Perkins' 14
Perkins' 14
R | 09 January 2009 (USA)
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Ronald Perkins builds an army of 14 people brainwashed through cult-like methods to protect him from his parents' killers. When Perkins is imprisoned, the police unwittingly unleash his followers on a small town and they've only got one thing on their mind: "Kill for Mr. Perkins."

Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
bababear My vote of 7 is based on a 10 for concept and a 4 for execution. This isn't a polished piece of work, but there's a lot of talent at work here and a lot of these people should go on to much better things.Writer Lane Shadgett keeps within the discipline of a three act structure. Act I finds small town cop Dwayne Hooper getting ready for work on the tenth anniversary of the disappearance of his and wife Janine's son Kyle. This was one of numerous disappearances that plagued the town of Stone Cove, Maine, and were never solved. Dwayne and his family are alienated from themselves and from each other. He's obsessed with work, and still trying to solve Kyle's kidnapping. Janine is meeting her boyfriend at the local No Tell Motel (How can they keep this a secret in a small New England town?). Daughter Daisy is infatuated with a much older would be musician. Dwayne interrogates a prisoner named Ronald Perkins, and suspects the man's involvement in the kidnappings. After an officer is killed when he goes to the house and accidentally opens the cages holding several teenagers, Dwayne finds what happened: Perkins had kidnapped the children and spent his time pumping them full of drugs and turning them into killing machines. Knowing that Kyle had been one of Perkins' unwilling lab rats, Dwayne executes Perkins in cold blood.Act II finds Dwayne looking for his wife and daughter while Stone Cove comes under attack by the freed teenagers. He gets Daisy and she tells him where Janine is, just in time to rescue her after the motel is attacked. Dwayne spots Kyle but doesn't shoot at him, hoping he can find a spark of humanity in the boy.Act III takes place at the police station/jail. Daisy and Janine go there as it's probably a safe place, and Dwayne soon joins them. The killer teenagers focus their attack on the police station, where the survivors mount a last stand not unlike ATTACK ON PRECINCT 13, which itself borrowed heavily from RIO BRAVO.If only the people who made this had been up to the task. As always, smart people are required to do stupid things. Worse yet, we get no feel for what life in Stone Cove is like. Much of this is due to the film's having been made in Romania. At the entrance to the police station there's a big sign welcoming people to Stone Cove, and the sign has errors of grammar that remind us that English wasn't somebody's first language.It would be great to see this remade with the same cast but a bigger budget and a tighter screenplay.
marymorrissey incompetent. towards the beginning there is a part when the guy is popping open a beer and drinking it and it takes like 6 shots just for that! and it's not stylish as aren't these annoying flashbacks and the sputtering light throughout the latter part of the movie that seems to have gone to everyone's brain. in one scene this girl leaves the group to go to the bathroom she gets some kind of murder by being partially pulled through the ceiling and screams a lot and the group wonders "what was that?" over like 15 shots hey maybe it's the b who went to take a p for goodnessakes! the wife cuts her hand badly stabbing one of the zombies with a shard of helpfully broken glass... but later has no wound. I mean basically this movie was very incompetent.
lovecraft231 One a night shift, deputy sheriff Dwayne Hopper (Patrick O'Kane) finds out some terrible things about Ronald Perkins (Richard Brake) and the disappearance of 14 children-one of whom was Hopper's son. Well, Hopper kills Perkins in a fit of rage, and the next thing you know 14 nearly unstoppable zombie like killers cause mayhem in town with only one thing in mind-kill for Perkins.While it sounds great, "Perkins 14" is a mess from the get go. How could a movie with such an inventive premise go wrong? Well, for starters, the acting (save for Brake, whose performance as Perkins is bone chilling) is universally awful and largely amateur at best. While it's satisfyingly gory and has some decent moments in direction (I love the use of color schemes which bring to mind directors such as Argento, Bava and Fulci), the script is terrible and ends up being uninteresting, while the conclusion is too anti-climactic, the plot-holes are too gaping, the characters are uninteresting and the editing and score are jarring. I could go on really.So why am I giving it 3? Because it's at least original, has some nice gore and has a few interesting moments. In the end though, it reminded me somewhat of another bad horror movie I've reviewed called "Frozen Scream" in that it has a great premise, yet it all goes to waste and feels like a letdown.This is also the 4th of this years "8 Films To Die For" I've seen so far. As of now, the gory and blackly comic "Autopsy" is the only one that I've enjoyed, as the others have been decent but disappointing ("The Brøken "), a total mess (the film reviewed within) and pedestrian and dull ("Dying Breed.") So far, this years Horrorfest has mostly been a letdown. Too bad really. Maybe the next one will have more good entries. If not, then maybe they should just stop now.
xxxLadyKroftxxx Today's horror movies are a far cry from the ones I grew up on. Rarely, if ever, do you find the hard-edged rawness of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" or the original "Halloween" in today's highly-polished offerings. "Perkins' 14" is an outstanding exception. Watching this movie is akin to riding a very, very scary roller coaster. It starts off easily enough, building up a great back story and creating empathy and understanding for the main characters. Then, suddenly, you're plunged into a hellish heart pounding ride that leaves you, at the end, trembling with sweaty palms. The acting in this movie is superb and believable, the story is unique, the directing is masterful, and the photography is amazing. At first I had an issue with the dark appearance of this movie. However, on second viewing I realized it contributed to the entire ambiance and storyline. Considering the time constraints the director, cast, and crew were under, this movie turned out beautifully. I doubt it would have in less capable hands. It is my opinion that Perkins' 14 will go down in cinematic history as one of the top horror movies of all time. For those who doubt it, remember that "Halloween" was widely panned in it's day by critics who were unable to see the future of the genre. For those of you who like happy endings, look up "Disney" and/or "Pixar", because this movie won't give you one. What it will give you is honest-to-goodness hardcore horror, which is what a good horror movie should do. Watch it if you dare.