NR | 31 March 1985 (USA)
WrestleMania Trailers

The first annual WrestleMania professional wrestling pay-per-view event taking place on March 31, 1985, at Madison Square Garden in New York City. The show featured nine professional wrestling matches with the main event match pitting Hulk Hogan and Mr. T against Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
callanvass (03.31.85)Live from NY, NY (Madison Square Garden)Attendance‎: ‎19,121Your hosts are Gorilla Monsoon & Jessie VenturaTito Santana Vs The ExecutionerSantana wins with the Figure Four Leg Lock. It's way too short for me to call this a good match or give it a good rating, but they managed to cram in some decent stuff for a glorified squash match. *1/2King Kong Bundy (W/Jimmy Hart) Vs SD JonesSD Jones goes for a shoulder block, but Bundy catches him in a bear hug, then rams him in the corner. An avalanche, followed by a big splash ends SD Jones night in 9 seconds! That was a new record for the time. SD Jones was a jobber and this was done to put over Bundy as unstoppable. DUDMatt Borne Vs Ricky SteamboatSteamboat wins with a flying cross-body off the top turnbuckle. This was far too short to be anything spectacular, but it was somewhat exciting for the time that it got. Despite that his status was JTTS (Jobber to the stars). Borne certainly didn't phone it in and he got in a reasonable amount of offense. **David Sammartino (W/Bruno Sammartino) Vs Brutus Beefcake (W/Johnny V)The match ends in a double disqualification when both Bruno and Johnny V get involved. This match was fairly plodding with too many rest holds and not enough action. I can't recall an excellent Beefcake match and David wasn't good enough to carry a match. The best thing about this match was the hot ending. The fans went nuts for Bruno getting involved. It's sad to say, but the real attraction here was Bruno Sammartino Vs Johnny V. *Intercontinental ChampionshipGreg "The Hammer" Valentine (C) (W/Jimmy Hart) Vs The Junkyard DogValentine pins JYD by putting his feet on the ropes. Tito Santana comes in and complains about Valentine's chicanery and the referee reverses the decision, making the match continue. Valentine leaves and JYD wins by countout....A pretty bad match that consisted of mostly headbutts and punches. As solid as Valentine was, there isn't much he could do. No disrespect to JYD, but wrestling wasn't his greatest asset. It was charisma that really carried him over the years. The finish was really unnecessary as well. 3/4*Tag Team ChampionshipThe U.S Express (C) (Mike Rotundo & Barry Windham) (W/Lou Albano) Vs Nikolai Volkoff & The Iron Sheik (W/Freddie Blassie)Volkoff & The Iron Sheik win the Tag Team Titles when The Iron Sheik nails Barry Windham in the back of the head with Blassie's cane. This was an OK tag match. Volkoff and Sheik aren't exactly the most nimble, Sheik and Volkoff were heat magnets with the "anti-usa" stuff, and giving the titles to them wasn't a bad choice by any means. **15 Thousand Dollar Bodyslam ChallengeBig John Studd (W/Bobby Heenan) Vs Andre The GiantThe stipulations are that if Studd can slam Andre, Andre will retire from wrestling. If Andre slams Studd, he gets 15 thousand dollars. Naturally, Andre easily slams Studd. Afterwards, Andre starts throwing the money away to the fans, but Bobby Heenan sneaks up from behind and grabs the bag full of money. The buildup to this was far better than the match. It was really boring, to be honest. Even though it wasn't a true match, nothing exciting happened during the match at all. The fans were into it, but I was bored to tears. N/RWomen's ChampionshipLeilani Kai (C) (W/The Fabulous Moolah) Vs Wendi Richter (W/Cyndi Lauper) This match was treated as a pretty big deal with Lauper's involvement. Wendi Richter wins the title back from Kai after reversing the momentum from a flying cross-body from the top turnbuckle by Kai. This match was nothing special. There was nothing really truly bad about it, but it lacked the needed excitement. There was far too much hair pulling and nothing stood out about it. It started to improve a bit near the end, but it was too little too late. *1/2Wendi Richter says winning the title back is the happiest moment of her life and celebrates some more with Cyndi Lauper backstage.Billy Martin, Liberace, and Muhammad Ali are introduced as the guest celebrities for the main eventHulk Hogan & Mr. T (W/Jimmy Snuka) Vs "Rowdy" Roddy Piper & "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff (W/Cowboy Bob Orton)Hulk Hogan and Mr. T win after a heel miscommunication commences when Orton drills Orndorff in lieu of Hogan. This was the biggest match in the history of wrestling at this juncture, at least in my opinion. This match really helped the WWF take off and give it legitimacy as a global phenomenon. I wouldn't exactly call it a great match, but it's a terrific spectacle and fairly fun to watch. Mr. T certainly didn't embarrass himself in the ring and held his own when it came to wrestling. Paul Orndorff would turn face shortly after Wrestlemania because of the heel miscommunication. I'm gonna go ahead and gives this three stars just because of the historical importance. ***Final Thoughts.This is essentially a glorified house show. It's a pretty unremarkable event if you think about it. There is only one above average match on the entire card with the rest being either forgettable or awful. The only reason this is special is because of the historical value. Without Wrestlemania, WWE wouldn't be where it is today. As a wrestling fan, you must see it once because of that, but it really is a bland show for the most part4/10
nakedsara2 A look at the first Wrestlemania:Tito Santana vs The Executioner- Worthless match, no reason to even be on the show. Basically just a squash. S.D. Jones vs King Kong Bundy- Match lasts less than 30 seconds. Ricky Steamboat vs Matt Borne- Decent, but totally useless match. No build of any kind here. David Sammartino vs Brutus Beefcake- Brutally boring effort here. Runs nearly 12 mins. Greg Valentine vs JYD- Short & weak match here with a stupid ending. Windham & Rotundo vs Sheik & Volkoff- Fun match. Only goes bout 5 mins though. Andre the Giant vs Big John Studd- Slow & plodding. Andre just beats the crap out of him. Leilani Kai vs Wendi Richter- Ugh. Crappy match as you might expect. Cyndi Lauper is in Wendi's corner. Hogan & Mr. T vs Piper & Orndorff- Longest match of the show, but was a chaotic & not very good brawl. They really should have just done Hogan vs Piper. Final Thoughts: Only real highlights on this show was the annoucing. Gorrilla Monsoon & Jesse Ventura were on the top of there game, calling everything as they saw it with no bias. But no good matches make this a pass. First one or not, its not worth the look.
roxstar ...Spoiler space.....Ok, this is the very first Wrestlemania, and it is a good start to the now-venerable franchise. I gave it a "7" because most of the matches were entertaining..they could have done without Gene Ockerland singing though. Wiht Jesse Ventura and the later Gorilla Monsoon comentating, we have a very good event1st Match: Tito Santana Vs. The Executioner.OK...a former IC champ with a bum knee against soem sclub they found on a park bench...I wonder who'd win. The Executioner sure talked big, but Tito managed to dispatch this guy in less than five minutes. Tito dominates the match, and he gives a subtle thumb on the nose to Greg "The Hammer" Valentine by pinning the Executioner with a figure four leglock.2nd Match: King Kong Bundy with Jimmy Hart vs. S.D "Special Delivery" Jones.OK...a moving mountain against a bigmouthed nobody from Philly....wow..exciting...Bundy manages to pin him in 9 seconds, which was a record time that stood for over 10 years.3rd Match: Ricky Steamboat vs. Matt Bourne.The Dragon against the future Doink the Clown..oh joy. I admit I never had any respect for Dink..I mean Doink, but this was a good match. Matt Bourne showed a lot of good technical moves, but he was no match for the Dragon's superior form and karate moves. Ricky pins Bounre ala Superlfy within five-six minutes.4th Match: Brutus Beefcake with Luscious Johnny Valiant against David Sammartino with Bruno Sammartino.A slow match with a lot of leglocks and headlocks. Neither David nor Brutus truly dominated this one. The only highlight was near the end when Brutus send David out of the ring and Johnny V bodyslams David. Big Mistake...Bruno, the Living Legend starts beating the tar out of Johnny, and then throws him in the ring and it's a free for all. Both parties got disqualifed.5th Match: The Intercontineatal Title Match-Greg "The Hammer" Valentine with Jimmy Hart against The Junkyard Dog.This was the first of the title matches, and it was pretty good. The late JYD had the crowd and he had a great enterance with Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust". The momentum switched a few times in this match. Eventually, Jimmy tries to distract the ref so Greg could put a hit on JYD, but JYD deftly steps out the way, and Greg accidently clobbers his own manager. Soon after, JYD throws Greg agaisnt the ropes, and Greg rakes JYD's eyes, and pins JYD with a foot on the rope. The ref does the three count and it looks like Greg is the winner...but Tito Santana comes into the ring and alerts the ref. Meanwhile Greg is out of the ring, thinking that he won. The ref finishes the ten count and Greg is counted out of the ring. The JYD wins by decision, but unfortunely doesn't get the IC belt.6th Match: Tag Team Title Match-Nikolai Volkoff and the Iron Sheik with Classy Freddie Blaise against Mike Rotunda and Barry Wyndham with Captain Lou Albino.This was an excellent match...two strong experienced heels against two young speedsters. Volkoff totally cheesed off the crowd by singing the Soviet anthem and Rotanda and Wyndham got thunderous applause when they cma eout with Bruce Spingsteen's "Born in the U.S.A" Rotunda and Wyndham were a very organized team, but Volkoff and Sheik were smarter by cheating when they could, and eventually when the ref was paying attention to only Rotunda, the Sheik konks Wyndham with Blassie's cane. The Volkoff pins Wyndham, and the Tag Team Title changes hands. MSG was shocked that Volkoff and Sheik were the new champs.7th Match: The $15,000 Bodyslam Challenge-Big John Studd with Bobby "The Brain" Heenan against Andre the Giant.Here's the skinny: Andre has to bodyslame Studd within the time limit to win $15,000. If he fails, Andre must retire. This was a match ahead of its time and very engrossing. Andre had the advantage for most of the match as he methodically wore down Studd. After about ten good minutes, Andre slams Studd to the canvas. He briefly gets the $15,000, but the Weasel steals back the money.8th Match: Women's Title Match: Leilani Kai with the Fabolous Moolah against Wendi Richter with Cyndi Lauper.This was the most intense match of the night, and one of the best of the card. Both women were very good at tunring the tables on the other, and they looked like they wanted to put the hurt on the other in the worst way. After about 10 minutes of damn fine wrestling, Moolah tries to beat on Wendi, but Cyndi gets very physical with Moolah. A few minutes later, Leilani tires to pin Wendi by hitting off the turnbuckle, and manages to for a minute, but Wendi uses the leverage to end up pinning Leilani and smartly hold the legs, and Wendi wins the 3-count. Wendi regains her stolen belt from Leilani, and Cyndi and Wedni are ecstatic as is Madison Square Garden. A great ending to a great match.The Main Event: Rowdy Roddy Piper and "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Ordinoff against Hulk Hogan and Mr. TOk..this was where the stars came out. The guest ring announcer was the late Billy Martin and he did a decent job for a Yankee. The guest timekeeper was the late Liberace, and his enterance with the Radio City Kickdnacers was to die for. The guest referees were Muhammad Ali and Pat Patterson.Both parties had over the top enterances as Piper and Ordinoff went in with a bunch of bagpipe players as Hulk and T went in with "Eye of the Tiger". Both parties clearly had a very strong animosity, and the long match was very chaotic as all six(the four plus Superfly Jimmy Snuka and Cowboy Bob Orten) were duking it out in the ring a few times. Ali did a good job of trying to maintain some order through this. Piper and Ordinoff were doing a good job on Hogan at one point, but gets his way out of it as always. The finish was great as everybody was duking it out again and Ordinoff tried to hold Hogan while Orten hit him from the top turnbuckle, but Hogan spins out, and Orten knocks out Ordinoof. Hogan then gets the easy pin, and Hulkamania is safe for another day.All in all, a good piece of entertainment....
Steve Dorsett Well this was it, the grandaddy of them all, the original Wrestlemania. This was not much of an event by today's standards, but in 1985, there had never been anything like it. I'm going to try and give you a taste of the event with a brief run down of the matches. Anyway let the festivities begin.An opening introduction from Vince McMahon (Jesus, he looks young) kicks us off, followed by some truly god awful 80's muzak, the national anthem, as sung by Mean Gene, we've got Gorilla Monsoon & Jesse "The Body" Ventura on commentry and we're off.Tito Santana vs The Executioner Right, former InterContinental Champion vs Mr. Nobody Jobber. If you have never seen a Wrestling match in your life, you can guess who is going to win this one. Not bad action from both sides mind and Tito was pretty special considering it was 1985. We see the flying forearm and the figure-four, not a bad way to kick things off. Imagine though if Tito had been against someone like the newly signed heel Bret Hart, hell that would have been an opener.King Kong Bundy with Jimmy Hart vs S.D.Jones 450 pound madman vs Mr. Nobody. A 9 second (actually more like 20) squash. Next...Ricky Steamboat vs Matt Borne Hey it's the Dragon vs Doink (wonderful future gimmicks there). Solid match here. I love watching Steamboat and that arm drag. Technical well paced match. Not bad though says I.David Sammartino with Bruno Sammartino vs Brutus Beefcake with Luscious Johnny V. Dull dull dull. This match goes on for ever with a lot of chinlocks too. Epitome of boring 80's wrestling, and awfully cheap finish as well. Especially cheap considering this is the greatest event of all time.Intercontinental Title Match : Greg "The Hammer" Valentine (Champion) with Jimmy Hart vs The Junkyard Dog I have to admit, I was never able to get in to the JYD, although the MSG crowd pops huge for him. Again, pretty dull match, not good for the IC division. However, the title would soon become the possesion of a young Mr. R. Savage, and things would get much better.Tag Team Titles Match : The US Express (Champions) vs Nikolai Volkoff & The Iron Sheik with Classy Freddie Blassie I like this one, two speedsters vs two huge monsters. Loads of extra-curricular activities on the part of Blassie and the heels and some great moves from the Express make ths one a goodie.$15,000 Bodyslam Challenge : Andre the Giant vs Big John Studd with Bobby "The Brain" Heenan The stipulation here was thet if Andre could slam Studd within the time limit, then he would win $15,000 from Studd and Heenan. If he couldn't however, he would be fired from the WWF (pretty ahead of it's time). This isn't great wrestling, but it's good fun. It's always great to watch Andre in his face days - the gentle giant. With Heenan as well in full weasel mode this one is a favourite.Women's Title Match : Leilani Kai (Champion) with The Fabulous Moolah vs Wendi Richter with Cyndi Lauper Okay, big time MTV Rock n Wrestling crossover going on here. The croed pops huge for Lauper. Anyway not a bad match, a few of the moves a blatantly botched, but better that 60% of women's matches today.Hulk Hogan (WWF Champion) & Mr. T with Superfly Jimmy Snuka vs Rowdy Roddy Piper & Mr Wonderful Paul Orndorff with Cowboy Bob Orton Guest Referee : Muhammad Ali Guest Ring Announcer : Billy Martin Guest Timekeeper : Liberace Now this is the Main Event. A star studded arena, MSG jumping and the mighty Hulkster teaming with BA himself, Mr. T. This is a pretty good main event, all 4 men primarily brawling, but damn Hogan and Piper know how to work the crowd. When they are in together the crowd is hot. This is good fun, although I feel that this should have been Hogan and Piper one on one. This IS Wrestlemania after all.So there you go, the tradition is born. If you're not a wrestling fan, you probably won't get much out of this. However, if you love this theatre of the absurd we call wrestling this is where it all began and you owe it to yourself to check it out.