The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
| 01 April 1979 (USA)
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Trailers

This Emmy Award winner for Best Animated Special is based on the first book of C.S. Lewis' acclaimed series, "The Chronicles of Narnia." Four children pass through a mystic portal in a wardrobe and discover the magical kingdom of Narnia, a land of talking animals and mythical creatures. There, an evil witch's spell has cast the land into eternal winter. Fearing that an ancient prophecy is coming to fruition, and that the children are Narnia's rightful rulers, the White Witch tricks their youngest brother into betraying his family, enacting an ancient magic that she can use to halt the fulfillment of the prophecy. Now, only Aslan, noble lion and High King above all kings in Narnia, can help them defeat the witch, restore springtime to Narnia, and claim their rightful places on the throne.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Rainey Dawn I was 7 when this film came on television so I was able to watch it when it first aired. I recall falling deeply in love with this fantasy story as a child and was given the entire 7 book collection as a gift. Needless to say, I read the entire collection because of my love for this made-for-TV Movie. I do not personally have the books but the are still in the family.This old TV film is a good watch but I will admit that it is not perfect yet it is a good classic TV film for kids and adults alike.If you liked the older animated dramas like "The Hobbit (TV Movie 1977)", "The Black Cauldron", "The Secret of NIMH" or "The Last Unicorn" then you might like this TV movie classic The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe (1979).9/10
sstack-1 While certainly the animation is a little dated, this is a wonderful version of the C.S. Lewis classic. My sister and I watched this over and over as kids on our Betamax, and I recently purchased it on DVD and watched it again with my four-year old. She was mesmerized by the trip to Narnia through the wardrobe and all of the adventures with "dear Mr. Tumnus", the White Witch and Aslan. And I must say that I, too, loved seeing it again for the first time in probably 20 years. The actress and actor who lent their voices to the White Witch and Aslan did a phenomenal job. And the action/battle scenes are intense enough to keep even the most squirmy child (or adult) on the edge of their seat but not so scary as to be unsuitable for young children. This movie has been playing almost non-stop in my house since Christmas Day, and I must say that I have enjoyed every showing. An absolute treasure.
magicklou This cartoon amazingly captures an atmosphere expressed in all the Narnia books which is often ignored and smothered by other lavish adaptations. Rather than concentrating on the magical/fantasy glitter and glam elements, the over riding feeling here is that of the ordinary world suddenly being made extraordinary, and is totally bewitching and lasting. It's the lack of distancing techniques that make this possible; No time period is set, the animation is simple, the background score minimal. We (the viewers) can totally believe that it is just another plain boring old rainy day and then things start to happen.....Children will generally prefer it's simplicity and honesty over the campness of BBC's 1988 version.
Varlaam This cartoon has impressive credentials. It is a co-production of Bill Melendez (Charlie Brown) and the Children's Television Workshop (Sesame Street and The Electric Company).It is simply and economically animated. The draughtsmanship may be rudimentary, but that is not a serious drawback. The music is very good. The humiliation, death, resurrection, and ascension of Aslan, the lion, are handled movingly. The parallels with Christ are clear.This is the first novel, in publication order, in C.S. Lewis's Narnia series. The books have most recently been reissued in internal chronological order, according to the author's posthumous wishes. Franz Kafka's posthumous wish to have all of his works destroyed was ignored by his literary executor, Max Brod. If only Lewis's nonsensical request had also been ignored. This book unfortunately and regrettably now appears as Volume 2 in the current series.I recently saw this programme in French, not English, under the title "Le lion, la sorcière et l'armoire". If there was a shortcoming to the French version, it was in the actor cast to portray Aslan. His voice was too gruff and did not have the majesty necessary for a Messiah, as English-language Aslans can normally be counted upon to have.The excellent live-action BBC series from 1988 based on the Narnia books improves even on this praiseworthy cartoon.