Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters
PG | 07 August 2013 (USA)
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters Trailers

In their quest to confront the ultimate evil, Percy and his friends battle swarms of mythical creatures to find the mythical Golden Fleece and to stop an ancient evil from rising.

Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
twilightshadows-428-400303 Watched recently with my daughter who is a huge fan of the books. She had sworn she would never watch it because she was so aggravated at the first one. For some reason she decided she wanted to see how bad it was. She ranted through the entire movie. It's been a while, but I read the first series. She is rereading them so it was fresh in her mind. We both decided they rewrote almost the entire movie. Much has been covered in other reviews, so I'm going to stick mostly with what I haven't seen mentioned, 2 points of which we thought were the most aggreageous. First, how do you get the mythology wrong, in both movies? Admittedly the first movie was the more glaring. Having Persephone in the Underworld at that time of year destroys the entire myth, but this one wasn't much better. Kronos was not just evil. He swallowed his children to prevent a prophecy that one of them would overthrow him. However, he did not swallow Zeus as his wife tricked him into swallowing a stone instead. Zeus grew up in hiding and then freed his siblings from inside Kronos and then they defeated Kronos. They completely destroyed the character of Luke along with the story of the cursed blade. Luke's story is tragic and complicated, but there are 4 events that lead to his being vulnerable to Kronos, each one making him angrier and more bitter. One of them, however, is the death of Thalia, which could easily have been covered. While he does poison Thalia, he does not intend for her to die. He planned to return with the fleece and cure her once he resurrected Kronos. He believed she would join him. Note too that Kronos appears in his dreams and plays on his anger. There is some indication Kronos may even be influencing him. He also doesn't die here. Near the end he resurrects Kronos by serving as his vessel. But Luke then fights back. Eventually he sacrifices himself to prevent Kronos full return and is recognized as a hero. His last words are a plea to Percy to take care of the others like him to make sure this never happens again. The cursed blade is celestial bronze and steal molded together, so it can kill both nonhumans and humans. It's an abomination and should not exist, but is given to Luke by Kronos. He calls it Backbiter. It is not Percy's sword, and neither Percy nor Thalia is the child in the prophecy. The child is Luke, and he saves Olympus with his sacrifice. Why they changed the story I cannot fathom. It's a much more powerful story as written. I understand that changes have to be made in transferring to film, but the Harry Potter series did it and managed to not only keep the main plot and spirit of the books, but by starting with actors of the right age, also covered the entire series. Having seen that it can be done just makes the Percy movies all the more disappointing. Our only saving grace is it has been confirmed there will be no more. Maybe a few years from now Fox, who owns the film, tv, and game rights, will get a clue and redo the series properly. My daughter and I think it would make a great animated series for television. There are no limits or time pressures in animated, so they could pretty much stick to the story, treating each book as a season. Then we could all get together and burn the discs for the movies.
ajmussell There was not much improvement since the first one. Mr. D did fine, but Clarisse wasn't much like the book. 1- Myth was messed up on how Kronos. 2- The Propercy was screwed up. The curse blade was Riptide. The age was 20. 3- few happened the opposite of what happened in the book. 4- some were ridiculous. For instance, it took Percy five years to beat Kronos. It took him five minutes in the movie. So powerful Titans, huh. This is going to be to make the third one. The ending and Thalia's story were the only things right.
buffagoo I recently started reading the Percy Jackson series. It has an in-depth characteristic of each person in the book. When rick speaks of Clarisse she's a big brute, with a mean attitude. I think there was character misplacement in the movie. Clarise is a hot blonde! it doesn't make any sense. There's plenty a big brutish women out there that I'm sure could have played a better appearance role. Can you please recast the series? I know the Percy Jackson series is young; around 6 years old. But there's a lot of errors in the movies. Try again.
keshayoni Personally i think the movie isn't as bad as peoples say. I actually like how they build the camp and visualized the monsters and magic creatures. And it have a good casts list, like Nathan Fillion and Logan Lerman. And it have some of delight scenes.But as a fan of it books series, i'm disappointed with the movie. It even didn't have a similar plot. They change the whole story. The characters even have a different personality. Like Grover, he looks like a hip-hop teen who have a groove. It's like they didn't respect the book and the author for the excellent story. I now know why Rick Riordan didn't want to watch the movie and why the every fans of Percy Jackson hate it.
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