WWE WrestleMania 21
WWE WrestleMania 21
| 03 April 2005 (USA)
WWE WrestleMania 21 Trailers

WrestleMania 21 was the twenty-first annual WrestleManiaPPV. It was presented by Snickers and took place on April 3, 2005 at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California. The main match on the Raw brand was Triple H versus Batista for the World Heavyweight Championship. The predominant match on the SmackDown brand was John "Bradshaw" Layfield versus John Cena for the WWE Championship. Another primary match was an interpromotional match between The Undertaker versus Randy Orton. The featured matches on the undercard were Kurt Angle versus Shawn Michaels and a Money in the Bank ladder match. The event also featured the return of Stone Cold Steve Austin who started his part-time appearances with WWE at this event. The event drew a Staples Center record attendance of 20,193 people and grossed more than $2.1 million in ticket sales.

Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
GazerRise Fantastic!
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Owen Ogletree This show, in my opinion, is an improvement over WM 20. It had a more consistent card from top to bottom and a lot of great stuff, including one all-time classic match.Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero - Though it can't touch their classic from Halloween Havoc 1997, this was a very good match and a great way to start the show with its fast action and high-flying maneuvers. Rey Mysterio wins with a Hurricanerana. RATING: ***1/2Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Edge vs. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Kane vs. Christian - The first MITB match, and arguably the best. The spots are innovative and the top-notch storytelling makes this more than just a spot-fest. Edge wins the briefcase. RATING: ****1/4Legend vs. Legend Killer: The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton - This is a very exciting match. Randy Orton was a worthy opponent to the Undertaker, and the Undertaker proved that he still had it. The Chokeslam countered into an RKO was memorable. The Undertaker wins with a Tombstone. RATING: **** Interpromotional Match: Shawn Michaels (Raw) vs. Kurt Angle (Smackdown) - Words cannot describe the greatness of this match. Two of the greatest athletes of all time put on a clinic in every way. The wrestling was perfect from bell to bell and the false finishes are some of the most dramatic you will ever see. Simply flawless. Kurt Angle wins with the Ankle Lock. RATING: *****WWE Championship Match: JBL (c) vs. John Cena - This match was decent for what it was. JBL had most of the offense in the match, but Cena held his own. John Cena's title win was what mattered. He wins it with an FU. RATING: **1/2World Heavyweight Championship match: Triple H (c) vs. Batista - Nothing too special, but still a good brawl and a fine ending to the show. Batista hadn't hit his prime yet, but Triple H carried him pretty well. Batista wins the Championship with a Batista Bomb. RATING: ***1/2 A great show that all wrestling fans should check out. HBK/Angle must be seen.RATING: A-
yj002004 Rey Mysterio def. Eddie Guerrero Tag Team champions battled it out in an entertaining opener which got the crowd going. Great match but it could have been better and they deserved longer. Also there was one seriously botched move. Also Rey was adjusting his mask every minute which did get annoying. MATCH SCORE - (out of 10) 7Edge def. Chris Benoit, Shelton Benjamin, Christian, Chris Jericho and Kane in a money in the bank ladder match This was the match that gave Edge his money in the bank contract and then his WWE Title at New Year's Revolution. This match was extremely entertaining. Shelton Benjamin gets my VIP of the match. MATCH SCORE - 9SEGMENT - Eugene came out and spoke about midgets for a while before being interrupted by Muhammad Hassan and Daivari. Hassan then spoke about not having a match and not being able to have a Wrestlemania moment. He then said he was going to make one. Hassan and Daivari started beating up Eugene then Hassan applied the camel clutch on Eugene before HULK HOGAN came to the ring and beat up Hassan and Daivari. Nice segment. SEGMENT SCORE - 7.5Undertaker def. Randy Orton Better than expected match. Both men did a great job and the run in of "Cowboy" Bob Orton worked well. Undertaker won and improved his Wrestlemania record to 13-0 MATCH SCORE - 8Trish Stratus def. Christy Hemme to retain the Womens Championship Trish tried hard to make this match good but it didn't work. Luckily it didn't last long. I don't think anyone was paying attention to the wrestling, rather the divas themselves. MATCH SCORE - 5Kurt Angle def. Shawn Michaels Match of the night. What a great match. MATCH SCORE - 9.5PIPER'S PIT WITH SPECIAL GUEST STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN Austin and Piper argued. Carlito came and trash talked both of them. He then attacked Piper, Austin laughes then helped Piper. The predictably Austin stunned Carlito, drank beer with Piper and the Stunned Piper as well. SEGMENT SCORE - 7Akebono def. Big Show in a Sumo Match What a great sumo match. This was so cool to watch. NOT. This was pure crap and what was so far a great pay per view go down a level. MATCH SCORE - 1John Cena def. JBL to win the WWE Championship This match was okay. Cena won. It's funny because when Cena won the crowd went nuts, when he lost the title to Edge the crowd went nuts and there was no heel turn. MATCH SCORE - 6Batista def. Triple H to win the World Heavyweight Championship Triple H carried Batista well here. This match was good. MATCH SCORE - 7TOTAL SCORE - 60/10GRADE - B
Ikepoiyen668894 In terms of a wrestlemania this scores an average 6 out of 10 even though Cena won title(I'm A HUGE CENA FAN)In terms of a pay per view in the year 2005 it was probably one of the stronger ones. heres a rundown MATCH ORDER MITE BE A BIT WRONG1. Rey Mysterio Vs Eddie Guerrero6.5/10 Would have been a great match if not for mysterio and his mask he spent the whole match fiddling with his mask, but still an acceptable beginning.2. Edge Vs Benjamin Vs Jericho Vs Benoit Vs Kane Vs Christian MONEY IN THE BANK LADDER MATCH7.5/10 I have to admit i thought this match was over rated still very good but not the best ladder match you'll see...Benjamin was amazing in the match but it was far too short for my liking.3. Undertaker Vs Randy Orton7/10 Good match considering taker is finished, I'm a huge Orton fan so my analysis may be biased. Good match Bob Ortons involvement made the match better as false endings were created, Orton hits one of the best rko's your ever gonna see.4. Christy Vs Trish(WOMENS CHAMP) womens title match3/10 Both looked great, but poor match in terms of excitement and quality , christy isn't a wrestler so I'm not gonna slate her off like others choose to do ,she makes an effort which is good enough but she shouldn't be facing a legend like TRISH.5. Kurt Angle Vs Shawn Michaels9/10 This match made wrestlemania 21 ..an amazing match between the two best athletes in wwe today, angle is so good some fans even turn on hbk and back angle, which is saying something because as far as I'm concerned the Hollywood crowd were awful , they really couldn't be bothered with anything didn't help the event. anyway back to match ,great match great moves, hbk's injury selling is great as usual , bit of a surprising ending which made it even better TOP TOP MATCH!!!6. Pipers Pit AUSTIN GUEST3/10 pointless, nothing meaningful said..carlito comes out ,,,crowd show there poorness again by giving Austin a dry ovation when he deserves one of high quality.7. Akebono Vs Big Show SUMO MATCH2/10 awful spent half the time wiping themselves with powder, sumo match lasted bout 4 seconds max, both r looking awfully disgusting in nappy type clothing.8. JOHN CENA Vs J.B.L (WWE CHAMP) WWe championship match8/10 For me ...for everyone else probably 4/10 Great match for me because cena won, but really it was awful, jbl virtually punched and kicked cena the whole way thru ,crowd didn't help by being lazy and just sitting in silence, but it was slightly understandable cus the match was so poor, anti climatic finish to not just the match but the whole rivalry. Iv seen a lot better.9. Batista Vs Triple H (WORLD CHAMP) world championship match5.5/10 I hate Batista, so seeing him win annoyed me, ridiculous match because Triple H beat the crap out of Batista for whole match but by the end with Hunter busted open made it seem like Batista had given him a real rollicking, when really triple h carried Batista the whole way through, average match seen a lot better but it was better then the JBL Cena match.
BunkhouseTito WrestleMania, live from the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California was a pretty good show but did not live up to it's tremendous hype. Some matches were pretty bad while others were surprisingly good along with one Match Of The Year candidate. Usually, WrestleMania not only features matches that are built up and you want to see, but also surprise appearances and celebrity guests. This one featured very little extras or surprises, although Hulk Hogan was involved in a nice little spot on the show with Muhammad Hassan and Daivari.Match Reviews. I'll keep them pretty short so I can fit them all on here.TAG CHAMPION VS TAG CHAMPION Rey Mysterio vs Eddie Guerrero This match, although very good, was highly disappointing. They seemed a little nervous, which is surprising because of the fact that Eddie was in the co-main event last year and came through with flying colors. Some good spots and some great moves from Rey looked good, but did not compare to their Halloween Havoc '97 match. Rey Mysterio wins by pin.MONEY IN THE BANK LADDER MATCH Edge vs Shelton Benjamin vs Kane vs Chris Benoit vs Chris Jericho vs Christian This was a pretty good match. Insane moves were sprinkled through the match but due to the over abundance of wrestlers involved in this match, this led to a lot of over selling, especially by the monster, Kane. Overall, an entertaining match. Edge wins by grabbing the briefcase.LEGEND VS LEGEND KILLER Undertaker vs Randy Orton This match was much better than expected. Surprising, Undertaker can still put on a decent match. After some interference from Bob Orton Jr., who was recently inducted into the Hall Of Fame, Undertaker came back to keep his Wrestlemania streak intact at 13-0.WWE WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP Trish Stratus (C) vs Christy Hemme Pretty bad, even for the girls. Mostly due to Christy's inexperience I'm sure but I still enjoyed it. Stratus wins by pin.INTERPROMOTIONAL MATCH Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels This was the match that saved the show. It went about 25 minutes and it told a great story. All of their finishing moves were used and ended up stealing the show. The only thing that compares was the Piper's Pit with Steve Austin. Austin wins by submission.SUMO MATCH Akebono vs The Big Show Another horrible match which was all gimmick and hardly any entertainment. Basically, the same sumo matches Yokozuna used to do. Akebono wins to keep Big Show's WrestleMania streak intact at 0-6.WWE CHAMPIONSHIP John Cena vs JBL (C) Pretty basic match. The crowd was not really into this one. I think everyone knew who was winning and were just waiting for Cena to pin JBL. Big pop for Cena afterward. It was pretty cool seeing Cena win his first World Title.WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Batista vs Triple H (C) This was kept pretty short for the main event. Triple H carried Batista pretty well. Not much special here except for seeing Batista win his first World Title. Big pop for Batista afterward as well as he soaked up the cheers afterward.A show with this kind of hype pumped into it has little chance of living up to it. It was decent, but as I mentioned before, the only thing that I considered "WrestleMania worthy" was Angle vs Michaels and Piper's Pit. I give the show 7/10.