Weather Girl
Weather Girl
R | 10 July 2009 (USA)
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Succumbing to the stresses of her personal and professional lives, Sylvia, a Seattle morning show weather forecaster, has a meltdown live on-air. Now, unemployed, lacking career prospects, and with a mess of a romantic life, she moves in with her little brother. She must learn how to cope with being 35-years-old and unfortunately famous for melting down on live television.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
pointyfilippa The movie runs out of plot and jokes well before the end of a two-hour running time, long for a light comedy.
Benas Mcloughlin Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
MBunge Weather Girl is quick, very funny and full of sharply drawn and excellently performed characters. It has an almost Seinfeld-ian quality, except it's about people who feel real emotions and suffer the consequences thereof and not amoral, impervious sociopaths. The story starts very strong and amusingly sprints through a thoroughly standard plot before getting a little full of itself at the end. By that time, though, you'll enjoy these characters enough not to mind.Sylvia (Tricia O'Kelley) is a 35 year old "sassy weather girl" on an early morning TV news show in Seattle. Things start off with her having a total meltdown on the air. It seems Sylvia has been romantically involved with Dale (Mark Harmon), the superficial anchor of the show, and just discovered he was sleeping with his co-anchor (Kaitlin Olson). After verbally savaging them and the whole pretension of early morning news shows, Sylvia is left without a job and a home, since she was living with Dale.Distraught, she shows up at the door of her younger brother's apartment and Walt (Ryan Devlin) takes her in. At first, Sylvia tries to go on with her life like nothing happened. She starts looking for another job in TV news and even lets her two friends (Alex Kapp Horner and Marin Hinkle) set her up on what turns out to be a horrible blind date. After making such a public spectacle, Sylvia can't even get a job in radio and is forced to become a waitress. About the only good thing she has going on is a no-strings-attached sexual relationship with Byron (Patrick J. Adams), Walt's best friend. But just as she and Walt start to get serious, Sylvia has a chance to get back everything she's lost and more. Will this 35 year old woman compromise her principles for her old life or risk starting over at square one? I think you'll really like watching everything that happens up to that question, but not care that much about what the answer is.Weather Girl is consistently droll and occasionally laugh out loud humorous. Part of that is due to the finely written script of Blayne Weaver. He's not just good with a joke, he's good with the set up to the joke and making it all flow out of the nature of the character and their situation. Part of it is due to the excellent work of this cast, particularly Tricia O'Kelly, Patrick J. Adams and Ryan Devlin. Those three have great comedic chemistry and bring this zest to every moment they're on screen together.The two things I like most about this film, however, are because of writer/director Weaver. He gives every character a depth you don't usually see in this kind of low-budget, light-hearted comedy. Take Dale, for example. He's a "walking haircut" who's as shallow as a sidewalk puddle, but Weaver lets the audience see that Dale's shallowness can also be taken for an upfront earnestness. It not only makes Dale a more interesting figure, it also explains why a smart woman like Sylvia might find him appealing, which also makes her a more believable and sympathetic heroine. Even the co-anchor Dale boinks, though a broadly drawn and over-the-top caricature of a plastic infotainer, gets a scene where the viewer can look through her eyes and realize that there's some validity to her viewpoint. Dale and his co-anchor are mainly in the story to be the butt of jokes, but Weaver makes them worth laughing at.The other especially neat thing about Weather Girl is that there's an almost propulsive speed to it. The plot of this thing is predictable and rather clichéd, which a lot of films suffer from and get dragged down by. One of the best ways to compensate for that is to bring the quick. The scenes in this movie are short, tightly-written and almost always have a point that leads you into the next scene. That generates a kinetic energy that pulls you through all the unexceptional twists and turns in the story fast enough that none of them can irk you. Now, toward the end of things, Weather Girl does try and make out like the relationship between Sylvia and Byron is this great romance and it really isn't. As lovely and entertaining as they are together, it never feels like more than a fling to them or to the viewer. And the moment where Sylvia has to decide if she'll go back to her old life or keep going with her new one grasps for emotional heft that this story never does anything to earn. This is a very good film, but not at all a serious one.Weather Girl is a tropical island in the tumultuous sea of craptastic low-budget cinema. There are just so many indy films out there that range from barely mediocre to flat out horrendous, it's a damn shame that movies like Weather Girl get lost over the horizon. This is definitely worth seeing.
Amy Adler In the studio of a morning show in Seattle, the entire crew is looking for their sassy weather girl, Sylvia (Tricia O'Kelley). She appears to be AWOL but, suddenly, she makes it to the stage just seconds before air time. The program's male host, Dale (Mark Harmon) begins the day's news, with his fake sunny smile and styled hair. But, when Sylvia is called upon to give the first weather report, she stirs up a tornado of tabloid bombshells. First, she relates that, against her better judgment, she fell for Dale and moved in with him two years ago. Then, she holds up the pair of woman's underpants that she found in their condo, the pair that doesn't belong to her, Syl. Lastly, she gives a brief summary of Dale's lack of prowess in the bedroom and she whirls out of the studio, ditching her job. Whew! Now, that's entertainment! Knowing of no other place to go, she heads for her brother's messy apartment and begs him to let her bunk while she figures out her next move. He, Walter (Ryan Devlin), agrees. But, soon a good-looking neighbor, Byron (Patrick J. Adams) pops in and startles Sylvia during breakfast. He says he is Walter's best friend and a website builder who is using Walt's computer to continue his work, due to the crash of his own hardware. Although Bryon is somewhat younger than Sylvia, he becomes interested in her. But, Sylvia, who has become a pariah in the local television world and reluctantly accepts a job as a waitress to pay bills, initially resists his flirtations. And, wait, Dale may want her back. Will dear Sylvia make a new life for herself, a life that includes romance? This reviewer's forecast is that most folks will enjoy this delightful but slightly risqué romcom. The script is very clever and funny while the cast does an admirable job, too. Harmon courageously makes an insipid beast of himself while Adams is a charming and handsome leading man. O'Kelley, though not model beautiful, is also very wonderful as the weather girl. Devlin is likewise touching and comical as the brother. In a hilarious cameo, Jon Cryer elicits a bellyful of laughs but Blair Underwood, regrettably, has very little to do. The rest of the cast is fine. There is not much scenery, just sets and apartment rooms, so there is no real view of Seattle but the costumes are nice and the direction is deft and fast-paced. Do you like romantic comedies with a slightly different feel? Then, this one is for you, for it delivers laughs and heartfelt sighs at all the right moments.
uncool926-1 OK, romantic comedies usually turn me off, but I really liked this movie.It's loaded with guest appearances that come fast and furious; like Jane Lynch as a hysterically contemptuous restaurant manager; Jon Cryer as as creepy accountant set-up date; Blair Underwood as the frantic Producer; Alex Kapp Hunter and Marin Hinkle as devoted but misguided friends, but the real magic to this indie film is the performances of the title character, "sassy weather girl" Sylvia (the stunning Tricia O'Kelley), her perpetually dismayed but faithful brother Walt (Ryan Devlin), and his semi-slacker house mate Byron (Patrick J. Davis).Writer/director Blayne Weaver (how could Jon "Duckie" Cryer keep a straight face throughout his scenes?) actually makes a romantic comedy believable and thoroughly watchable, which is quite a feat.I loved the set design, in particular Walt's apartment, which resembles a theme park for yet-to-be-developed young adults (I can relate)...but someone was totally on by including a Seaweed poster, a totally cool Seattle band, who I'm sure were delighted to be in the prop! Tricia O'Kelley was totally lovable and played her character well. Her character straddled two worlds that were quite separate and totally different, and her involvement with her brother Walt and his buddy Byron were very believable and not too over-the-top.My favorite scene is the one in which Sylvia comes home to her brother's apartment after a particularly distressing day, and upon seeing Walt and Byron involved in a video game, simply takes her waitresses' uniform off and waltzes over to Byron's apartment across the hall in her underwear and boots. Byron, being a 29-year-old guy, immediately follows.
devlin2427 For me this movie was a 6ish. The acting is good but not great although the biggest letdown is the script. If you've seen a few of these before you know what is going to happen at least half an hour earlier.Don't mean to sound rude but Tricia O'Kelley is a 41 year old actress playing a 35 year old woman. You kind of feel the age difference between her and the 28 year old Patrick J. Adams getting in the way of their acting. Another so-so performance comes from Mark Harmon. He is very stiff and lifeless and I don't think that was intentional.Would I pay money to see this: no. Would I recommend this to couple friends: yes. Its a no-nonsense movie easy going and without side effects. Anyone looking for art and a cathartic experience will be very disappointed.