My Man Is a Loser
My Man Is a Loser
R | 25 July 2014 (USA)
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When it comes to women, playboy Mike has all the right moves. So when Mike's buddies ask for advice on how to reconnect with their wives, Mike figures he'll share some secrets and help the guys regain their marriage mojo. But when Mike's lessons start backfiring with hilarious results, it takes a beautiful, no-nonsense friend to show Mike he still has a thing or two to learn about relationships.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Micitype Pretty Good
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
mernestc The story starts with some promising comments on the fate of husbands at the hands of their wives, but it endlessly repeats the old Jewish joke on this issue (that husbands -- even those who do well at work -- are brow-beaten at home. You know the kind of thing: 'Why do all Jewish husbands die before their wives? Answer: Because they want to.'). And as the plot develops this theme becomes increasingly tiresome, boring and, indeed, nasty, until you begin to yawn when each predictable scene follows another: nagging wife, misunderstood husband; men are from Mars, women from Venus; etc. etc. And then the soppy ending you saw coming after the first five minutes. I'd give it 'One' star but maybe it deserves three if only for some of the acting and editing.
imdb-406-401487 You will love this if you liked Hitch, Hall Pass and Couples Retreat. This movie was like riding a roller coaster. I rarely laugh out loud during movies, but at least a few scenes had me in hysterics. A few funny lines from the bar scene I will be using with my friends when I go out to order drinks. It also had a cool shocking moment and a tear jerking ending. Don't take your eye away from the office scene, or you might miss it since it happens pretty quick. It hit so close to home. I meet my married friends for happy hour and annual vacations and they have the same issue as in this movie. They need to take some tips from John Stamos. This has got to be Stamos' best movie. I think this movie has a potential to be a cult movie, so I will watch again, but this time after a few drinks and things.
Josh Lawson Saw this opening night on demand because I was excited to see a high school friend in it. Small but important part, and she was hilarious and totally nailed it. That aside, I appreciated a lot about this movie. The dialogue generally and the banter between the guys in particular was spot on. There were some killer moments in the script. I also really appreciated the coming together message. This wasn't about guys doing stupid things that rightfully should lead to a break up with their wives; no, it was clear throughout that there was a genuine interest in saving the marriages, and that's not entirely common these days. It's an important message in a culture that often glorifies greener grass, and in reality that's rarely true... unless you're one of the few people who have legitimately dead metaphorical grass. That said, there were some quirks about this film that took it down a notch or two for me, and it was mostly in either the script or the editing - hard to know which for sure. While the dialogue was fantastic, the scenes felt a little jumbled together. Almost every scene was critical to the story line, but it cut fairly abruptly enough times that I noticeably felt there should have been a smoother transition. It could have been more graceful. There were two scenes in particular that were totally out of place and while they shook me out of lumping this with every other romcom, I'm not sure they should have been in there in the end. Overall, can't rate it a 10, but I will buy this for the underlying message and for a decent handful of good laughs.
paul-2663 A great romantic comedy for married couples and those thinking about getting married. Movie will both having you laughing and looking back and forth at your significant other as you recognize different parts of your relationship that you will 100% relate to. For guys out there...expect a few elbows in the ribs from your wife. The cast is great and there are many cameos from familiar faces. Movie doesn't take itself too seriously and there is a story line to go along with all the laughs.Lots of great comedy, great performances and a story you will enjoy. You will leave with a smile and might just have a few things to examine in your own relationship.
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