showed us their jobs. A little bit action,a little bit love,a little bit friendships.We all felt this! The only thing that I don't like is;why Kyle Watters died ? Was It necessary ? What happened to happy end? They wanted to show us happy end but we didn't really felt it because of dying! We felt the team soul this is the most important part of the movie.This movie was like a weekly TV films.Maybe they can made lots of SWAT movies with same characters.Could be every year.Then it could be some kind of classic movie.7/10 Thank you !
Polonius85 Okay, I think I summed up the movie relatively well in the title line. There were some good action scenes and for a B-list ensemble, the acting wasn't horrible. There was also an attempt to have the story drive the movie, rather than have it be a vehicle for off the wall, Michael Bay-esque explosions and groan inducing, Steven Seagal type fire and fistfights.Now the negative. Basically, this movie is another one of those "unconventional teacher takes a job at an inner city school and uses tough love and creative methods to teach all the rough, gangster wannabe kids that they DO have a future and can make something of themselves," type of movies...only it's with a SWAT Team.Okay, so not the worst story in the world. Overused, obviously, but not the worst. The things that got me were the unanswered questions and glaring factual errors. I've already added a few in the goofs section, but here are a bunch of things that made me not like the movie:-Detroit PD's SRT (not SWAT, as they are in the movie) is a VERY top notch unit, equal to LAPD SWAT in terms of quality officers, training, and equipment. That they needed to learn from the "more" elite LAPD unit is silly and a bit insulting. It also seems unlikely that Detroit wouldn't be on the FBI's short list for HRT certification alongside LA rather than after.-They really didn't seem to learn anything special in the training course that a CIVILIAN couldn't learn at a shooting class. (see: Frontsight, Gunsite, etc). FBI HRT is a top tier, counterterrorist unit that trains alongside Delta Force and DEVGRU (SEAL Team Six) for a LONG list of missions. That they shoot on the move rather than standing still is NOT what sets them apart from police SWAT teams.-The fact that they called it "Detroit SWAT" rather than "SRT" shows a lack of attention to detail, IMO. A little thing, but it annoyed me. "But not everyone knows what SRT is," yeah, they wear tactical armor and carry M4 rifles and take down hostage takers, we would have figured it out.-I didn't understand why they had an LAPD officer training DPD officers in supposed HRT tactics. If DPD's team wanted to be HRT certified, why didn't the FBI send HRT operators to certify them? -Why was Cutler armed with that stupid Bushmaster ACR the whole time? Yeah, it looks cool, but it's all bark and no bite. Obviously, they were trying to attract the Modern Warfare crowd with that.-Cutler picks an old army buddy to be his assistant, even though she (Cutler's friend) doesn't have any law enforcement experience. Being a SWAT officer is very different than being a solider. Sure, they have some of the same tactics in terms of shooting and room clearing, but there's also different rules of engagement, and SWAT officers are still police officers, not soldiers. Doesn't matter if you were a Navy SEAL or you worked at McDonald's before you became a cop, you still go through the same academy and you still work patrol for a few years before you can even apply to your department's tactical unit. That somebody, just because they were in the army, would immediately be assigned to a SWAT team without having even attended a police academy, is just stupid. I know it's a movie, but it's stupid. Cutler hand picks a buddy to help in the certification process and he doesn't even pick a fellow cop? C'mon man!-And of course, my favorite thing (and they do this even in the good cop movies) the fact that police officers gun down the bad guys, and that's that. Clean your gun, get some chow, and get ready for the next call out. No administrative leave, no mountain of OIS (officer involved shooting) paperwork, no media asking "why didn't they just shoot him in the leg? Did they say 'please' when they asked him to drop the gun?" I could go on for hours, but overall, the movie was dumb, and I'll leave it at that.
gregjkerr I quite enjoyed the first Swat with Colin Farrell and Samuel L Jackson but this one was absolutely terrible. Cheesy is spot on. From the terrible acting to the constant high 5'ing. It was so full of cliché's like the main guy goes to sort out a raggedy bunch of Swat from Detroit, where he bumps into the glamorous Police shrink and has a romance with her. How come when he's training the men, he's a crack shot, who can run full speed and still hit the fly off a dog's back. But the second he's up against the bad guy, his bullets are going everywhere but hitting the baddie?? A feeble attempt to build up the suspense!!! Awful film from start to finish!!
mirandir I'm convinced this movie is aimed at kids in the early teens. I mean this movie is stuffed with things that makes you go "What the f...!?".Just take the start of the movie for instance. It begins with two baddies crashing a random rich kid's party. They're demanding their money and threaten to kill everybody if they don't get it right now. In comes the SWAT. But behold suddenly that rich kid is on his own having a machine gun and shoots out a surveillance cam. WTF!? Later on the best shooter in the team gets pulled from being a sniper. For what? Not being able to hit a target with a pistol in the wrong hand? WTF!? A hostage is so scared of a villain she takes her own life. WTF!? And it continues like that for 90 minutes. So if you like action movies with tons of shootouts, loud bangs and don't mind plot holes or people behaving strangely you'll love this film. But if you expect anything more from a movie then this clearly ain't for you.