WWE WrestleMania XXIV
WWE WrestleMania XXIV
| 30 March 2008 (USA)
WWE WrestleMania XXIV Trailers

WrestleMania XXIV was the twenty-fourth annual WrestleMania PPV. The event took place on March 30, 2008, at the Citrus Bowl in Orlando. The first main event was a Singles match from the SmackDown brand that featured The Undertaker challenging World Heavyweight Champion Edge for the title. The second was a Triple Threat match from the Raw brand, in which WWE Champion Randy Orton defended against challengers Triple H and John Cena. The third was a singles match featuring ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero defending against Kane. Other matches include a No DQ match with Floyd Mayweather Jr. fighting The Big Show, a Money in the Bank ladder match with Carlito, Shelton Benjamin, MVP, CM Punk, Mr. Kennedy, Jericho, and John Morrison, and a retirement match between Shawn Michaels & Ric Flair.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Owen Ogletree This was a superb show with some great matches, a real WrestleMania atmosphere, and plenty of surprises as well.Belfast Brawl: JBL vs. Finlay - This was an okay match. It was pretty much everything you'd expect from these guys. JBL wins with a Clothesline from Hell. RATING: **2/3Money In The Bank Ladder Match: CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. MVP vs. Carlito vs. John Morrison vs. Mr. Kennedy - This is probably the second best MITB match after the original, in my opinion. The spots are as fun and exciting as ever, with the highlight being John Morrison's Moonsault. CM Punk wins the briefcase. RATING: ****Battle for Brand Supremacy Match: Batista (Smackdown) vs. Umaga (Raw) - Another boring big man match. Yawn. Batista wins. RATING: *3/4ECW Championship Match: Chavo Guerrero (c) vs. Kane - An 8 minute squash match with Kane winning the Championship. RATING: N/ACareer Threatening Match: Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels - This is an excellent match, but I do find it overrated. This was a great technical match with plenty of emotion, but I don't think it was the match of the year or even match of the night. It's mostly about the occasion. Shawn Michaels puts Flair away with a Superkick, ending one of the greatest wrestling careers of all time. RATING: ****Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship: Randy Orton (c) vs. John Cena vs. Triple H - It didn't go quite as long as some would have liked, but this was still a very good match. They pretty much kept the action going the entire time and the double cross-body was memorable. The ending was also a surprise at the time. Randy Orton retains his Championship. RATING: ***3/4No Disqualification Match: The Big Show vs. Floyd Mayweather Jr. - The entertainment spectacle of the night, fun to watch while it lasted. Floyd Mayweather wins. RATING: ***World Heavyweight Championship Match: Edge (c) vs. The Undertaker - In my opinion, this was the match of the night and the best WM main event since the WM 20 triple threat. Edge really proved to be a true main eventer in a clinic against the Undertaker where he pushed the dead man to his limits. One of both men's best for sure. The Undertaker wins the Championship and keeps his streak intact with the Hell's Gate. RATING: ****1/2This is on par with WM 21. One of the better Wrestlemanias for sure and a great show overall that wrestling fans must see.RATING: A-
Lula-25 This years wrestlemania was better than last years but only slightly. JBL vs. Finlay Belfast Brawl. This was the opening bout and it had its moments,Finlay getting hit with a trash can can lid in mid air was the highlight of the match. But for a hardcore match it was too short and had JBL winning which really sucked. 5/10 Money in the Bank Ladder match. A great ladder match with an unexpected return of Matt Hardy who delivers a Twist of Fate to MVP of the top of a ladder. 9/10 Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels This match was actually better than I expected and it was also Ric Flairs last match as HBK defeated Flair and ended his carrer.8/10 BunnyMania match. Nothing special but it does provide some eye candy which all the divas are anyway.5/10 Big Show vs Floyd "money" Marywether.This match was funnier than entertaining and had Marywether beating Big Show with a punch full of brass knuckles. 6/10 John Cena vs HHH vs Randy Orton WWE championship match. This match had promise,it was all going good until it suddenly came to a short end. What I thought would be and epic battle instead ended with Orton retaining the title. I hated that. 4/10 Edge vs Unertaker World Heavywhieght Championship match There's only one thing to say 16-0 10/10
him318 This wrestlemania went well not as exciting and hyped as i thought it was going to be but it did prove some surprises.Match 1.24 man battle royal went OK could of been more exciting but then again it was a dark match.Winner Kane Match 2 (Start of the show).We had Finlay face John Bradshaw Layfield in a Belfast brawl could of been more exciting.Winner JBL Match 3.This years money in the bank went off well we had some guys who have been there before and some new ones,John Morrison did a excellent moonsault of the top rope with a ladder in his hands we had a lot of ladder fight and Shelton Benjamin had a nasty fall through a ladder,MVP almost won it but we had a Hardy 1.0 appear and Twisted MVP's dreams of winning it down the drain,It finally came down to Chris Jericho(I'am a jericho fan)and Cm Punk Y2J came close but Cm Punk caused y2J to get hung up in the ladder allowing Him to capture the briefcase and the contract for a championship anytime anywhere.Winner Cm Punk.Match 4.This battle for brand supremacy went OK could of been better but the match was fast paced for some reason i thought there were gonna be some table bombings overall Batista finishes it with The Batista Bomb.Winner BatistaMatch 5.SQUASH MATCH need i say more chavo went down after a 1-2-3 in 9 seconds from a choke slam about time Kane its been 6 years since you won a singles belt now don't lose it in one day just like you did to Austin.Winner Kane New ECW ChampionMatch 6.This is the match i was waiting for i had an idea who was gonna win but Flair was the best wrestler ever in my opinion but he went down without a fight, It was a well fought match and was the true main event. I was put to tears at the end HBK wins by SCM if you don't know what SCM means you haven't been around for long.Winner HBKMatch 7.I watched it and found it exciting and fun the diva's hot as always and a good match, The crew had a malfunction with the lights and had to use a another source of light so the crowd could see. Although Maria and Ashley lost,Santino got a trip down snoop dog lane after a clothesline from the rapper and then to top it off Snoop gave maria a smooch for putting on a show and santino got reported out the arena hopefully to the nearest Asylum.Winners Melina And WC:Beth PhonenixMatch 8.Why this wasn't the main event well the title change no hands the match teased who was gonna win around between john cena and triple h but overall the opportunist Orton stole the win and retained after triple h scored a pedigree and got a congratulations from Orton by getting punted in the head.Winner OrtonMatch 9.It was OK although may weather didn't take much of a beating his handlers took the most beatings may weather wins it and leaves with out any broken bones although i believes brass knuckles would knock someone out,Sorda like deja vu when cena knocked big show at WM 20.Winner Floyd may weatherMatch 10.Well Streak vs Streak Edge vs Undertaker it went OK and the match was well enough for me but the edge heads should of gotten involved earlier but undertaker wins it by putting edge in the horrifying submission winning the Big Gold Belt.winner undertaker 16-0 BABYOverall this wrestlemania had a good show could of done better but good. 7 out of 10
KillerK1991 Most the matches on the card were solid. Most ended up being a lot better than I though they were. There was really only one mediocre match that was thankfully short.The results were as follows: 1. The Undertaker def. World Heavyweight Champion Edge (New Champion)- Great way to end the show. Edge put on one hell of a performance. He dominated the contest. He may have came up short, but he went out a fighting champion, redeeming his other hilariously cheap wins. Undertaker delivered as well, refusing to show any signs of age hindering his step. I can see both main eventing Wrestlemanias for their respective brands for years to come.(5/5)2. Floyd "Money" Mayweather def. Big Show (Knockout)- This surprisingly lived up to the hype(or lack thereof), and delivered one of the most entertaining contests in Wrestlemania history. Big Show has really stepped up his game. Mayweather should stick around a while longer-he makes a great heel.(4.5/5)3. Triple Threat Match: Randy Orton def. John Cena and Triple H (Orton retains WWE Title)- The best result of the night. It's very refreshing to see WWE pull a wild card. Like him or not, Orton needed this win a 100x more than HHH and Cena.(4/5)4. Beth Phoenix & Melina def. Ashley & Maria in the BunnyMania Lumberjack Match- This shocked me the most. The divas actually put on a good match for once. Ashley and Melina remind me of Lita and Trish, and should feud for the title sooner rather than later.(3.5/5)5. Kane def. ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero (New Champion)- About time Kane had his moment in the sun. A very brief moment I might add...(3/5)6. SmackDown vs. Raw: Batista def. Umaga- The worst match of the night, they needed to spice it up quite a bit by making it a cage match or something. I wasn't interested at all.(2/5)7. Shawn Michaels def. Ric Flair (Career Threatening Match)- Unsurprisingly, they put on a clinic. Michaels, seemingly motivated by Flair's "moonsalt" comment the night before managed to deliver quite a few, including a crazy lionsalt from the outside apron through a table. Unfortunately they decided to end it with an incredibly cheesy ending, but at least they gave Flair the dignity of essentially putting himself away.(4/5) 8. CM Punk wins the Money in the Bank Ladder Match- Highlights of this thriller involved Morrison's laddersalt outside the ring, the Sunset Flip-Superplex-Bomb off the ladder delivered by Kennedy and Shelton, and Matt Hardy's somewhat predictable return. Jericho seemed poised to win but got his foot caught in the ladder by Punk in a moment reminiscent of Razor Ramon/HBK's finale years back.(5/5)9. JBL def. Finlay in a Belfast Brawl This match was okay. It was well placed at the beginning of the show and it was over quick, which was probably for the best considering the competitors(Though JBL's entertaining) and little that was at stake.(3/5)In short:Best Match: Edge vs Taker(Classic)Worst Match: Batista vs Umaga(Boring) Best Result: Orton Winning.(Refreshing)Worst Result: Mayweather winning.(Predictable)Overall: 9.5/10