National Lampoon's The Legend of Awesomest Maximus
National Lampoon's The Legend of Awesomest Maximus
R | 05 August 2011 (USA)
National Lampoon's The Legend of Awesomest Maximus Trailers

A clueless Trojan general must meet an unbeatable Greek warrior on the battlefield.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
rfant01 While watching it I was a little put off by the non-historic mix of 300 & Troy - but knowing its N.L. I didn't expect a historical documentary, unlike 300 and Troy with their stupid Kung Fu Hoplites in skirts (if your going to do a Kung Fu movie do it & don't pretend it in ancient Europe! unless it tongue in cheek) which this makes fun of). Put history aside & the jokes were funny. The acting is great. The cinematography is good. The girls are hot. What more do you need? (unless you a pretentious snob - then what are you doing watching N.L.?) The last scene puts it all in prospective (won't spoil it for you it just makes it all make sense). great spoof movie with a great reason for the spoofs (& deserving targets)!
dstahl-494-145347 The Legend of Awesomest Maxiumus is a faithful recollection of the times of the Romans. From the inherent accuracy of the armors and actions of the characters to the way they speak and the gestures they use, it's a beautiful film which I recommend to any culture class or Latin class as a history lesson. Keep in mind, however, that the other reviewers find this as a spoof due to incorrect information spread by the internet about the Romans. This results in some misinterpretation of the intent of this film. The National Lampoon is not only a comedy film making name, but also one of historical significance in the fields of archaeology and historic research. So before you go into a class thinking that Romans were uncouth, arrogant, or at all incapable of providing thought into anything they say, make sure that you watch this movie. It'll set you straight.
Targ Targer Hailed as an instant classic by some sponsored posts here, this movie does not deliver. If you - like I did - had the Lampoon franchise in good memory, thinking of the Vacation and Christmas movies (the first ones always being better than than the later ones), this will disappoint.Production value: Most scenes are filmed on beaches and/or with lots of sky above. Acting is far below average.The humor is geared towards ten to thirteen year olds and it's far worse than the usual fare for that age group.Stay away if you want to be amused (and are not eleven).And, completing my ten lines here, I would not have written if this movie hadn't been so utterly disappointing.Watch 'Vacation' if you need to laugh.
josua-1989 Don't waste your time on this. I thought that maybe because this is a Lampoon movie it would be at least funny and watchable. Boy was i wrong.The jokes are REALLY lame, it does parody some of the scenes from troy and 300 but it's mostly done with no taste and could have been done so much better.Ultimately if you are into the normal toilet humor and sex jokes then this will maybe entertain you. But even as a parody movie it totally blows.To think that they are the people who once made Animal House. It's a total disgrace how bad this is.
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