WWE WrestleMania XXVII
WWE WrestleMania XXVII
PG-13 | 02 April 2011 (USA)
WWE WrestleMania XXVII Trailers

The Rock returns home to be The World’s Most Electrifying Host of WrestleMania XXVII from Atlanta, GA. The Great One will lay the SmackDown on all of the pomp and festivities that makes WrestleMania the world’s greatest, annual pop culture extravaganza. John Cena looks to dethrone the self-proclaimed “most must see WWE champion in history” the Miz. Undertaker’s legendary 18-0 WrestleMania winning streak has never been in greater peril when Triple H challenges the Phenom. Alberto Del Rio looks to fulfill his destiny and take Edge’s World Heavyweight Championship. A bitter and personal rivalry comes to a head when Randy Orton battles CM Punk.. All this and more when the Superstars of WWE invade the Georgia Dome for WrestleMania XXVII.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Owen Ogletree This show was very disappointing. There were a few good matches and one great match, but this show under-delivered as a WrestleMania. The main event was the biggest thing that brought the show down.World Heavyweight Championship Match: Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio - It was questionable to open the show with a world title match. However, they still managed to put on a really good match for the time they got. It had good psychology with Del Rio working on the arm. This match was a fitting end to Edge's career. The post-match was awesome, too. Edge retains with a Spear. RATING: ***1/2Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes - This match was better than expected. I'm not a fan of this feud, but they always had good chemistry in the ring. The match was well-paced and well-wrestled with the right man going over to continue the storyline. Cody Rhodes wins with a Crossrhodes. RATING: ***1/4The Big Show, Kane, Santino Marella, and Kofi Kingston vs. The Corre - The match was only 90 seconds long. It was really just a segment to kill time on the show. The face team gets the win with Big Show's Knockout Punch. RATING: N/ARandy Orton vs. CM Punk - The match had great build-up. This was a good match with some nice intensity and good leg psychology. However, it was a little slow for my liking. Randy Orton wins with an RKO in mid-air. RATING: ***Michael Cole vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin as the Special Guest Referee - This was a horrible, unfunny, and most of all, pointless segment. It WAY overstayed its welcome and served no purpose at all. Michael Cole wins by Disqualification. Yawn. RATING: DUDNo Holds Barred Match: The Undertaker vs. Triple H - Not as good as their HIAC match the following year, but still a classic, brutal brawl. They simply beat the tar out of each other, and the finishing sequence was very dramatic. Easily the best match on the show. The Undertaker goes 19-0 with the Hell's Gate. RATING: ****1/4John Morrison, Trish Stratus, and Nicole Polizzi vs. Dolph Ziggler and LayCool - This is yet another pointless segment. However, it was kind of fun to watch. Seeing Trish again was cool, and Snookie had some good moves. The faces win the match. RATING: ***(for entertainment)WWE Championship Match: The Miz (c) vs. John Cena - The Miz's title reign was a complete joke, and this match is an embodiment of why. The match itself was slow and boring with not much happening, and the finish just killed it. The Rock interferes in the match, letting The Miz to get the win only to give The Miz a People's Elbow afterward. Completely disgraceful to the Championship and a horrible ending to a WrestleMania. RATING: *1/2Following a string of WrestleManias ranging from really good to great that started with WM 19, this show is definitely a disappointment. A debacle of a main event and too many pointless segments keep the show from being anything great. HHH/Taker is the only WrestleMania-worthy match on here.RATING: C+
ironhorse_iv Honestly, you would think of a Wrestlemania where the Rock AKA Dwayne Johnson is hosting would be awesome, but sadly this Pay Per View from WWE wasn't that good. WrestleMania XXVII was just disappointing. I sat through the show when it aired live on April 3, 2011, and its replay value is hard to watch again. There is a lot of reasons why this show didn't live up to the hype. First off, you got the Rock performing as a guest host rather than wrestling. I know, they (WWE), at the time didn't want the Rock to wrestle, because just in case, if he get injury that might ruin his Hollywood run. After all, he was just back to wrestling to help promote, 2011's Fast Five. Indeed, after Wrestlemania 27, he was gone for another year, until 2012 to promote 2013's G.I. Joe: Retaliation. At less, in Wrestlemania 28 & 29, he help made the show way better, by risking his movie career by wrestling. As a wrestling fan, I think most fans would take the Rock wrestling in the ring over anything else. Unlike other Attitude Era wrestlers who left the WWE and came back for guest hosts. The Rock has always been athletic enough to return to the ring. While, the Rock is great on the mic and continue to electrifying audiences with his one-of-a-kind verbal talents. Most of his promos, were just old "Fruity Pebbles" jokes at Cena, kissing grandma joke, meeting Pee Wee Herman and running through his catchphrases. Seriously, over ten minutes were wasted on Rock speaking. He can't carry the whole show, just doing this. Another reason why the PPV suck. The scheduled United States Championship bout between Sheamus and Daniel Bryan was bumped to the pre-show due to time constraints. Both are great athletes and deserve a spot on the card. Both would get a spot, next year for the World Championship, but it was just an 18 second match. It wasn't until Wrestlemania 30, that the most popular wrestler got a real one on one match. 10 minutes in the PPV and the show finally gets a match. Edge defends the World Heavyweight Championship against Alberto Del Rio. Without spoiling it, the match was just alright. Still, it's odd to see the World title defended so early on the card. Sadly, this would be Edge's final match, as he would be forced to retire a week later, due to a wealth of spinal injuries during his career. The next match had lot of build to it, Cody Rhodes VS Rey Mysterio. It was one of my favorite storyline of the year. Mysterio injure Rhodes' face with his knee-brace, a year earlier. As a result, Rhodes' self-esteem took a downturn, as he began to wear a face shield. The match live up the build. Then the show got bad fillers. I just can't stand the awful singing contest hosted by Snoop Dogg. The next match was Big Show, Kane, Kofi Kingston, and Santino Marella vs. The Corre. It was short and boring. What a disappointment because Wade Barrett was then Intercontinental Champion & Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel was then Tag Team Champions and Ezekiel Jackson was then ECW Championship and they only got 1 minute and 34 second match. Lame! The next match, CM Punk and Randy Orton put on a damn fine match. Still, it was forgettable. The Hall of Fame class wasn't forgettable, as the class made out of Shawn Michaels, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Sunny, The Road Warriors, Paul Ellering, Abdullah the Butcher, and Bullet Bob Armstrong was great. Still, why is Drew Carey in this!? A two minute cameo in the 2001 Royal Rumble is Hall of Fame's material. Whatever! The next match shouldn't be on the card. Michael Cole VS Jerry Lawler. Yes, an announcer vs an ex-wrestler at Wrestlemania. What on earth, were WWE thinking? Awful match with a horrible ending. The next match is Undertaker VS Triple H. Honestly, I thought this was pretty OK match, as Triple H was seeking revenge for Undertaker retiring HBK, the previous year, Wrestlemania and help him, the next year, Hell in the Cell match. Still, the match here didn't live up to their previous match at 2001's Wrestlemania X7. The match is most famous for both wrestlers get fined for hitting each other in the head with a chair. Another reason why this show really suck is because they had the lovely Trish Stratus return from retirement to have her team with a disrespectful John Morrison and B-List celeb skunk Snooki from MTV Jersey Shore to fight Dolph Ziggler, Michelle McCool, and Layla. It was short, and just not watchable. The main event really wasn't great as The Miz defend the WWE Championship against John Cena. Honestly, the Miz at the time wasn't really ready for this role, and this match proves that. John Cena continue to get mixed reaction with fans. Overall, the match was rushed and generic. The Miz even injury himself with a concussion, half way in. Originally, the match ended in a double count out, which is pretty horrible to end the show, but the match restarted so fans don't end up hating the show. In the end, most fans left unhappy as the show ended with the heel winning the main bout. Who does that!?! This isn't Wrestlemania 2000 with a crowd of 18,034. This crowd is 71,617, and you screw them over with no happy ending. At less, in Wrestlemania X7 made sense, because Steve Austin turn heel in his home state. This doesn't make any sense. Overall: One of the worst PPVs of the Modern era. At less, it's not 1995's Wrestlemania 11.
leplatypus The previous year (see Wrestlemania XXVI), i explained how and why I was hooked to the WWE shows. Today, with this special number in my reviews, I will explain why i can no more watch them.1) This was the kid's biggest hobby and it was great to share it with him. As the kid is no more there, my interest gets also flat.2) As soon as we started watching the show, our best wrestlers disappear: Batista, Undertaker, Ray Mysterio (injured), CM Punk (injured): hence, for long weeks, i got only Cenna and Big Show and it was a bit boring.3) This year, the production tries ultra-violence as plot and it was awful for a fair-play man like me: watching Nexus or Swagger deliberately hurting opponents is shocking.4) The production proudly announces it's a TV show (among the oldest): thus that means it's nothing about sports, the wins or losses are all scripted so i feel taken as an dummy. 5) In France, they change the schedule: before, it was Friday and Saturday, now they put Smackdown and Raw the same night so watching more than 3 hours of WWE is simply too much.I could have concluded it gives me now more time to watch my favorite sport: basketball. But as my idol left the game this year (ah, Zen-Master !), well, i watch now a blank TV !
namashi_1 As a Kid, I only had two passions: Movies & WWF. Movies are still my priority. As for WWE, I sometimes wondered why I enjoy it so much. Actually, my main reason to watch this entertaining sport, was... The Rock.The Rock was my childhood hero. I love him till now. And in 'Wrestle Mania 27', he made a return to WWE and Hosted this Gargantuan Event. Like always, Rocky once again proved that he is still the Most Electrifying Guy in Sports Entertainment.As an event, I really enjoyed this one. Triple H vs Undertaker was one heck of a match. Though Taker was the winner, as expected, considering his unbeatable Wrestle Mania streak, I really was amazed with Triple H's energy. I am a huge Triple H buff, and after WM 27, I have just become a bigger fan. This was the best match of the event, hands down!In other highlights, Cena Losing to The Miz for the WWE Championship, was a surprise. Also, Rock's appearance during the match was unexpected. Edge's Victory was spontaneous, while watching Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi, doing some stunts seemed weird.Another match that was very-nicely executed, was, probably, the dark horse. King vs Michael Cole. This match, worked, mainly, because of Austin. Austin was truly fun to watch, as always. Orton vs CM Punk was a good match too, with Orton taking a long-awaited win for himself.On the whole, This Was Fun!