The Reaping
The Reaping
R | 05 April 2007 (USA)
The Reaping Trailers

Katherine Morrissey, a former Christian missionary, lost her faith after the tragic deaths of her family. Now she applies her expertise to debunking religious phenomena. When a series of biblical plagues overrun a small town, Katherine arrives to prove that a supernatural force is not behind the occurrences, but soon finds that science cannot explain what is happening. Instead, she must regain her faith to combat the evil that waits in a Louisiana swamp.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
ericck90 Fukkk you Movie and your religion mongrels... Hate it, for people out there don't watch this thing, it's really bad, what is it with Hollywood enabling ignorance and superstitions.. Don't watch it, don't have anything to say, this is bad these people make me sick. Just need to complete 5 lines.
Leofwine_draca What is it with modern Hollywood horrors? All too often I'm seeing the same tired principles: an over-reliance on computer-generated effects work; a threadbare storyline pitted with holes and weak spots; unengaging, clichéd characters, and an overall tired feel to the whole production. Such is the case with THE REAPING, a doubly disappointing outing purely because it shows so much promise. I love the idea of a movie detailing Biblical plagues in the modern era, but this turns out to be horror-lite, a travelogue of CGI plagues and nothing in between.It also manages to be boring, despite the subject matter. Things get off to a strong start, with a river running red and frogs dropping from the skies, but then the script writer seems to forget about the plagues entirely until they get rushed together at the climax. There's a mysterious young blond girl who annoyingly runs away whenever she appears and lots of extraneous characters. The ending is particularly disappointing: not only is there a cheesy twist even a blind man could see coming, but there's a ton of rubbishy effects work, overblown in the extreme, and then a final coda that's physically sickening in its predictability.Hilary Swank is sleepwalking through her role here and seems to have come unstuck since the success of MILLION DOLLAR BABY; she's miscast in horror and was also miscast in chick-flick P.S. I LOVE YOU, so I wonder what she's going to do with herself. Still, she's a positive delight in comparison to the utterly awful David Morrissey, who is almost as bad as he was in BASIC INSTINCT 2. Why does this guy still get acting jobs? The only thing he was halfway decent in was an episode of DR WHO, and his poor American accent plagues the whole production here (ha ha). He would only improve a few years later with an excellent role in THE WALKING DEAD. The only good actor is the underused Idris Elba, but we have the UTTERLY boring Stephen Rea playing another UTTERLY boring character and William Ragsdale (FRIGHT NIGHT) unrecognisable and wasted as the sheriff.This R-rated horror acts like a PG-13 flick and aims for 'family' entertainment throughout. There's nothing horrific, just a mildly amusing attack of locusts that copies THE BIRDS and some dodgy-looking dying cows. I really wonder why they bothered, because there's nothing to recommend in this film whatsoever, it's just an example of missed potential. Director Stephen Hopkins once made decent films like PREDATOR 2 but his over-stylised direction here (Swank's repetitive and incomprehensible flashbacks are particularly awful) shows that he's lost the plot.
eric262003 After much consideration I can understand why "The Reaping" stalled in its initial release. Prior to its release the trailers came out about a year ago before Warner Brothers decided to reluctantly give this film the green light just to see how viewers will respond to it. Even though this film went through some major editing makeovers, the smarter investment would have been better if it would've been left on the cutting room floor. The first hour seemed to be intriguing with some interesting ideas and unique characters. The next hour on, the story becomes sloppy. And once the film ends, the characters, the viewers and the film crew don't know what the hell just happened here. The film is virtually undecipherable and if you try to get an understanding of what transpired here, you're just wasting your time.Hilary Swank stars as Prof. Katherine Winter an iconoclastic LSU instructor specializing revealing truths about secrets and myths and dismiss them easily as pure hyperbole. The reason for her dismissal stems from a continual episodic array of haunting flashbacks. A representative of the town of Haven, Louisiana named Doug (David Morrisey) who shows Katherine that the river in the area has morphed into blood in which the residents have epiphanies that Old Testament plagues will bestow upon them. So Dr. Winter and her colleague Ben (Idris Elba) travel to Haven where they notice bizarre events are happening in this town. Frogs are falling from the heavens, locusts are flying all over the place and cattle are looking in bad shape. Then we see a little girl in red dress (AnnaSophia Robb) playing hide-and-seek with Katherine which we're led to believe to the Devil's child. And then we have poor Stephen Rea wearing a call tries to garner some screen time for himself as he tries to phone Katherine to alert her of the dangers lurking around before suffering his own fate. But other than that his role really lacks anything proved significant."The Reaping" lacks in anything exceptional in referring to it as a motion picture. There's absolutely anything logical or provocative about it and just loosely follows its own agenda to make it look and feel smart which is anything but. The final twist is what covers everything that I mentioned so far. The ending was just padded on just to generate the viewers something to widen their mouths in horror. All it made me do was walk out of the theatre in utter disgust.I did arbitrarily jot down the plagues feeling that it might be something of importance. In reality it was proved unnecessary as winds down to be more about a Satanic cult rather than middle high stories from the Old Testament involving plagues. While this is happening, Katherine educates us all the plagues from the Exodus chapters as apocalyptic idiocy manifests in Haven. I will say that the scenes involving the locusts were awesome.Hilary Swank tries hard to show you like she really cares about the script and the story. However, her two Oscar wins have no meaning to what film she's in. David Morrisey is trying to get us to forget about the awful performance he had in the yucky movie "Basic Instinct 2". Nice try David, but your forgiveness is still unaccepted. AnnaSophia Robb adds mystery to her character, but she's too cute than scary. She also appears younger than her role in "Bridge to Terebithia" to further point the delay this film was when released. And Stephen Rea's role could've been cut and no one would have noticed.Director Stephen Hopkins strives to make b-movies with the occasional break out of his bubble. This movie will never put him at the front of the class though. It's complicated as to what's the red herring to this movie. I suppose the direction, the script and the editing are all to blame. I was never an aficionado of "The Omen", but through every religious stories focusing on apocalyptic wars, "The Omen" stands out above them all. This movie will likely collect dust.
jessegehrig The shock ending is telegraphed in the first ten minutes of the movie. As a matter of fact every point of the plot is telegraphed to you through out the entirety of this "film". The PG-13 rating doesn't help, it automatically limits its audience to people who cant get into an R rated movie. A PG-13 rating also limits the plot to some watered down toothless drivel so as to comply with the Ratings Board. I don't know, I guess if you want to have a church youth group lock-in in the church's basement, like you could show this movie and no one would be too frightened or offended, is that a compliment or an insult? I don't know, maybe your'e on some weird airplane that shows movies from the early 2000's and your choices are The Reaping or For The Love Of The Game, I guess you could do worse than this movie.