Eddie Murphy: Delirious
Eddie Murphy: Delirious
R | 15 October 1983 (USA)
Eddie Murphy: Delirious Trailers

Taped live and in concert at Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C. in August, 1983, Eddie Murphy: Delirious captures Eddie Murphy's wild and outrageous stand-up comedy act, which he performed in New York and eighteen other cities across the U.S. to standing-room-only audiences. Eddie's comedy was groundbreaking, completely new, razor sharp and definitely funny.Eddie Murphy pontificates in his own vulgarly hilarious fashion on everything from bizarre sexual fantasies to reliving the family barbecue, and is peppered with Eddie's one-of-a-kind wit. Laugh along as Eddie reminiscences of hot childhood days and the ice cream man intermixed with classic vocal parodies of top American entertainers.Experience Eddie Murphy at his best, live and red hot! Delirious! Uncensored and Uncut!

Micitype Pretty Good
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
The Grand Master Eddie Murphy shot to fame with Saturday Night Live and cemented his status as one of the funniest comedic actors in the 80's with movies such as 48 Hrs. (1982), Trading Places (1983), Beverly Hills Cop (1984), and Coming to America (1988). The 90's however were a mixed bag for Eddie Murphy with numerous flops affecting his star power as well as deciding to head down the family friendly path which is a total shame.What can I say about Delirious? To sum it up, it is damn hilarious. I was in stitches throughout this entire time. You have to see it yourself, especially if you are an Eddie Murphy fan. There are far too many hilarious moments in Delirious which I just cannot describe. Nobody is spared and Eddie Murphy did not pull any punches throughout the entire show. It goes without saying that Delirious is well known for its use of strong language and strong sexual references, as well as Eddie Murphy using a total of 230 f-words.I miss the Eddie Murphy of old which was a million miles funnier back in the day. This is Eddie Murphy which audiences knew and loved in his prime. Foul mouthed, politically incorrect, intelligent, witty comedy at its very best.Highly recommended for all Eddie Murphy fans and anyone who loves foul mouthed, politically incorrect humour.Certainly not recommended for anyone that is easily offended.9/10.
AMichaelL I was 14. I was sitting there in study hall, listening to my iPod. After finding out Eddie Murphy had been a stand up before an actor, I became intrigued. I pressed play and my life changed. The next day I showed it to my best friend . We laughed audibly for the entire study hall, constantly being told to shut up (our study hall teacher liked us, or we would've been asked to shut the iPod off). I still remember almost every line in this show. I have seen it many, many (countless, really) times, and it honestly influences me as a person on some level. I never knew anything could be so funny up until that point in my life, and every time I listen to it, it remains relevant and amazing. I am now older than Eddie was when he made delirious and I can still, probably even more so to be honest, appreciate the pure genius of this film. I believe it is probably the best stand up film ever made, although there are plenty of great ones. It is definitely one of the best of all time though...go watch it now.
kunti01 LOL!!! delirious was so funny.. i was in tears. Eddie Murphys impressions are absolutely spot on. The best impression was of James Brown and Mr T> SO FUNNY!! Its weird how Eddie Murphy was back then and how he is now DELIRIOUS is a must see but if u don't like foul language don't watch BUT AMAZING AND SO FUNNY.. i have seen it 6/7 times and still pee myself every time.. This is Eddie Murphy at his prime and you can see where he got the humour and ideas of movies such as nutty professor from. He does impressions of his family as well, which is real funny.if only i was there...
jts0405 Eddie Murphy truly ruled comedy in the 1980's. He started on stand-up at age of 15 and just take a look at this. Murphy is completely hilarious, packing laughs every minute of this stand-up routine. His humor is what makes him who he is. This is his first stand-up recorded along with Eddie Murphy Raw, they both equally hilarious comedy treasures. The DVD to Delirious has just come out, so go buy now if your a Murphy fan, you will truly love to look back at him in his good old days in comedy. No offense but today Eddie Murphy isn't as Raw and joke cracking. So remember his good days with Delirious and Raw, which are what made him who is truly was in the 80's.