Dallas Buyers Club
Dallas Buyers Club
R | 22 November 2013 (USA)
Dallas Buyers Club Trailers

Loosely based on the true-life tale of Ron Woodroof, a drug-taking, women-loving, homophobic man who in 1986 was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and given thirty days to live.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
friff-62487 ...is the best way to describe this movie,with MM and his usual perfection to his craft showing real life disgust of indulging in homosexual activities as a lifestyle. He is superb in this believable,powerful drama that somehow helped people get medical help. Watch.
TheBigSick McConaughey has always been an amazing actor, and this 2013 bio thriller Dallas Buyers Club marks his career-best performances, even one of the best among all the Oscar winners. He just reminds me of Day-Lewis' acting in There Will Be Blood. The direction of this film is somehow awkward. The first forty minutes is kind of loose and off-topic, and just leads to nowhere. However, after the first forty minutes, the real tension begins. Both the struggle between the life and death, and the conflict between Woodroof and FDA, hold the attention of the audiences towards the end. This film is set in the 1980s but still resonates today. The medical systems in the United States has been problematic for a very long time, in the sense that the capitalists can easily maneuver the FDA to sell their drugs and to ban other competing drugs.
Andrea Tsereteli (House of Targaryen) Once it gets going, it's really great. Matthew McConaughey makes a transformation that rivals the levels of Christian Bale, and Jared Leto steals it when he shows up. Check it out before the Oscars! The fireworks caused by pitting never-say-die Texas bravado against heartlessness is a powerful mix, and the film manages to be an inspiring tale amidst all this sadness.
benjamin-james-lemon Going into the film, I knew nothing about the story or the man it's based upon, Ron Woodruff, and to put it out there, I am a bit disheartened to hear and read that so much of the story is based upon exaggerations and outright lies, especially with two characters, Eve, and Rayon being complete fabrication in order to put the character of Ron into various circumstances and in order to show his changing of opinions and beliefs regarding those in the LGBTQ community.With that said, I felt like the character of Ron in strictly film sense was an interesting one, and a few of his lines, were very witty and made me chuckle a few times throughout the mostly somber run time, which focuses on Ron finding out he is HIV positive, later having AIDS and how he manages to start this organization, The Dallas Buyers Club, in order to help people who have HIV and AIDS get treatment other than AZT, which according to the film is harmful and toxic to humans, while Ron's various drugs that he has acquired aren't.The camera-work and cinematography are well done in sections, working to accentuate the emotions and feelings of the characters and situation on the screen, and the supporting character of Rayon is quite fascinating in her ability to be a foil to Ron's rough nature, with Leto's performance being noteworthy and memorable.The film compels you to side with Ron and Rayon as well as Eve later on in the film as she breaks away from the protocol of the medical community in Dallas, as all three are seen as the underdogs wanting only to fight for their survival and the survival of so many inflicted with AIDS and HIV. Ron himself is even viewed as a hero, right until the end of the film.I started off having a great impression of the film, but this is an instance where once I learned the real story behind it all, I grew to dislike the film and while it is a well-made film in the technical aspects, the liberty with which the filmmakers went with their portrayal of the character(s), nonexistent and otherwise, and the story itself grew to be too much and I cannot recommend this film to anyone other than for the solid acting by both McConaughey and Leto in their performances.
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