Rock Star
Rock Star
R | 07 September 2001 (USA)
Rock Star Trailers

A wannabe rock star who fronts a Pennsylvania-based tribute band is devastated when his bandmates kick him out of the group he founded. Things begin to look up for Izzy when he is asked to join Steel Dragon, the heavy metal rockers he had been imitating for so long. This film is loosely based on the true story of the band Judas Priest.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
rbstern This is a movie that no viewer should take seriously, and simply enjoy for its funny, cliché'd, bubblegum take on the 1980s metal/hair band thing.Mark Wahlberg's acting is a bit wooden, but it works in this film because he's playing a young man who is uncomfortable in his own skin (very much the same kind of performance he delivers in Boogey Nights). Aniston is miscast. She's too polished for the girlfriend/manager role, but she's tolerable. Good supporting performances by Timothy Spall, Dominic West, Dagmara Dominczyk, Jason Flemyng, Tim Olyphant and Matthew Glave. The supporting performances are a strength of the movie, along with the music, which is very well done. I'm not a metal fan, but the movie has a handful of very catchy tunes. The concerts feel real enough. The dialog works and the plot moves along at a decent pace, delivering a number of laughs and a palpable feel for the rise-fall-reborn sequence of the Chris Cole/Izzy character.Recommended for light-hearted viewing.
James Pharmer A simple film that plugs in a talented singer for a cover band dreaming to become a genuine 80's rock star. Chris (later to be known as Izzy), is looked upon as a strong leader of his cover band but eventually his obsession with Steel Dragon (his favorite band)and unwillingness to alter the bands sound creates waves of dissatisfaction to his fellow band mates. After a confrontation over the seriousness and intention of playing cover songs, Chris was thought to be misdirected and was eventually kicked out of his own band. Things change, however, after two girls who make themselves out to be groupies, showed front man and lead guitarist Kurt Cunning his video performance. He auditions, he gets in and the rest is pretty simple.I cringed at the end when he would eventually reunite with the girl that he thought got away. I didn't expect this film to go to that region of cheese that you often see in big production films that are distributed by Warner Bros. It almost seems like the writers of the film had no experience and did not conduct interviews to grasp the detail of what life as a rock star really was about. It kept inquisitive guys like myself to prefer to have seen real video clips and interviews from some of the top selling bands of the 80's without the stereotypical and scrape off the top story. It became formulated and predictable to say the least, but the film still has a spark of charm as it relives all of our rock star fantasies that we had when we were kids.6/10.
wakemeup36 As the storyline of this movie is based on Judas Priest, my favourite band, I had to watch it. I had really high hopes for it. Did it meet my expectations? Unfortunately no.It starts off really well. A kid with lots of talent, whose dream is to be in his favourite band. His cover band gets attention by the his heroes and he is recruited as a replacement for their vocalist. Once in the band, he quickly gains fame and fandom and is loved by many. However, he also discovers the unhealthy ways of rock stars, including lots of partying, alcohol, drugs, random sex etc. His ideas and input are also rejected by the other band members. All this is portrayed quite well and the actors are really good at what they do (except Anniston perhaps, whose character I thought was mostly quite unnecessary and pointless).But the ending does not come together well at all. It's pretty unrealistic and very predictable. I expected it to be something really awesome as most of the movie was quite well thought out. I'm not going to spoil the ending, but I think it would've been way better if he quit the band and joined/made a different hard rock/metal band where he could do whatever he wanted and avoid all the negative aspects of a rock star life and thus set a good example for future rock stars. Hey, look! I came up with a better ending already! Seriously, this movie could've been a masterpiece if it wasn't for the stupid ending.Overall, I think this is a movie worth checking out if you like movies about the rock star business. Just don't expect too much and end up bitterly disappointed like I did
stevenfallonnyc "Rock Star," for a movie that is about the excesses of rock and roll, is a pretty dull show all the way through. Not to mention this may be one of the most downright predictable movies you will EVER see.Inspired by the story of Judas Priest tribute-band singer Ripper Owens who actually ends up in Priest, there was a lot of potential for a good movie here. But really, this movie is crap. You can easily guess the entire plot before the film starts. You can even guess how each individual scene is going to go. And every scene is so strained, it actually makes "the wild life of rock and roll" look pretty boring and dull.Just goes to show what bad film making can do - turn a decent story with good movie potential into crap.The acting isn't so bad, except maybe in Jennifer Aniston's case, as she can't act her way out of a paper bag. Who casted her anyway? She plays Walberg's metalhead "hot" girlfriend, except she just isn't hot, on top of that she can't act. Out of all the hot actresses, and even those that can act, they get Aniston? Anyway, if you really must sit through this movie, by all means do so, but believe me, you already know every single moment of the movie.