Tom and Huck
Tom and Huck
PG | 22 December 1995 (USA)
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A mischievous young boy, Tom Sawyer, witnesses a murder by the deadly Injun Joe. Tom becomes friends with Huckleberry Finn, a boy with no future and no family. Tom has to choose between honoring a friendship or honoring an oath because the town alcoholic is accused of the murder. Tom and Huck go through several adventures trying to retrieve evidence.

Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Konterr Brilliant and touching
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Seth Landers A wonderful and underrated classic! First things first, R.I.P. Brad Renfro. His performance was splendid. Back to the review, the film is an adaptation loosely based on "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" yet it is quite loyal to its source material, coming from someone who has read the book on more than one occasion. I enjoyed this movie as a kid and watching it again, now as an adult, I can safely say that Mark Twain would've loved this project!The movie is about two friends (Tom & Huck), who witness a horrific murder of a victim at a graveyard, after an argument over greed and a map that leads to treasure goes wrong. The kids are in peril when they realize that the killer is at large. Huck initiates an oath with Tom to keep their mouths shut. Tom has feelings for a bratty chick named Becky and Huck is disreputable to the town-people. Things start to backfire between Tom and Becky, while the sacred oath hangs between silence or the truth that can save a wrongfully accused defendant from being prosecuted.I also want to point out that the actor who played Tom's brother, Syd, did a great job and was the same person who was Uh-Huh in "The Little Rascals". In conclusion, this was a fun experience and I highly recommend it for all ages!
PeterPPK Maybe it's because I read the book before viewing it, or maybe I was over-analyzing it, but I swear this was one of the worst movies I ever saw. I mean it.First of all, why is it called Tom and Huck? After watching the entire movie, I came to the conclusion that the film really should have been titled "Tom and a few other people". Huck rarely has any affect on the story, and his character is always in the shadow of Tom. Anyway, as I mentioned, I had to read this book for school right before also watching the movie,in school. Now, I know what happens in the Mark Twain's classic, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. I know the plot, the story, the key events, and the settings of the book. However, I don't think that the creators of this movie do. Right off the bat, the movie features an event that never happens in the book. That's a bad sign right there.I also did not like the acting. I suppose Johnathan Thomas was alright as Tom Sawyer, but I did not like the roles of Huck, Injun Joe, or Becky Thatcher. The performances that these actors gave were bland and totally non-believable.The thing I hated the MOST though, was the movie's sheer stupidity. I can not believe how many inexcusable moments there were in the movie. And it's not just the fact that there are parts that aren't from the book. But there are some parts that just do not make any sense, whatsoever. I question sometimes what the writers(not Mark Twain) were thinking when they wrote this. There is a scene in the movie in which Tom is doing stunts on a bridge that's above a small, shallow creek. Becky comes along and PUSHES Tom off the bridge and into the creek! Now, this may not sound bad, until you realize that if his angle of fall was just a tad steeper, he probably would either broken his neck or have been killed. There is another part that absolutely made me grind my gears. There is a scene in the movie in which Tom and Huck need to get the treasure map from Injun Joe, who is sleeping in the forest after drinking a pretty good amount of alcohol. Tom and Huck then realize they need to blend in with the back round, so they cover themselves with mud. Tom starts walking toward Injun Joe, who wakes up and looks straight at Tom, but doesn't see him as if he is the Predator and Tom is fooling his infrared vision with the mud on him. I mean come on! I realize that Injun Joe is supposed to be super drunk, but can you really be drunk enough to not notice the giant piece of mud in front of you that looks suspiciously a lot like a boy? As for the rest of the movie, I can't say it doesn't follow the basic plot of the book; it does. But it seems to be butchered. There are many parts of it which either A) Don't belong there and come later/earlier in the story; B) Never even happen in the book; or C) Are missing.In Conclusion, I give this movie a 2/10. Why a 2 instead of a 1? Well, because the movie did supply me with some good laughs, but sadly, that's all it offers.
schwammy Perhaps it was just that the VHS tape I rented was bad, but try as I might, I was unable to settle down and enjoy Tom and Huck. I was constantly trying to lighten the picture so I could make out what was happening in the murky forest scenes, which frequently were shot at night, without the use of newfangled electric lights, apparently. Even the daytime shots seemed too dark. This may be a function of shooting in the woods, which looked like authentic Missouri woods, although I live in Missouri and I have never seen a tarantula. Neither, apparently, had Mark Twain, because he spends quite a bit of time expounding on these novel arachnids in a chapter of "Roughing It" that takes place in the Nevada desert. But I digress.It seems that the filmmakers sought authentic locations, which meant having to do without sunlight for the entire film, and got authentic costumes without bothering to teach the actors authentic Missouri accents. The film had a grubby, depressing look to it that failed to capture my five-year-old's attention, although the remarkable amount of profanity in this "kids' movie" seemed to pique her interest momentarily, or perhaps secondarily. I think marketing Tom Sawyer to children, particularly the children of today, is an uphill battle without adding in a cute animated sidekick or some other Disney cliché. Twain's book was intended to be a nostalgic look back at childhood for adults, not children. It seems that the same thing happened with this film, which appears to have been written and shot for adults, and then marketed at unuspecting children.
patathomas Visually, Tom and Huck is eye-pleasing, and Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Brad Renfro make a good pair as Tom and Huck. Other cast members fit their parts. That the film did not strictly follow Mark Twain is no problem if you let the film story stand on its own. It is entertaining just for what it is.Tom and Huck is an interesting enough film, but the transformation of Eric Schweig in his portrayal of Injun Joe compared to his characterization of Uncas in The Last of the Mohicans, is the most fascinating thing about it. In the body of his films, he seems to be able to alternate between utterly noble and utterly disgusting (e.g., Missing). Great acting.