Santa vs. the Snowman
Santa vs. the Snowman
| 01 November 2002 (USA)
Santa vs. the Snowman Trailers

A lonely snowman finds Santa's workshop. But when he sets off the perimeter alarms and is chased away, he wonders why he couldn't be Santa and get all the love and fun this year. With the aid of "Snow Minions Made Easy", he pits his snow army against Santa's elves and captures Santa. But can he really do Santa's job?

PodBill Just what I expected
GazerRise Fantastic!
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
ktbarton3 This selection just gets better and better upon repeated viewings!How many selections can that be said of? I've not seen it in 3D or at an IMax theater, (where it has been shown). Now it is available in DVD, but I saw it when it first aired in 1997. Watch it with your children, watch it with the neighbor kids, watch it with your pets. Try and entice "adults"? to watch it. Of course they might not immediately "love" it upon first viewing. However, every time I see it, I notice something else. Yes, it does have a little conflict, but war? I hardly would call shooting marshmallows and snowballs war. The looks on their faces, the figures themselves, the story, all produce mirth.
Allyn-2 Ok, it was pretty funny, and the animation was nice, but this film destroyed my view of Santa. He is presented as an indoctrinating corporate logo/warlord! At first, I couldn't believe it was being shown for children, what with the apparent anti-Santa perspective the first part of the film gives. But the ending confirms that the main purpose of this short film is to bludgeon children into consumer-driven mindframe. And I thought those people griping about the commercialization of Christmas were just Humbugs. Now I know that they were on to something! Consumerism is the new ideology of the international marketplace, and this seemingly benign cartoon is a tool propaganda for that "Buy Toys!" doctrine. What a sad image for Christmas.
corripio Overall, it was an excellent movie. It had great 3d animation, and an interesting story line (I won't give it away, you'll have to see yourself). A twisted sense of humor combined with the spirit of Christmas produced a truly unique product.
Kylee! I loved this! The animation was excellent, there were take-offs galore, and the creator's twisted sense of humor is a delight to behold. I won't spoil the surprises, though. The voice actors did very well (atypical for American animation), and the sound effects were well done, too.I haven't seen it since it was on TV.