Spy Kids
Spy Kids
PG | 18 March 2001 (USA)
Spy Kids Trailers

Carmen and Juni think their parents are boring. Little do they know that in their day, Gregorio and Ingrid Cortez were the top secret agents from their respective countries. They gave up that life to raise their children. Now, the disappearances of several of their old colleagues forces the Cortez' return from retirement. What they didn't count on was Carmen and Juni joining the "family business."

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
conservativebiasnews Special effects, terrible, a 10 year old could make better. Story, Cliché in every way possible, Kids find out parents are spies, stuff happens, explosions to catch the 9 second attention span of a 6 year old, one-liner quips to catch the attention of the bored to death parents, evil dude, they stop him, mutated thumb creatures, and that's about it. When I saw this movie IT SCARED ME FOR LIFE, I was like 7 or 8 at the time but little did I know the horrors that were ahead. I was used to top notch special effects like in Star Wars, even though they were old but still worked well, or high quality CG affects, but THIS, was something else entirely, it was so cheap I was actually disturbed. The bizarre Lazy Town, Willy Wonka hybrid cartoon looked like an acid trip and the flying scenes were so cheap it makes Ratatoing look professional. The villain seemed really cliché and about the same as anyone out there, the "kid spy" thing really wears off because only 4.01% of the movie is actually spying, and the lighting made Man of Steel look like My Little Pony.The best part of the movie is the one reference of the Cold War. And the end of course.Also I hate the whole "lets let minors handle extremely dangerous, unrealistic missions because we want exploit a popular demographic" thing because it is REALLY annoying and an overused story telling device. Examples: The Hunger Games, Insurgent, Maze Runner, etc.
SnoopyStyle Gregorio (Antonio Banderas) and Ingrid Cortez (Carla Gugino) are the greatest spies who retire to be simple consultants once they started a family. Their children Carmen (Alexa Vega) and Juni (Daryl Sabara) think their parents are boring. Gregorio is annoyed by the children's TV show "Floop's Fooglies" and investigates its host Fegan Floop (Alan Cumming). He turns out to be a villain evil inventor. His latest evil invention with Alexander Minion (Tony Shalhoub) are kid robots. However the robots have no brains and Floop is after the Third Brain. He's been kidnapping OSS agents and captures the Cortezes. Felix Gumm (Cheech Marin) reveals himself not to be the kids' uncle. He tells them the truth and sends them to the safe house. OSS agent Ms. Gradenko (Teri Hatcher) arrives but she turns out to be a double agent. The robots take the Third Brain and the kids seek out Machete (Danny Trejo) for help who turns out to be their father's older brother.Director Robert Rodriguez has infused this kids' movie with wacky visuals and crazy gadgets. It's all outlandish fun. The adult actors are all top shelf with many Rodriguez alumni. The trick of this movie are the kids. They're likable enough. Their characters are combative siblings but Rodriguez makes sure that they show their love for each other every once in awhile.
OnTheCliffByTheSea I remember seeing this as a kid and really enjoying it. I really wanted to be a spy like these kids. It was pretty funny for a movie directed at kids, too. Was it a favorite of mine? No. Classic Disney movies still had the leash on me. A little while ago I saw this movie again. It didn't give me the thrills it gave me when I was a kid, of course, but I still enjoyed some parts of it. No. It's not a GREAT film. But you can definitely see effort. There was definitely creativity and effort put in this film to get a laugh, to push the story forward, to give characters different quirks and personalities. Even some of the gadgets were pretty cool (like the world's smallest camera and the bubble gum.) Overall, it's a pretty harmless film. You can show it to your kids and they'll most likely enjoy it. The sequels slowly got worse, but if your kids are REALLY into this movie and are just pleading to see the sequels, just show them the second one. The third one was pretty bad, and the upcoming fourth one just seems...well, I'm not going to say anything since I've only seen the trailer, but I don't think I would want to spend money to see it. Sorry. Got off track there. Overall, this movie is worth a rent. It's a good movie to show to your kids on a weekend or something.
ochoamanuel21 Classic Rodriguez when you watch the Spy Kids! Although the intro feels like 1996 The Rock with Elfman's score being a little similar but then as soon as you hear Los Lobos guitar solo you know you're in for some classic Rodriguez action. The movie does have flaws such as the corny wedding story at the beginning, the forced ending with the family theme pushed into the audiences' throat but other than those two aspects the movie is pretty fun. The plot is as simple as they get, Minion the generic villain has to sell killer robot children to Mr. Lisp who wants to take over the world but he needs brains for the army and that's where Mr. Cortez comes in because he helped create the Third Brain, which is an artificial brain which Minion can replicate, therefore the Cortez's kids have to rescue their parents. Kudos for Rodriguez by including such awesome cameos such as George Clooney as Devlin, Danny Trejo as another knife name bad-ass this time Machete who got his own fake trailer in the Grindhouse and later turned into a movie, and the T-1000 as Mr. Lisp! Newcomers Alexa Vega and Daryl Sabara really take the movie with their hilarious brother and sister bickering with lines such as "Stop calling me names" -"Or what?' –"Or I'll call you names…" classic! Or when Juni calls Carmen the diaper lady because she still wears diapers at night and you see Carmen's reaction, hilarious. Another character that is awesome was Alan Cumming as Mr. Floop who was portrayed as a mad genius who cared more about his kids' show than his diabolical plan to take over the world. Overall this movie is worth renting but only worth buying to complete your Rodriguez collection along with El Mariachi trilogy and Planet Terror since this is essentially Rodriguez. On a side note the Fooglies and the Thumb Thumbs were very creative especially the way that the film explains that the Fooglies were victims by reversing their singing to "Floop is a madman, Help us!" and when Cortez begins suspecting when he sees the show and the camera zooms in at the new Fooglie with his terrified eyes.