PG-13 | 14 March 2002 (USA)
Showtime Trailers

A spoof of buddy cop movies where two very different cops are forced to team up on a new reality based T.V. cop show.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
RoboRabbit89 I'll just get right to it, I really liked this film it was fun. Eddie and Robert have great chemistry and work well together, Rene Russo was fun in this and the action was cool.I own this on VHS but I first seen this as a rental form the library back in 2009.Overall, a good buddy cop film, it's sad that this didn't do very well, I think this is the best Eddie movie before his movie slump.I give it a 5/10. It's fun to watch and if your an Eddie fan I think you'll like it too.
Sandcooler This movie is unfunny, but it's unfunny in a weird way. It's not like it's one failed gag after the other, it's just that most of the time they don't even seem to be going for one. A lot of scenes in this movie seem very straight-forward with no comic intent whatsoever, so the thing looks more like a fluffy crime thriller than a hilarious comedy. With that said though: it's still a really terrible fluffy crime thriller. Everything is horrendously clichéd, right down to the eccentric untouchable foreign villain. None of this stuff is new, everything has been done so many times before. The only difference here is that Robert de Niro is now on board, which somehow makes things even worse, especially since he has no chemistry whatsoever with Eddie Murphy. This was kind of a chore to watch really, don't know why I bothered since you know the ending just by reading the plot summary. Oh well, at least the William Shatner cameo was good.
bkoganbing Watching Showtime I got the impression that the producers got the idea to put Robert DeNiro and Eddie Murphy just for the sake of having a film that co-starred the two of them. Other than that I can't think of a reason to justify the film's existence. Not that it isn't amusing in spots, it certainly is, but the concept is so completely ludicrous that the laughs are somewhat muted.The thing that really got me was Eddie Murphy's character. I can't seem to wrap my mind around the concept of someone being a police officer as strictly a day job. When I was working person at New York State Crime Victims Board I had to deal with all kinds of cops and they ran the gamut between the really dedicated and some real slugs, but I can't think of one who thought that this was just something I do until I get my career going in an area far afield. I mean, can you really see Eddie Murphy or anyone else going through the rigors of the real Police Academy, not the screen version, just to get a day job?Anyway DeNiro is your basic hard working detective who's on the trail of a major gun dealer. He's undercover and Murphy is part of his backup. So what does the showboating Murphy do, he calls a reality based TV series like COPS to film the action. So DeNiro's bust gets blown sky high, but the producer of the show gets some good footage of Murphy and DeNiro and decides on a new reality based television series. So these unwilling partners get joined and try to continue working DeNiro's case with all the TV cameras around.Eddie Murphy's a funny guy, I loved him in Beverly Hills Cop and in the Doctor Doolittle movies, but he's done better things than Showtime and Robert DeNiro certainly has. I guess Murphy wanted a chance to work with DeNiro and DeNiro must have gotten one hefty paycheck to do this film.
ccthemovieman-1 This was a pretty good modern-day comedy with straight man Robert De Niro doing a good job with comedy and Eddie Murphy just playing his normal whacked-out character. You get a good combination of humor and action in here. It had the normal cliché the ending, the kind you can see coming a mile away, but it's okay; it didn't hurt the film.William Shatner was very entertaining in a supporting role and I think that was De Niro's real-life daughter playing Rene Russo's TV sidekick in the movie.A decent cop-buddy film that isn't memorable an entertaining way to kill an hour-and-a-half.