R | 16 September 2005 (USA)
Venom Trailers

A group of teenagers fear for their lives in the swamps of Louisiana, chased by Mr. Jangles, a man possessed by 13 evil souls, and now relentless in his pursuit of new victims.

Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
utgard14 Venom isn't a great movie. It's a slasher film and it follows a formula we're all familiar with. It is, however, somewhat original considering the slasher genre was mined of most originality two decades before. The killer in this is a dirty mechanic killed by some voodoofied snakes and turned into a monster.A lot of the comments I've read seem to be primarily slamming the cast. It is a cast of pretty young people and, as is usually the case with slasher films, most of them are annoying. This cast does look like it belongs on a WB/CW show. But they do just fine playing the stereotypical characters they play. The exception possibly being Meagan Good, who is not a strong actress yet the role requires her to have a little more range than the others. Agnes Bruckner is the Final Girl, likable and pretty.They do good on the budget they have. It certainly doesn't look cheap or like it was made for TV to me. It's a perfectly serviceable slasher film. Give it a shot if you don't expect too much.
MBunge I can't believe it took three people to write this movie. It shouldn't have taken even one whole person to come up with this screenplay. In this day and age, there has to be a computer program where you can load in a bunch of horror movie scripts and have it edit out every single thing that's unique or individual about each script, until you're left with the stripped down, blunt, dry and dumb essence of the "teenagers vs. supernatural monster" story. Venom is a film that doesn't use the horror movie formula. It IS the horror movie formula.I can't imagine there's much point is trying to relate the plot of this thing. t's teenagers being chased and killed in a swamp by a zombie. Not a Romero Zombie, though. This is a voodoo zombie. And it's not just any voodoo zombie, this is like a super-zombie who can run and swim and drive a truck. But when the script requires it, he's still dumb enough to be utterly stymied by a simple metal gate.This story is as basic as you can get. There's no twist, there's no self-aware irony, there's no effort to break new ground in gore or perversity, there's not even an attempt to explore the subject of voodoo as anything more than the particular gimmick of this movie. If you've seen any other "teenagers getting killed" horror movie, you've already seen everything in Venom. Except for naked boobs. There are no naked boobs in Venom. I don't know how three dudes write any sort of horror movie without including at least one topless chick. Even the gayest man on Earth would know enough to include a scene with unclothed knockers in this kind of film.For all that, though, I suppose Venom isn't really that bad. Sometimes you're hungry, but you don't want a steak. You just want a fast food cheeseburger. This movie is a fast food cheeseburger. Except it doesn't have any cheese on it. Or pickles. Or ketchup. And the burger hasn't been fried. It's just been stuck under a heat lamp for 30 minutes. And the bun isn't really bread, it's some sort of processed bread substitute. So, Venom is like a lukewarm piece of cow flesh between two slabs of cardboard. Yummy.I guess there is one interesting thing about Venom. It's one of the few teen horror films you'll see where the actors are all much prettier than the actresses. Not that the young women in this movie are dogs, but they don't hold a candle to the metrosexual beauty of their male co-stars. I'm not sure what the reason for that is but like Zap Brannigan, it fills me with emotions that are weird and deeply confusing. If you have 90 minutes to kill and want to watch a horror movie that believes you can defeat a magical enemy by just hitting them hard enough, you could rent Venom. I can't actually recommend it but I can't discourage it, either. I suppose that makes this review a "push".
MartianOctocretr5 Yet another Freddie Kruger/Michael Myers/Jason rip off look alike goes on a rampage in a cheap looking set. It's the same old rehashed story with a lineup of screaming teenage victims-in-waiting pursued and exterminated one by one by a mindless, ruthless serial slasher who feels nothing, yet somehow has a really bad attitude about things.No character development at all; you don't care what happens to these people any more than the brute who chops them up and drags their corpses around slowly. If anything, you hope he puts an end to all of them, as well as their rotten acting. They're in Lousiana somewhere at what looks like an old auto parts yard. It was probably the director's back yard. There's a feeble attempt at giving the movie a plot line, something about voodoo and really mean spirits. None of this is developed at all, nor will you care, anyway. The writer simply tossed it in as an excuse for the high body count and hemoglobin spraying around.The screaming and killing goes on and on, and if you manage to sit through this whole thing, you'll see an ending which is just as poor as everything else in the film. It's all plain lousy, and not even in a funny sort of way. Dull and stale.
ZavalaIzzy I rented this movie a couple of weeks back and let me tell you its one of the best slasher movies i have seen in a long time. This guy just doesn't stop! some really great kills in this movie. The cast is great! Some pretty shocking Deaths. Laura Ramseys Character gets pulled out of a car by with a chain around her neck and then gets pinned to a tree! I was like OMG! This guy really has no remorse! Id like to see him go up against big bad Jason or Freddy. A classic movie from beginning to end. Enjoy!Acting 9/10 Suspense 8/10 Script 8/10Overall 8/10