War of the Buttons
War of the Buttons
PG | 29 September 1994 (USA)
War of the Buttons Trailers

War between two Irish youth gangs consists of removing and retrieving buttons from each other's clothing.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Micransix Crappy film
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
biomosco I've really liked that movie because in it I could find many relations with the everyday life. One of them is that humans need to show to the others their capacity of dominate a group of people, a territory and the capacity of conquer more of those.Another important thing that I could notice in the movie was the necessity of revenge of humans. just like in the movie, we have to pay back the bad things that other people have made us; and sometimes that's not enough, sometimes we need that the revenge must be worse because that give us a sensation of superiority.Finally, I was completely amazed with the leaders of both groups because in spite of all the events I could see that there was something special between them, something that they wanted to express but they couldn't due to the circumstances. That happens with us every day, we don't do what we really want because we are always doing what the rest of the people do.In the end, it is a great movie; and if you want to find a deeper meaning, you must go further the images and the dialogs.
CindyMur "War of the buttons" is a story about a fighting of two gangs composed by kids. One gang is from Ballydowse and the other one is from Carrickdowse. Both gangs are headed by Fergus and Geronimo respectively.The "war" consists of cutting off their opponent's buttons as a trophy or a signal of victory during a battle.In "War of the buttons", the children shows us up an important organization as a common society even its background is still a kid's adventure from small towns.There's no need to find out a meaning in the battles or the scenes they play, well... it's not adventure acting neither... but I guess there is a simple suggestion about the roles of each person in a group of people summoned by the same purpose.The magic of childish minds into colorful places of Ireland makes a nice environment in the movie, despite of the fighting between them.However is an entertaining story about love, family, forgiveness, courage, betrayals, friendship and support; held by a cute frame of kid's brightness.I really recommend you guys to check it out if you haven't seen it.
leonne-pfeiffer I have this movie on VHS and I love it. Nobody recommended it to me, I just picked it out of the bargain bin at a blockbuster sale and I'm so glad I did. I lived in Ireland til I was 10 so I was drawn to the irish aspect.I've watched it heaps of times esp when I'm feeling down. Even my husband loves it. I think he pretended not to be interested but when the tractor was heading for Marie he jumped and yelled "NOooo Marieeee". It was hilarious! We don't have kids but when we do I hope the DVD is around so they can watch it over and over again too. Fingers Crossed Warner Brothers will get their act together.If you like this you will probably like "Into the West". It is another irish, childhood tale. I haven't seen the original french version but might try to find it.
Mustard Seed I didn't expect much from this film when I rented it. Another Improbable Hero Kid movie?The fine point of it is: No. If you run screamin' at the mention of Home Alone or Goonies, you needn't be afraid of a movie like this.The kids impart a genuine, unself-conscious mood to everything in the film, contributing in large part to its subtle and pervasive good humor. I marvelled at the creativity of the Ballydowse kids, and was at the same time satisfied that their rivals were never reduced to mindless obstacles to rouse our sympathy.As we can see the war from the kids' view, we can see its reflection in their parents, and of course, in adults everywhere. But the film keeps its subtlety here too; we're never beaten over the head with the analogy, but given the right views to delight in it - their creativity and intelligence belongs to all ages.My one reservation is the soundtrack; it's manipulative and lacks the subtlety of the rest of it.Three favorite scenes: Little Con breaking his eggs and marooned for a bit with the Carrick boys, the teacher translating Riley's passed note, and the carousal and tractor.