R | 01 June 2007 (USA)
Catacombs Trailers

A young woman in Paris goes to a party in the enormous labyrinth of limestone tunnels beneath Paris. When she becomes separated from her friends, she is convinced something is chasing her through the dark tunnels.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
jmckiernan-24535 Yeah, this film is bad. Here is a sample from the discussion board for this film:"me an my friend watched this about a year back watching it again now as i type this movie is amazing i would totally go to one of those partys!! the end was amazing i really felt bad for her it was *beep* what happened lets say that it was so good that me an my friend had to have a ciggarette in -5 dagree weather and discuss the film that doesn't happen but once in a blue moon it was one of the best movies we have watched together i highly recremend it"If you don't see anything wrong in the spelling and grammar of the quote above then it is possible that you will love this film. I warn everybody else that the quote above has been thought out better, has fewer mistakes, makes more sense, is more intelligent and ultimately even closer to being an actual work of art than the piece of sh!t film it refers to. I may not agree with the opinion stated therein, but I found the post itself to be approximately 6000x more entertaining and worthwhile than the film.
Leofwine_draca I've seen a lot of poor horror films in recent years but nothing prepared me for the mess that is CATACOMBS. Shot on the cheap in Romania by an American crew, and made with a list of unknown, amateur actors, boasting the appearance of pop star Pink in her first acting role, I have to say I wasn't expecting much. Then again, I knew the film was set in the Paris catacombs, and such places are undoubtedly good for atmosphere even if the film itself is lacking (I'm thinking the '80s Italian flick SPECTERS). Sadly, CATACOMBS wastes its setting from the start, never generating one iota of interest or intelligence from a stupid premise, and consisting of little more than a woman running around in tunnels armed with a torch, BLAIR WITCH-style.The story is particularly stupid, so bad that you wonder who on earth would greenlight a plot such as this. It goes nowhere and is riddled with holes and inadequacies. Characters behave stupidly and change motivation as the script demands and nothing at all makes sense. The worst part, though, is the twist ending, which falls flat after becoming completely laughable. The acting is poor and the direction worse. Sossamon is bland as the supposedly empathetic lead and Pink is repellent in her acting debut. There's no gore here, no action either, and the only horror comes from a two-minute flashback sequence detailing the birth of a demon child to a pair of Satanists. This flashback, with its jagged editing and extremely repulsive imagery seemed out of place in CATACOMBS. I didn't care for it at all, but at least it was something: something the rest of the entire film is lacking. What a mess.
GL84 Traveling to visit her sister in Paris, a woman gets dragged along to a party underneath the city streets in the infamous maze of dead bodies buried there only to find a legend of a masked madman true who begins relentlessly pursuing her through the darkened, twisting corridors.While initially appearing to be something quite enjoyable, this here turned out to be a massive train-wreck. One of the biggest problems with this one is the completely and utter failure to utilize one of the greatest locations possible for a horror film in the catacombs of the dead buried under the streets of Paris. While we see mountains of bones and walls of skulls throughout, the fact that they're usually featured while the camera is shaking around violent trying to capture the intensity of a madman chasing after somebody or edited in a rapid criss-cross manner to render any amount of atmosphere present completely null and void by being unable to see what's going on. This is made even more evident with the ridiculousness of the finale, where it's revealed through two twist endings that not only was the entire effort pointless but also that a deranged killer is now loose on the world with an available assortment of bodies able to be traced right back to them. It makes no sense at all for the second one to come around, though the first is still pretty creative in content but just handled the complete wrong way as it was, and that really undermines the whole fact that the film spends an hour and a half with the one victim against the unseen killer that never really does any damage to her along the way, making the twist come around as a reinforcement of what happened rather than a big shock twist. It just doesn't work as it does and that makes for a rather disjointed and uneven time, despite the few good parts here. The back-story for the deformed killer is awesomely original and creative, the film is essentially one big chase sequence through underground caverns and leads to a series of impressive suspense scenes and general chilling moments, and the whole film carries on quickly enough to not get bored with her endless wandering around doing nothing for the main part of the film. Still, though, it's not enough to overcome the big flaws present.Rated R: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence, Brief Nudity and drug use.
trashgang Catacombs has nothing to do with the Catacombs from 1988, it's not a remake. The only comparison it has is that it takes place in a, sigh, catacomb. And that's what this movie is all about. It's being trapped in a catacomb that really looks like a maze. But the movie had his problems. Why oh why do pop stars want to act. Here we have the famous Pink! her acting is like other pop stars really wooden. And it's even a bit of overacting. But the main problem is the story itself. What starts of like a decent movie turns out to be a bit boring. The scene's were they show how the satanic cult lives in the catacombs is really nicely done. It is even a bit gory and the killing of the baby is even for some squeamish. But from that point it's only running and running. The plot is a surprise but again, what happens then is also overrated, and suddenly the end credits appear. But they say you can't judge a book on its cover but not for DVD's (or Blu Rays). It was stated as "from the producers of Saw". When you see "from the..." you almost immediately know that it's going to be bad.