The 12 Dogs of Christmas
The 12 Dogs of Christmas
G | 27 October 2005 (USA)
The 12 Dogs of Christmas Trailers

This holiday tale has all the elements of a classic heartwarmer--cuddly dogs, small town spirit, and even a full-fledged Christmas pageant. Set during the meager years of the Great Depression, 12 DOGS OF CHRISTMAS follows the story of Emma, a 12-year-old who is sent to live in Doverville, a rural town, with her aunt. The town has, like the rest of the nation, fallen on lean times and seem to have lost all interest in celebrating. However, Emma manages to enlist the town's dogs into a colorful holiday pageant that reminds the inhabitants that even the Great Depression cannot ruin the spirit of Christmas.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Wordiezett So much average
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
litchlord This movie was horrible, the actors sucked, the little girl looked like a boy, the plot was super dumb, even the children watching the movie quickly lost interest and left to do other things. I wish i could give this film a -10. I am shocked they spent 2 million to make this film, i could have done a better job with a cell phone camera and homeless people.
2karl- 12 dogs of Christmas girl who uses dogs to teach people about the true meaning of Christmas during the Depression. so we have a film in the great depression about dogs and the values to us each Christmas and their true meaning with a great cast like Jordan Claire green of school of rock she stumbles up the idea from 12 days o Christmas when her teacher is goes on maternity and a sub teacher cannot get the class to get the song wright john billingly from out of time Mindy sterling from Austin powers bonica friendericy who was in Christmas with the kranks and Adam hicks so in the tradition of Beethoven set in the 1930 Pittsburgh Emma O'Connor father sends her to her aunt Delores in small town called dover ville where no dog are allowed her aunt is strict the mayors brother who is the dodgy dog catcher and with Emma who stirs up the dog catcher with adventurous chases hiding animals and plot twist in this funny film comes up with a plan to save the dogs a spectacular finale that the mayor get cordially invited to the play since dogs are banned and the media get invited so he has not choice but watch the stunning pageant of 12day of certain animals on the song with a difference
chester_pug Whatever happened to truth in advertising? Despite the appearance of a pug on the box cover, there were no actual pugs or likenesses of pugs in the actual movie!!! Was this a ploy to squeeze a few extra dollars in profit from the pug owners out there who love seeing the most wonderful breed of dog on earth on film? The evidence points to... YES! To show a pug on the cover and to not contain one was a severe disappointment to us and our two pugs. Mr. Kieth Merrill, (if that is your real name) you are a treasonous trickster of deceit, you got a few dollars from a few pug owners who thought there would be pugs in this movie.. does this make you happy???? How dare you!!!
David Birley I'm old, and I don't mind admitting it. I remember when family movies were made by Disney, and they had story lines that kids and parents could watch together without embarrassment or fear, and which were just plain old simple entertainment. Somehow somewhere along the track Hollywood slipped off the rails and decided that little kids needed to hear naughty words, and parents wouldn't take their kids to a show if they couldn't see some at least some implied sex. WRONG!!! Kieth Merrill seems to have remembered. Here is a story where the bad guys are bad, but on a level that kids can cope with, and the good guys are good, but on a matching level. Folks like I know and live around. The protagonist boy and girl are nice kids, they don't kiss, they don't even get romantic. The school marm looks a bit like Lily Tomlin, and is just the right level of taught and nasty, and redeems herself at the end. The mayor is pompous and stuffy, and comes around in the end too.It is all wonderful fluff, with dogs that behave a lot of the time, and don't, just enough of the time, to make the film extra believable. The camera work and acting are outstanding. I have no hesitation in recommending this film to any family anywhere for watching together as a family. Please buy it and thumb your nose at the "experts" in Hollywood who just don't "get" it that nice clean family fun like this is worth making, and has a market.