PG | 13 December 2002 (USA)
Evelyn Trailers

Desmond Doyle is devastated when his wife abandons their family on the day after Christmas. His unemployment, and the fact that there is no woman in the house to care for the children—Evelyn, Dermot and Maurice—make it clear to the authorities this is an untenable situation. The Catholic Church and the Irish courts decide to put the Doyle children into Church-run orphanages.

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CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
cssaquadog I saw bits and pieces of this movie,Evelyn, today. I really would like to watch it again in its entirety. Does anyone know when it will air again and on what network? It is a wonderful story. The all star cast is great esp. Aidan Quinn and Pierce Brosnan. Also, does anyone know if it is based on a true story? I've never heard of the movie before today. It makes for good holiday programming during the Thanksgiving or Christmas holidays even though it does not contain a holiday theme. It's heartwarming family-type appeal, I think, would be well received during this time of year. I would strongly urge Oxygen or the Hallmark channel to run it again. There should be more movies and programs such as this on TV these days promoting family values and wholesome settings for our children. So much of television is just wasted time and it is better left off. "Silence is golden"!
real-roger This is the true story of a father who battled some unfair Irish child custody laws about 50 years ago. He puts his kids in an orphanage, and then cannot get them back. He suffers from a prejudice that only mothers can raise kids.I liked this movie because I identified with the father. To my surprise, my kids love this movie also. They've watched it about 10 times. This is partly because they've been the victims of a court-ordered custody change. But also, my daughters find the Evelyn Doyle character inspiring. She is calm and courageous and sensible in the face of a wrong system.
Luminaria This a sweet little movie that details a real-life legal battle that took place in Ireland in 1953, when an unemployed alcoholic father who's wife runs off to New Zealand has his three children taken away "because that's the law" and placed in church-run orphanages. He petitions the Irish Supreme Court and sets a new precedent for Irish parental rights. Everyone who seems amazed that Pierce Brosnan can play the part of an average working guy (Desmond), will probably be astounded to find out that he is doing his own singing in the pub! The beginning of this film moves slowly, and it almost falls into anti-Catholic stereotypes, but although it skirts the edge, it never quite tips over. Characters are real - Desmond reacts as many a father would in such a situation - at first he falls into despair, but then he pulls himself together and fights back. The "victory" speech at the end, by the little girl, Evelyn, is predictably sweet, but Evelyn did speak at the trial, and the law did change, so one can forgive the sweetness.
H. Martin (~AleXa~) Evelyn (2002) is a heart-warming film based on a true story about a man, Desmond Doyle (Pierce Brosnan) who finds himself down and out when the Irish courts rule that his three children, Evelyn (Sophie Vavasseur), Dermot (Niall Beagan), and Maurice (Hugh McDonagh) are to be remanded into the custody of a Catholic-run orphanage after his wife leaves him the day after Christmas.This film tugs at your heart strings, but surprisingly not to the point of tears. And, as it is based on a true story, it brings that much more warmth to your heart. Pierce Brosnan and Sophie Vavasseur really shine in their respective roles. Certain scenes are a bit to-the-point, as if a little more dialog could've been added and the film is relatively short, clocking in at an hour and a half, but nevertheless, it still succeeds in taking you on a journey with Desmond Doyle as he fights for his family.VERDICT: A lighthearted fare that any parent can appreciate and that pretty much anyone sympathize with. Recommended to any parent or anyone in search of a light, heart-warming film.6.5 out of 10.0