WWE WrestleMania 13
WWE WrestleMania 13
NR | 23 March 1997 (USA)
WWE WrestleMania 13 Trailers

The Undertaker takes on "Sycho" Sid Vicious in a No Disqualification Match with the WWE Championship up for grabs. Bret "Hitman" Hart faces Stone Cold Steve Austin in a Submission Match with special guest referee Ken Shamrock. Mankind and Big Van Vader challenge Owen Hart & The British Bulldog for the WWE World Tag Team Championship. Hunter Hearst-Helmsley takes on Goldust and more!

Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
callanvass Live from Chicago, ILAttendance: 18,197Your hosts are Vince McMahon, Jerry Lawler & Jim RossFour Way Elimination MatchThe Godwinns Vs The Headbangers Vs Doug Furnas & Phill Lafon Vs The New BlackjacksThe Headbangers win. This was a pretty mediocre opener that the crowd didn't care much about. The only tagteam that was catching on somewhat are The Headbangers.*1/2Intercontinental ChampionshipRocky Maivia (C) Vs The Sultan (W/ The Iron Sheik & Bob Backlund)Rocky retains with a roll-up. The Iron Sheik and The Sultan double team Rocky until Rocky Johnson comes out and saves his son. Well, this match was barely above average. The crowd didn't like Rocky at all and chanted Rocky sucks at him. Rocky Johnson coming in to help his son was kinda cool, though.**1/4Hunter Hearst Helmsley (W/Chyna) Vs Goldust (W/Marlena)Hunter wins with the Pedigree after Goldust is distracted by Chyna stalking Marlena. These two don't have any chemistry at all. This was an average match that featured quite a few dull spots. I wasn't impressed.**Tag Team ChampionshipThe British Bulldog & Owen Hart (C) Vs Vader & Mankind (W/Paul Bearer)The match ends in a double countout after Mankind applies the Mandible Claw outside the ring to The British Bulldog. This was another average match. When Bulldog and Owen were on offense it was OK, but other times it was rather uninteresting. The pair of Mankind and Vader isn't as good as it sounds.**Submission Match"Stone Cold" Steve Austin Vs Bret HartBret Hart wins when Austin passes out from the Sharpshooter. He never quit. Bret Hart attacks Austin's leg some more after the match until Shamrock takes down Bret Hart. The referee tries to help Austin up, but Austin hits the stunner on him and walks out on his own. This match is one of the reasons I love wrestling so much. It's responsible for major changes in the WWF. It's one of the rare times you'll see a double turn. Austin turned into a face and the longtime babyface, Bret Hart turned into a heel. It was excellently executed (Pun intended) . It's filled with amazing storytelling, electric atmosphere, and terrific psychology. Austin was already becoming a burgeoning star, but this is the night he really put it altogether. Austin passing out instead of submitting made Austin look like a hero and a real badass. This is without a doubt one of the greatest matches in history.*****Chicago Street Fight Ahmed Johnson & The Legion of Doom Vs Farooq, Savio Vega & Crush (W/The Nation of Domination)LOD & Ahmed win. This was a basic street fight that featured nothing new or unique about it, You've seen this done a ton of times before and done better at that.*3/4WWF ChampionshipSycho Sid (C) Vs The UndertakerShawn Michaels joins for commentary. Bret Hart calls Shawn Michaels out for "faking" his knee injury. He also tees off on Sid and The Undertaker. Sid ends up powerbombing Bret. The Undertaker wins the title with a tombstone after Bret Hart screws over Sid. This is one of the worst Wrestlemania main events of all time. It consisted of mainly, punching, kicking, and rest holds. They really stunk up the joint here, nonetheless, The Undertaker's title win is a cool moment.*People talk about Wrestlemania 9 and Wrestlemania 11 being bad, this Wrestlemania is pretty bad as well. If it wasn't for the classic submission match, this would probably be the worst Wrestlemania ever.4/10
amanwhorocks 1. The GodWinns Vs. The Headbangers Vs. Doug Furnas/ Vs. The New Blackjacks. - 4 Tag Team Match - Headbangers won in a good match. 7/102. Intercontinental Title Match: The Sultan Vs. Champ-Rocky Maivia - Maivia retains, how ever - hate his ugly taunting. Rocky Johnson came to save Rocky Maivia and ate beat, another feud? 6/10 3. Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. Goldust - Nice, HHH defeated that freaky Rhodes. 7/10 4. Tag Team Title Match: Vader/Mankind Vs. Champs-Owen Hart/The British Bulldog - Vader and Mankind is GR8t Team!! They deserved belts. 7/10 5. Bret Hart Vs. Stone Cold - Pretty exciting match. Poor Austin lost a lot of blood. Bret hart won over him again. 9/10 6. WWF World Heavyweight Title Match: Champ-Psycho Sid Vs. The Undertaker - 6.5/10
eltacoman1978 I was at this Wrestlemania live in Chicago. As most wrestling fans know this was set to be the long awaited rematch between Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels from the previous years Wrestlemania. Shawn pulled out of the match some time earlier claiming a "career ending" knee injury. This may have been some kind of "blessing in disguise" as in it's place we had Steve Austin taking the place of Michaels,and one of the greatest matches in Wrestlemania history (if not THE greatest)ensued in a Austin/Hart submission match,with UFC veteran Ken Shamrock as special guest referee.What was most interesting about this match was the infamous "double turn" of both participants. Hart was the baby face,or good guy heading into this bout,with Austin as heel,or bad guy. By the end of this match the roles had been reversed which is something not easily done over the course of one match.While Austin's popularity was on the rise prior to this match,it was this night that he really cemented himself as a big time,main event guy.Aside from this match there wasn't a whole lot else going on here,at least nothing of note,other than The Undertaker winning his second WWF title from Sid Vicious,with some assistance from Bret Hart.Definitely worth viewing strictly for the Austin/Hart match,which really is one of the greatest matches in this events history.
batman_811 When Wrestlemania 13 came along in 1997 the Wrestlemania magic just wasn't there. It was mostly filled up with mathes no one really cares about such As Fatu Vs Rocky, Goldust Vs Triple H and Sid Vs the Undertaker. Sid vs The Undertaker was the worst main event in Wrestlemania history. The match it self was slower then a game of chess. Also there was no build up to the match at all. The only good thing about this Wrestlemania was the Bret "The Hitman" Hart Vs Stone Cold Steve Austin. What really should of been the main event. Austin should of won the world title at the final four PPV and become a baby face right after that. And then Bret should of beat Austin for the World title at this PPV. But keep the match just like it was in this PPV with Bret turning heel and Austin turning face.