Pacific Rim
Pacific Rim
PG-13 | 12 July 2013 (USA)
Pacific Rim Trailers

Using massive piloted robots to combat the alien threat, earth's survivors take the fight to the invading alien force lurking in the depths of the Pacific Ocean. Nearly defenseless in the face of the relentless enemy, the forces of mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes who now stand as earth's final hope against the mounting apocalypse.

Sarentrol Masterful Cinema
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
andrew_james10 No cohesion, No humour (that I noticed) and No connection. I like a bit of fantasy and escapism as much as the next man but despite my continued (misplaced) faith in film makers like GDT this movie was not worth the continued "I'll give another ten minutes" syndrome. It's not the worst film ever made but it's not worth watching. I'm still wondering why the war lasted so many years when they could have ended it like they did anyway (at the end). Not 2 hours completely wasted because I've made up my mind not to give this type of trash another ten minutes for more than ten minutes.
MVictorPjinsiste I can't believe when I read GdT's name on the screen when I saw it - the guy who made Pan's Labyrinth, really? This predictable, typically Hollywood summer block buster? A film where one can see events way before they happen, and be spot on all the time?Well, yes, it's a GdT flick all right; It's got these lavish visuals, this mix of colours, and Ron Pearlman, wonderful Ron Pearlman. The "comedy" characters are here way more interesting than the pretty teens on whose shoulders the "scenario" rests. But still.And it works: One can feel the intricate background that is only hinted at here and there, the feel of what we are seeing is only the latest chapter of a bigger saga - that's fan cult stuff, a universe to be explored, discovered and , yes, to exploit.So, yes, it's rather fantaisist to think we would build giant mechs instead of a better armor-piercing missile, but what the heck, this movie is about giant rampaging monsters - so give your brain and Shakespeare a break, and you should enjoy the ride, too.
Suziesworld After watching the trailer first and from what I seen, it looked like a "CGI flick" to me. I have nothing against these kinds of movies IF there is a good story behind it. Alien life entering our world through a portal in the Pacific Ocean from another dimension? Really? NOPE...that's not my idea of a good plot for me to overlook a movie that's relying clearly on CGI action....if you're able to overlook something that is at least believable then this movie might be for you. For me, I just couldn't quite grasp the stupidity. Now IF that would ever happen in a movie....wouldn't you blow up the portal? I didn't even give this movie the chance to see if they did or not. If you want to find out.....carry on soldier!
mightymothra Pacific Rim is a wonderfully straightforward mecha flick with a surprisingly well-realized universe. Del Toro goes way beyond the expected in creating unique, lived-in, awesome locations that could only exist in Pacific Rim's goofy universe. Entire blocks of city were build on hydrolics, within hangers, to give thundering kaiju monsters the heft and vibrational implact they deserve. It makes all the difference to see puddles of water rippling with each stomp, and see buildings shaking.Beyond the sheer craftsman, I adore how fully this movie embraces its macho bravado. The music is all guitar riffs and swelling fist pumping anthems, the fights scenes are chalk-full of pilots barking orders and fun one-lines. the mechs are these delightfully ugly hunks-a-junks, all pistons and metal plates and dangling wires. It absolutely rules. The cockpits are another thing Del Toro had build in real life, on hydralic pistons, so that the actors could get tossed around and doused with water. Again, it makes all the difference. This movie invites you to enjoy some big dumb apes wail on space dinosaurs with rocket fists. It embraces the absurdity of their universe and goes whole hogg with it.I also particularly love how, at no point in this movie, does it celebrate what you'd expect from a macho flick - this isn't all about the nobility of men sacrificing themselves to protect women, or about mocking men for emoting or showing weakness. The cast is littered with strong people in desperate situations, trying help each other out and tap into inner motivation, rather than "toughen each other up" with repressive garbage. Characters are shown being weak, being scared, and ultimately, overcoming it all to become who they want. It's a simple message, but lordy am I glad to see it dodge all the pitfalls you'd normally see in a flick like this.All actors give frankly wonderful performances. I could go into that more, but Perlman, Kikuchi, Eldba, and Day stick out to me as being particularly great. Everyone treats this ridiculous universe with absolute conviction, and it really sells it.Only negatives I can really point out are the fact that a lot of the battles are in pouring rain, which eh, is not my favorite thing. Also, Cherno Alpha and Crimson Typhoon don't get nearly as much screen time as we all desperately wanted. Maybe they hit that budget wall.So yeah, absolutely, whole-hearted recommended. This movie is a joy.