R | 20 January 2009 (USA)
Amusement Trailers

While being interrogated by a police psychiatrist, the near-catatonic Tabitha tries to explain why she and two of her childhood friends are being hunted by a serial killer. The truth that's dying to come out weaves together three tragic secrets from their past. Two of the girls' boyfriends become unwitting targets in their deadly game.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
reeseegaming This movie is more enjoyable as a comedy than anything else. The plot doesn't make sense, the scene transitions are poor, the circumstances are all horribly convenient, the soundtrack is shit, and the characters can't act very well. Combine that with the fact that this movie spent 10 million dollars and only got back 200 thousand! Pretty fun to watch though if you're drunk and don't take it seriously.
Andrea Guidetti "Amusement" is an horror movie, but first and foremost it's an horrible movie. I'm not a fan of slasher movies, but this one is exceptionally lame and annoying.It works as an anthology, with three apparently unrelated segments and a frame story. Of course, everything eventually unfolds and the three female leads are brought together, but before that you have to endure three short movies that feel like M-rated Goosebumps episodes. The first one is the best of the bunch, but it doesn't redeem the other two parts and the awful ending. Everything seems to have been ripped off from a better movie and badly put together regardless of any coherence or credibility. The writing is terrible: every character is incredibly dumb (even the killer!), there are several bits that don't make any sense, continuity hiccups, an inconsistent villain with nonsensical motives, clichés, repetitive twists and so forth. The story is disjointed and aimless, and you constantly wonder whether it falls in the "so bad is good" territory or it's just infuriating.Is it the most terrible movie ever? Luckily no. Sound design and special effects are actually quite good, direction is competent and the acting isn't that bad. It's a pity, then, that they are wasted on this train wreck of a plot. Bottomline, "Amusement" should be avoided unless you feel particularly masochistic or, like me, you get entertainment out of bad films.
Tonymjacques When I first saw the preview for this film I thought, "Wow looks pretty freaky." So, one day I looked it up on netflix and watched it. Well by the end of the movie the only thing I could say was "What?" I mean right from the beginning this movie made absolutely no sense. So here's an example/SPOILER. The first scene of the movie shows a young couple going on a convoy (following someone completely random)to a gas station. Once they get there they get out of the car and meet the person they were following (which just happens to be the killer who is targeting the girl out of the young couple). Another small example/SPOILER would be when the main character is being interviewed by a detective and then once she leaves the room, the main character follows only to find that she's not even in a police station, instead she's in what appears to be a large dungeon? This didn't make an ounce of sense to me. But anyway, the only thing that was good was the production value, but that's it. Cheap dialogue, corny acting and lack of common sense are seen every character making this nothing more than another typically crappy horror film. The story was weird and was a bit pointless in a sense of logic, but it was creepy at a few points. This movie is short though, so watch it if you want something to make fun of. I gave it 1 star for the decent gore and the other for production value.
ilovetobeyoung This was one of the worst horrors I've watched, not because of bad acting or a low budget or anything else but because it was so utterly boring and had no depth.The whole thing was completely disjointed, there was no real explanation for the killer's tendencies and the scenes jumped all over the place. There was also no back story and you didn't get a chance to build up a connection to any of the main characters.There was very little gore in the movie and no actual frightening moments. As a horror film it has nothing going for it. It has one slightly shocking scene but the rest of the movie is dreary and just lame.It was incredible boring and disappointing. I'd rather watch a terrible B-grade any day.