Wild America
Wild America
PG | 02 July 1997 (USA)
Wild America Trailers

Three brothers - Marshall, Marty and Mark dream of becoming naturalists and portraying animal life of America. One summer their dream comes true, they travel through America, filming alligators, bears and moose.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
disdressed12 this movie has the based on a true story tag,but i'm sure there were dramatic licenses taken.the people in the story are real and some of them are probably still around.that much is certain.beyond that,this movie makes for light,though pretty entertaining viewing.it does seem a bit far fetched at times,though.and the story is pretty thin.there is really nothing offensive about the movie that i can tell.there's is no foul language or nudity.there are a few intense scenes with animals that might be a bit too much for young children.i think the movie would be suitable for kids 10 or older,but parents should always use their discretion.overall,this is a fun movie the family could enjoy.for me,Wild America is 7.5/10
Elswet This was done towards the end of Jonathan Taylor Thomas's "cute" years, and was probably around the end of his childhood career. After this dreck, I can only hope he has spent the last 10 years concentrating on his education, and perhaps he can arrange a come back in his late twenties.Otherwise, this film still offers few redeeming qualities, and little to no entertainment value.Three brothers journey into the wilderness to help Marty initiate his nature film-making career. Sounds mildly interesting, doesn't it? Let me be the one to warn you, it is not. The "fun" scenes herein are the most idiotic form of popular tripe, and the suspension of belief required here is wholly impossible. This is just terrible.Aside from a few good vistas, some nice camera angles, and a strong bit part by Danny Glover, there isn't really any reason to bother with this one.It rates a 1.7/10 from...the Fiend :.
quacked_up_64 I really truly disagree. I have this movie and watch it frequently. (yes i spelt it wrong) I watch it all the time because it's an amazing movie. The director chose the actors wisely and they all fit their character perfectly. I can't understand why anyone would give this movie a bad rating. Scott Bairstow, (Marty) plays the eldest brother who decides to move out and buy a camera to film America's wildlife. Devon Sawa (Mark) goes with them. They take the truck and head off. 20 miles past Matazuma, Jonathan Taylor Thomas (Marshall) pops up from the back of the truck. Mark had a book of Wild Animal Attacks, and Marshall couldn't take it anymore. The three bothers headed off. They were looking for a cave of bears. That sleep together during the winter. They're not sure if it's real or not. Everyone keeps telling them that bears sleep alone. They stop at a stream, Marty and Mark taking a rest stop, and Marshall down stream filling up the canteens. Funny how that works out. An eagle flys by and snatches up a fish. They run to the van to get the camera, but the doors are locked. This time, they're not taking any chance's. They go to a place called Alligator Hell. The man was telling them about how the alligator ate his dog in one swallow, then took of his leg. They went out into the bog and Mark threw out the bait, but it got stuck on a branch. Mark put on wet pants and went into the bog. By the time he got to the bait, the bog was up to his neck. Suddenly, he's pulled under. Marty starts the boat, but hits a log and Marshall goes in with the flashlight. He sees Mark under the water, his pants are stuck on a branch. Marshall comes up and Marty tosses him the knife. Marshall cuts Mark free and then they swim to the surface. But Marshall drops the flashlight, so he goes down to get it. He gets it and in front of him is the Alligator! Does Marshall get out? Well of course he does because the movie doesn't stop there. But do they find the cave? Do they become famous? Well watch the movie to find out!
digitalangel13 Wild America is the story of three brothers, two of whom want to make a film depicting wild life all over America. The story focuses mainly on the youngest brother Marshall who sneaks into his brothers' car in order to go with them on their trip. While on the road with his brothers Marshall learns more about who he really is and what the real world is all about.In my opinion the thing that makes Wild America such an amazing movie is the that not only does it have the action of the animal scenes and the heartwarming tale of a child who is coming of age. But it's a true story that we can all relate to. It shows us that no matter what anyone tells you, you can go out into the world and find what you're looking for. That's where the real inspiration lies.