The Wolverine
The Wolverine
PG-13 | 25 July 2013 (USA)
The Wolverine Trailers

Wolverine faces his ultimate nemesis - and tests of his physical, emotional, and mortal limits - in a life-changing voyage to modern-day Japan.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
invisibleunicornninja This movie isn't great, and there isn't a whole lot of tension as I already saw the movie Logan before this one, but its still fun. The story is good, as well as the fight scenes. Its a solid movie. Again, its not great. It just kind of exists. Its miles better than X-Men Origins: Wolverine, that's for sure.
filmtogo At some point in this movie it becomes clear that it's just a concatenation of set pieces. It's not even the Wolverine character we've seen so far. He's kinda boring, never as much of a smart-ass as in the X-Men or even the Origin movie. Also The Wolverine is missing a real baddie. The mutants (Viper, actually a snake woman, here more of a Poison Ivy character) are not that present. The Japan setting never really shines. The film misses a lot of opportunities for great cinematography. There are little moment though! Hugh Jackman standing on top of a building while it's raining. Suddenly it feels like Blade Runner. That's cool but totally out of place here. Also the guest appearances by Famke Janssen as Jean Grey are stupid. Not that it doesn't fit in this story but you NEED to watch X-Men: The Last Stand before this "Stand-Alone" to understand why she's here. While X-Men: Origins - Wolverine was just stupid, this is a disappointment.
bespokesuiting This show must have been written for a Japanese audience or something very strange. "Wolverine" is not an X-Man. He is some pathetic imitation of the real character. There are no identifiable aspects to the X-Men franchise. The "plot" is so insane that only the most stodgy coprophagous clown would have given it the "ok" for film development. Some Japanese guy "Wolverine" allegedly met once during WWII when he was a prisoner of war (--hint, Wolverine would not have been a prisoner of war; he would have destroyed all moral foes without blinking--) sends a little annoying girl to "get" him from a drunken pity-party so that he (--the now old and dying Japanese guy--) can say "farewell." And "Wolverine" agrees????? Are you joking. And the plot only gets worse from that point forward. Perhaps this trash was intended for Millennials kids that wouldn't know any better. However, the very worst "cartoon" from the 1990's or the 2000's "Evolution" school this pile of facial material. It does not deserve the name "Wolverine." It does not deserve to be affiliated with X-Men. The only thing worse is probably "Logan," the biggest loser of them all. See "Dark Night" for how a comic book can be turned into a successful film. Or see the "Superman II" (1980). That is how it is done. Dump this trash in the bin of LOSERS forever.
Pablo MisterRager Morillo I love knowing that Hugh Jackman isn't wolverine anymore so to watch him in action still is something of nostalgia to me so I moved the film although I don't really like 20th fox movies but don't hate them, I still enjoy wolverine. He should have had 10 more films. Especially rated R. This film was showing blood but not guts but it didn't hesitate to show. Blood.