Two Much
Two Much
PG-13 | 15 March 1996 (USA)
Two Much Trailers

Art Dodge is a painter-turned-gallerist drowning in debt. He gets in over his head when a con job leads to an engagement with a rich divorcee. He gets in deeper when he falls for her sister, and invents a twin brother to be her beau; and deeper still when his fiancée's ex-husband comes looking for revenge.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
IncaWelCar In truth, any opportunity to see the film on the big screen is welcome.
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews Art Dodger is a BS peddler(get the pun to his name? Eh? Eh? It sets the tone for how "clever" this is), and as we find that the quality of it is rather lacking(no one could buy his stories, and few do), leading us to wonder how he gets by from it. He uses the obituaries to locate widows, and claims to be delivering paintings(provided by his...friend? Manny, who is... not skilled enough to be selling them without this trick... apparently? Even though it is at one point remarked that they're good, and this is said by an expert on the subject... don't ask) that their now deceased husband bought, so he can get the cash. Why the cons? Well, other than ensuring that he, like nearly everyone else in this, is powerfully unlikeable(it has to be intentional, no one is this inept), it's the only way he can think of to make ends meet for his gallery(I guess all the want ads panned out, and in spite of being a talented virtuoso himself, he hasn't touched a brush for a while because... because. Well, like everything in this, the lazily done and derivative script needed that to be the case). One day, he meets and starts having sex with Betty, who turns out to be an emotional wreck who wants to get married within that same 24 hours. This is evidently something she does all the time, although she only has one ex, who she got hitched with twice. No, none of this does make any sense or hold up to a single second's scrutiny. You're very perceptive. Said former beau(a man with anger issues who is literally following her around whenever he can) is after our lead, and we want him to catch him. So, our "hero" falls for his fiancés sister, Liz, with whom he is clearly better matched. She won't give him the time of day, on account of... hey, look over there! So he makes up a twin brother so he can woo her. Crazy hijinks ensue, with surprisingly little laughter to be had. Phew, done. Wow, all of that was just the basic setup for the plot. Convoluted much? I will admit that I am not a big fan of screwball comedy, but this is packed with uninspired jokes, with only occasionally one that might have you smiling, or chuckle briefly. I understand that part of this was on account of the director not speaking the language properly, and that does explain a lot(no one actually talks like these people do... and the dialog, even when realistic, is seldom funny). The characters behave in bizarre ways. Development, and the eventual "resolution"(it kind of just... stops) is forced and feels out of place. The main cast are wrong for their parts. This is in serious need of cutting down, as it is at least half an hour longer than it has any right to be. It isn't downright boring, and it could be a greater torment to watch than it is. On the plus side, Griffith and, more to the point, Hannah, spend a fair amount of time in swimsuits and the like. There are a couple of hints of sexuality and brief obscured nudity in this. I recommend this to people with low standards for this subgenre. 5/10
malcolm9 Following the steps of the classical American comedies, this movie is much more than a sequence of jokes. Taste, astuteness and magnificent management of the cinematographic tools are just some of the features of this film. The direction is almost perfect, with a great control of the tempo of the story. The characters are balanced: fun without being caricatured. The good job with the casting and the master hand of the director have as a result that the actors are fun but they never overact. Like in "Some Like It Hot" or "The Seven Year Itch" when you are not laughing, you are smiling and enjoying the film. Nowadays, when most of the comedies are just a succession of gags, mainly tastelessness, or parodies of well-known movies, it's refreshing to find pictures revealing that hilarity and first-class cinema are completely compatible.
Peter Gruendler Well we've had it all before. This movie is just a variation on the 'Boeing Boeing' theme. Ok, Banderos play is great for this role, and the running gags (e.g. the chase between two rooms with the pool in between and the various ways to escape falling into it) are really hilarious.But it all is beaten by the supporting role of the french restaurant somelier (Vincent Schiavelli)! His two short appearances are worth watching this film and lead to my rating 7 (would have been 5 without this).Ah and then there's the happy end of course. As we knew from the beginning, everyone gets what/whom he/she deserves.
DeeDee-10 A bit of fluff with lots of laughs and screwball comedy with Banderas trying to have not only his cake and eat it two, but two cakes! Some very funny bits as he tries to keep his "twin" from being exposed -hence "Two Much."In my opinion, Joan Cusack stole the show with her broad comedic talents. She plays along with the charade, using wry humor when she finds herself in the middle of a difficult situation, and gently scolding Banderas for his questionable behavior. She was simply wonderful!