WWE WrestleMania IX
WWE WrestleMania IX
NR | 04 April 1993 (USA)
WWE WrestleMania IX Trailers

WWE WrestleMania IX was the ninth annual WrestleMania.. The event took place at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada on April 4, 1993 and was the first WrestleMania event held outdoors. WrestleMania IX was built around two main storylines. The first was the seemingly unstoppable Yokozuna challenging Bret Hart for the WWF Championship, a right he earned by winning the 1993 Royal Rumble. The other major storyline was the return of Hulk Hogan, who had departed the WWF following WrestleMania VIII but returned to team with Brutus Beefcake against the WWF Tag Team Champions, Money Inc. Several reviewers have been critical of the event. The most frequent criticism has been related to the match between The Undertaker and Giant Gonzalez, Hulk Hogan's win, and the Roman togas worn by announcers. Both the pay-per-view buyrate and the attendance for the event dropped from the previous year's WrestleMania.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
amanwhorocks First, what I saw was "Caesar" and "Cleopatra" on an elephant, how childish...1. Intercontinental Championship: Champ-Shawn Michaels (go first, blah) Vs. Tatanka - Most of the match was average, end was way better, but stupid count-out ending. 6/10 2. HeadShrinkers Vs. The Steiner Brothers - Some nice moves, but Steiners could do it better 6/10 3. Crush Vs. Doink - That was average bout, but with funny ending. 5.5/10 4. Razor Ramon Vs. Bob Backlund - Quick fresh match. Razor finishes with Cradle Pin. Crowd chant for heel Razor! Funny, isn't it? 6/10 5. Tag Team Championship: Champs go first...-I.R.S./Million Dollar Man Vs. Hulk Hogan/Brutus Beefcake - Yes, Brutus "Ridiculous" Beefcake without charisma is back. *SIGH :-/ Match was boring old-school wrestling. BUt Hulkamania running wild, lol. 4/10 6. Mr. Perfect Vs. Lex Luger - Luger is terrible wrestler and he beats Mr. Perfect in a match, that was quite boring. Shame. 5.5/10 7. Giant Gonzales (THE GREATEST LOL) Vs. The Undertaker - Fu*k, that was bad, Gonzáles should never wrestle. 4/10 8. WWF Championship: Yokozuna Vs. Champ-Bret Hart - It was so predictable that Bret drop the belt for Yokozuna, and that set belt for Hogan, but why that happened in 1 evening? Pfff. 6/10 For Hogan's next title reign -5/10
bh_tafe3 1993 was a time of change in the WWE but for this Wrestlemania they decided to wind back the clock as Hulk Hogan returned, along with his good friend Brutus Beefcake, who had been out of wrestling since a paragliding accident in 1990.This was not a great event. Only two matches had any real build and the whole thing came off as being rushed. The in ring action wasn't great and the twist at the end, which I'll discuss later, really wasn't the earth shattering moment the WWE hoped it would be.This forgettable night started off with Shawn Micheals defending his Intercontinental Championship against the undefeated Tatanka. Tatanka had beaten Michaels a couple of times leading into the fight. Michaels had a new manager, Luna Vachon while Tatanka was accompanied by Michaels' former manager and future WWE Hall of Famer Sherri Martel. Tatanka won by DQ. Michaels kept his title and went straight back into his feud with Marty Janetty, which had been put on hold just for Wrestlemania. Why, I have no idea.Next up saw the Steiner Brothers (Scott and Rick) defeat the Headshrinkers (Samu and Fatu) with Scott scoring the pin after hitting Samu with the Frankensteiner. Good match.Doink the clown needed help from another clown to win his match against Crush. A second Doink distracting Crush when he was in complete control and allowing Doink to get the pin and the victory. Doink was an entertaining gimmick character, who got old rather quickly.Razor Ramon easily defeated the returning Bob Backlund in the next match.This brings us to the first in our double main event. As the Mega Maniacs Team of Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake, with the newly turned good guy Jimmy Hart in their corner, took on Hart's former buddies Money Inc (Ted DiBiase and Irwin R Shyster). This was a fairly sketchy finish. Beefcake, as mentioned, had been in a paragliding accident requiring full facial surgery and had wrestled the match with a face mask on. Shyster ripped the mask off him and beat Beefcake to a pulp. The ref went down, Hogan grabbed the face mask and knocked out DiBIase and Shyster and then Hart, who was wearing a referee shirt, counted the three. Another ref came down and reversed the decision, declaring Money Inc winners by DQ.Next up Lex Luger or the Narcissist as he was also known at the time defeated Mr Perfect. This match came about because Luger was being managed by Perfect's old manager Bobby Heenan. Perfect had is feet on the ropes when he was pinned, but the ref missed it.The Undertaker picked up a lacklustre DQ victory in a pretty poor match against the Giant Gonzales. THe Undertaker had earned the ire of Gonzales' manager Harvey Wippleman in 1992 and Taker had defeated his big monster Kamala at Survivor Series. Wippleman vowed revenge and took it at the Royal Rumble as Gonzales attacked Taker, costing him the match. Gonzales dominated Undertaker in this match, but was DQ'd for choking Taker out with chloroform. Weird finish to a bad match.This bought us to our main event as WWE Champion Bret Hart, seriously challenged as champion for the first time, put his title on the line against Mr Fuji's unstoppable monster Yokozuna. Yokozuna controlled the early going, but Hart resisted and then took control. He had Yokozuna in the sharpshooter, surely he would give in and Hart would be established as an heroic hero after taking out the big monster. But Fuji had other ideas, throwing salt in Hart's face, rendering the Canadian helpless as Yokozuna got the pin.What a downer ending. But wait here comes Hulk Hogan. He's checking Hart to make sure he's OK. Suddenly Fuji challenges Hogan to a WWE Title right then and there. Hogan accepts. Fuji throws salt towards Hogan, but hits Yokozuna instead. Hogan hits the leg drop and wins the match and the title. What did I just watch? And so, what most fans thought was going to be the night we either saw Hart establish himself as a giant killer, or Yokozuna establish himself as an unstoppable monster, we instead saw Hulk Hogan pick up a meaningless title win. A title that he would not defend for three months. As a matter of fact this was the only match Hogan wrestled for the WWE before the King of the Ring PPV in June 1993.
kevinc5680 To me, this was the beginning of the end for the WWF in the 1990's. I absolutely love wrestling, but a few more years of this and I was watching something else on my spare time. And that's exactly what happened. It's not a surprise the WCW finally caught up with the WWF after years of putting out these kind of matches. Luckily for Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels, there was some life left.Wrestlemania IX had some good matches, but to me some of the characters killed the mood. For instance, Shawn Michaels vs. Tatanka. Credit Tatanka cause he's a good wrestler. But I just couldn't get passed the Indian character and to me, it ruined a good match. Same with Crush vs. Doink the Clown. Doink as a villain was more tolerable than as a baby face, but coming off Wrestlemania VIII, I was hoping for a little bit more classic wrestling matches and not a real life cartoon. Now Lex Luger vs. Mr. Perfect was good. I did enjoy that match. The Mega Maniacs (Beefcake and Hogan) vs Money Inc (DiBiase and IRS) was good, simply because the spotlight wasn't completely on Hulk Hogan. Undertaker vs. Giant Gonzales was the birth of the Undertaker's typical match. Big guy with no skill comes and beats up the Undertaker. Undertaker recovers and challenges/stalks the big guy. Big guy fights at PPV and is never seen again. Until the late 1990's and after 2004, this would be exactly the storyline you got out of the Undertaker. The Undertaker is great, but like Hogan, I got tired of seeing the same type of match. But for the sake of the time, this was one of the first. The Steiner Brothers had a pretty good match with the Headshrinkers. But the biggest disappointment comes in the main event with Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna. When this "finale" happens, even at age 13, I was upset. Those two wrestlers had a pretty good match, only to be wasted by the end. I don't want to give anything away so I won't go into detail.Wrestlemania IX was okay, but I had a hard time being convinced of much when a clown or an Indian were the point of interest. Fortunately, it gets better years later.
metalrox_2000 For any wrestling fan, this is the wrestlemania to forget. No logic to the matches, some garbage gimmicks (doink the clown, and the Giant Gonzalez) this was a forgettable PPV something rare for the WWE(F). The logic of Hogan winning the world title at the end made no sense, and many people feel that alone help put the nail in the PPV. From the meaningless gimmicks of the roman soldiers, to simply some real bad wrestling (doink vs Crush being the worst match) to simply bad match making (Scott "Razor Ramon vs Bob Backlund, how can you have one of the greatest mat wrestlers, making a comeback, and working his first wrestlemania, face a power wrestler who was undefeated at the time), this is a PPV that even the WWE has since admitted, was way below what the expected. just all around a stinker