WWE Wrestlemania XXVI
WWE Wrestlemania XXVI
| 28 March 2010 (USA)
WWE Wrestlemania XXVI Trailers

WrestleMania XXVI was the twenty-sixth annual WrestleMania PPV and was presented by Slim Jim. It took place on March 28, 2010 at the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. The first main event was a No DQ, no count-out match that featured The Undertaker versus Shawn Michaels. The second was a singles match for the WWE Championship that saw Batista defend the championship against John Cena. The third was a singles match for the World Heavyweight Championship featured the champion, Chris Jericho, defending against Edge for the title. Featured matches on the undercard included a 10-Diva tag team match, Bret Hart versus Vince McMahon in a No Holds Barred match, Rey Mysterio versus CM Punk, Triple H versus Sheamus, the sixth annual Money in the Bank ladder match, a Triple Threat match between Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase, and Cody Rhodes, and a WWE Tag Team Championship match between Big Show and The Miz, against John Morrison and R-Truth.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
adonis98-743-186503 Still stinging from his narrow defeat a year earlier, The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels has goaded Undertaker into a rematch by putting his career on the line. Something's gotta give- The legendary streak or the 25 year career of one of the all-time greats! What was the best match from Mania 25 gets to be repeated once more and it's even better with Undertaker showing respect to HBK but also Batista goes against John Cena for the WWE Championship but the well done match of that night was Undertaker and Shawn Michaels both men gave it all and the show wasn't disappointing at all and sometimes it kinda makes me miss those old good days.
Owen Ogletree This show, I feel, is a little better than the previous year. HBK and Undertaker had another classic match, and the world title matches were much better than the previous year's.Unified WWE Tag Team Championship Match: ShowMiz vs. John Morrison and R-Truth - This was a decent match, but at merely three minutes, it really didn't have enough time to make much impact. ShowMiz retains the titles with Big Show's Knockout Punch. RATING: **1/4Triple Threat Match: Randy Orton s. Ted Dibiase vs. Cody Rhodes - This was a fun match that the crowd was really into. It really did a good job of getting Randy Orton over as a face. He wins the match with an RKO to Dibiase. RATING: ***Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Jack Swagger vs. Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Evan Bourne vs. Matt Hardy vs. Kane vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. MVP - With 10 people, this match is of course, very spotty, but still lots of fun. Everyone got to shine as usual, even the newer talent such as McInyre, Ziggler, and Bourne. Jack Swagger wins the briefcase. Dumb move. RATING: ***3/4Triple H vs. Sheamus - This was actually a pretty good "veteran vs. newcomer" match. The two put on a nice brawl, and it made Sheamus look strong even through defeat. Triple H wins with a Pedigree out of nowhere. RATING: ***1/4Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk - This was a very good match that definitely would have been a classic if it were maybe twice as long. Rey and Punk always have solid matches, and this is no exception. Rey Mysterio wins with the 619. RATNG: ***1/2No Holds Barred Match: Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon - I don't think I can rate this. This was more of an angle than a match, and it served its purpose. Bret Hart wins. RATING: N/AWorld Heavyweight Championship Match: Chris Jericho (c) vs. Edge - This was a very well-wrestled match with some good psychology and storytelling. They did some good drama toward the end. Chris Jericho retains the Championship by cheating, but Edge spears him through the barricade afterwards. RATING: ***3/4WWE Championship Match: Batista (c) vs. John Cena - I thought this was a great match. It was a nice fast-paced powerhouse match, and they did some really good near-falls. Cena and Batista work surprisingly well together. John Cena wins the Championship with the STF. RATING: **** Streak vs. Career Match: The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels - Not as good as their previous match, but still another classic between the two. The emotion in this match is unreal, and it was nice they made this the main event. The Undertaker wins again with a 3rd Tombstone, ending Shawn Michaels' legendary career. THANK YOU HBK. RATING: ****3/4 With a match that fittingly caps off HBK's career and a number of other quality matches, this show is well worth checking out.RATING: B+
wrestlingsitewebmaster Two matches in this reviewer's opinion saved Wrestlemania, John Cena and Batista and The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels were first class efforts.However let's get the bad out of the way first. Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon was a terrible match and the storyline were Bret screwed Vince with his family was really lame not to mention confusing. I know Hart had a stroke in 2002 and hasn't wrestle in 11 years, but I nearly fell asleep during this erm match. Fans popped when Hart locked on the sharpshooter the first time, but they gave up when Hart began teasing using the move on McMahon, they couldn't be bothered and I didn't blame them. Fans did cheer when Hart won but I think they cheered because the colossal bore ended and they were relieved.The 10 diva tag match was a shambles. Which road agent was in charge of this match? Having Vicky Guerrero perform a 'frog splash' off the top rope on Kelly Kelly was pathetic and she even botched that as well! This reviewer would have preferred to see a match between Beth Phoenix and Gail Kim vs Michelle McCool and Layla.The Money in the Bank Ladder Match had far too many participants (10), ideally 6 would have had been enough and it felt overly rehearsed. It did have it's moment's for instance such as Matt Hardy hip tossing Evan Bourne off the top of the ladder, Kane choke slamming Dolp Ziggler on the ladder and Kofi Kingston using the ladder as stilts. However I feel the WWE picked the wrong superstar to win. It wasn't long ago Jack Swagger was feuding with the comical Santino Marella on Superstars, it's way too soon to put the belt on him and as I write this he cashed in his briefcase from Chris Jericho and won the World title. Winner should've been Christian.And the Unified Tag Team title match pitting defending champion's The Miz and Big Show against R Truth and John Morrison was met by silence from the fans in Glendale, Arizona and get this, fans cheered Miz and Show when they won.But Wrestlemania had it's bright moments as well, The CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio was very good, would have been even better if it was allocated 5 more minutes, Chris Jericho vs Edge was a good match even though some fans cheered Jericho, Randy Orton vs Ted DiBiase vs Cody Rhodes was a cool match (fans have caught on to the Orton face turn) and in a shocker Triple H carried Sheamus to a decent match! The real gems are mentioned on the top of this piece. After months of stellar promo's on Raw, John Cena and Batista had a great match surprisingly which ended when Batista tapped to Cena's STF which unfortunately looked terrible on Batista, Cena was obviously not applying any pressure and his arms were not clearly touching his chin/neck.And The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels had another classic match. The whole HBK stuff was awesome when he done the throat sign to the Taker, the look on his face was priceless and the tombstone was great at the end. I just can't believe that Michaels won't wrestle ever again but after watching this match I can safely say Mark Calaway and Michael Hickenbottom are the 2 best performers ever in the history of the WWF/WWE.Overall grade - A-
ricky_says_hi well this was the first Mania i've watched live and i was impressed but thanks to a couple of stinkers that some people should be slapped for putting on the card, it can't beat 19 for best Mania ever.1) Unified Tag Team titles - ShowMiz* vs R-Truth and Morrison: last year you bump them for Kid Rock, now you restrict them to only 3 whole minutes? if this was a sign the divas were going to have no hope i don't know what else is. it starts to get good with a lot of nice double team moves from Truth and Morrison but Big Show clocks Morrison with a sucker punch to retain. it should have been given at least four more minutes. that was a TV quality match on PPV. 5/102) Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes vs Ted DiBiase: well nothing to wow technical wrestling buffs but some good storytelling that i enjoyed as Randy has to fight off his former team mates. Rhodes and DiBiase finally turn on each other before Randy punt kicks Rhodes and lands an RKO on DiBiase to get the pin. i think he is most definitely face now. 6/10backstage Josh Matthews interviews Vickie Guerrero and the other heel divas who bring Jillian to sing "You're Simply the Best". Santino pimps Slim Jim and Jillian turns into Mae Young, who turns into Mean Gene who turns in MELINA!! she smiles and says "anything's possible"3) Money in the Bank - Kofi Kingston, MVP, Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, Kane, Drew McIntyre, Shelton Benjamin, Matt Hardy, Dolph Ziggler, Christian: wow first 10 man money in the bank match and pretty good once it got going. Evan landed Air Bourne off the ladder to get a chant, McIntyre gets crotched on the ropes when Kane pushes him off. Swagger gets caught under one ladder while Christian and Matt Hardy shove other ladders at him from both sides. Kane tore a ladder in two and Kofi used it as stilts but didn't get the briefcase. in the end Swagger knocks Christian off to grab the briefcase after an eternity. 8/10the hall of fame inductees come out with Stu Hart represented by his family, Gorgeous George by his 97-year-old widow and Wendi Richter looks stunning, saying "girls just wanna have fun" again4) Triple H vs Sheamus: another great match that i was really into. it first seemed like a squash but once Sheamus got offence in i really warmed to it and was thinking he might pull this off but HHH finally lays him out with a pedigree. Sheamus was made to look good and this match could help his career. 6/105) CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio: if Rey loses he joins Punk's faction but he fights back immediately with his whole array of high flying moves. the match is brilliant and fast paced from the get go and ends great. Serena blocks a 619, Rey counters a Go-to-Sleep to knock Luke Gallows off the apron and splashes Punk to get the win. 7/106) Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon: well this was historic anyway but it just dragged out. Vince brings out the Hart family as lumberjacks and Bruce Hart is the ref. Bret turns the tables and says he knew all about it. he pounds on Vince for about ten minutes, allowing the Hart Dynasty to do stuff (Striker has the best line when Natalya slaps Vince, "best of luck in your future endeavors, Natalya"). Bret teases the sharpshooter three times before finally locking it in and Vince taps out. the extra time not needed for this could have been added onto the tag match or the diva match. 2/107) World Heavyweight title match - Edge vs Chris Jericho*:the Royal Rumble winner is this early? oh well it was still bloody brilliant with the crowd backing both men despite Jericho's unlikeable heel character. plenty of near falls and excellent moves but Jericho gets the win with a codebreaker. afterwards Edge spears him off the announce table through the crowd barrier, getting a mixed reaction. 7/108) 10 diva tag match - Vickie Guerrero, Team LayCool, Maryse, Alicia Fox vs Beth Phoenix, Eve, Gail Kim, Kelly Kelly, Mickie James: basically all divas hit their finishers until Gail botches hers slightly and Eve doesn't even do her finisher. Vickie lands a horrendous frog splash and pins Kelly, having to do it twice after the first awful pin. first we get Ashley and Melina stinking up the ring, then a match revolving around a Playboy cover, then Santino dressing in drag and now this. the year you induct Wendi Richter in the HOF you pull a stunt like this. someone needs to be fired over this. 3/109) WWE title match - John Cena vs Batista*: Cena has an Air Force guard to help him with his entrance but last year's was so much better. decent action for about fifteen minutes with some nice back and forth action. in the end after several reversals Cena plants Batista with the FU to give us a feel good moment at Mania. 6/1010) Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels: epic match from start to finish but Undertaker lands a hard tombstone to pin HBK and end his career. he celebrates with the fans first before leaving for good. 9/10