Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken
Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken
G | 24 May 1991 (USA)
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A runaway orphan, young Sonora, persists in a menial job mucking stables in Doc Carver's travelling stunt show. Her great wish is to become a death-defying "diving girl," but Doc refuses her pleas. Undaunted, Sonora's gutsy resolve finally convinces him to give her a break. On the brink of stardom, however, a cruel twist of fate threatens to destroy her dream.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
e-p-mcclain This movie touched my heart when I saw it and I can't wait to watch it again after reading the review that talked of its complexities. Some movies touch your spirit and this was one for me... great to show to children!Apparently my review was not long enough... sometimes you amaze at horses as they charge into battle and sometimes you amaze at horses as they charge off platforms for a bit of spotlight and if this sport would have or should have been controversial... as a child I hadn't a thought along those lines. The movie is full of love, passion, and determination.
desertrose0601 Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken is a wonderful movie that deserves to be watched. The writers did a great job capturing the essence of this true story. It's inspiring and endearing, full of energy and romance. I absolutely LOVE this movie. It always feels fresh and new, like I'm discovering it all over again every time I watch it.I love the cinematography in this movie. Each shot is set up like a piece of art, capturing the scenery and the mood just right. The actors play each scene deliberately and with purpose, giving you a real sense of what it must've been to live in the Depression era.This movie is perfect for all ages. I'm nearly 30, and I discovered this as my favorite movie when I was 11. I've watched it dozens of times over the years, and will continue to watch it for years to come.
ccthemovieman-1 I didn't think this was as good as hyped at the time of its release, but it was still a nice, old-fashioned film and Gabrielle Anwar as "Sonora Webster" was a pleasure to watch. I'm sorry she never developed into a major star, although she's stayed busy in her acting career.This is a based-on-a true story and if a woman really performed diving horse acts while blind, well, that is incredible. This is certainly an inspiring story.I enjoyed looking at the recreation of the Atlantic City Boardboard during its heyday. Oveall, the colors could have been better in this film, however. There was too much brown, but it's not a major problem.The story is the thing here and in that aspect, it's a winner.
joeestlinbm Sonora Webster was a young lady who had the guts, and determination, of a linebacker. She was gonna be a diving girl, at all costs.At first she just had menial jobs like shoveling manure, and feeding the animals, but as time went on, in her spare time she began to work very hard at learning how to mount a running horse. It proved to be both physically damaging, as well as humiliating, but she finally managed to learn how to do it with perfection.When the main diving girl dislocated her shoulder Sonora got the chance she had been waiting for, and she pulled the dive off perfectly.She traveled with the show while the other girl recuperated. One thing led to another, including the passing away of the owner of the show Doc Carver, played by Cliff Robertson, while they were on their way to Atlantic City to do a show.It was in Atlantic City where tragedy, as well as what some might call a miracle took place, as also did the wedding of Sonora, and Al Carver, the son of the deceased owner of the show You'll have to watch the movie to find out more, I told you more than I should have already.
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