Mean Girls
Mean Girls
PG-13 | 30 April 2004 (USA)
Mean Girls Trailers

Cady Heron is a hit with The Plastics, the A-list girl clique at her new school, until she makes the mistake of falling for Aaron Samuels, the ex-boyfriend of alpha Plastic Regina George.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
aliases-53334 This is one of the best comedies of all time and a rare moment in film history, when a comedy has all the right ingredians and everything sits just right. This film has discovered great talents and has become a cult phenomenon, with its brilliant script and acting ("boo you whore" "that is so fetch"). This movie worked because of Tina Fay's brilliant writing, and how the film does not take itself too seriously, while actually being more realistic and close to home than it should. A classic that stands the test of time, still fresh and relevant 20 years after its making!
AngelArmstrong1 This has got to be one of my favorite movies! I remember when I first watched this and I was amazed how great it was and it's also one of them movies that you can watch over and over again and never get bored of it. There is also some amazing actors!
fatimaalgoud Mean girls Comedy, tragedy, drama (2004) Mean girls is about a situation that happened in high school where a group of girls bully other people. The movie is based on a book. The film is set in America at a high school in 2004. I love the acting in this film. Lindsey Lohan and Rachel Mcadames and Tina fey were the main characters and Lindsey Lohin plays as the role of Cady . My favorite character is Regina because she was super funny and has good acting skill. This movie can respire a lot of people, specially people who are facing bullying, the movie taught us to never judge a book by its cover, and with confidence you can rock about anything and one of the main morals is don't dumb yourself down for a guy. The movie is so inspiring, I give it 9/10 GO WATCH IT SOON!!!!!!!
Ana God I love this movie. I have never ever watched a movie twice (not even a really good one) except for Mean Girls. Am I trying to say it's a cinematic masterpiece? No. But in the chick-flick genre it absolutely takes the crown. A funny, clever, seemingly shallow yet surprisingly wise guilty pleasure is how I like to describe it. Mean Girls subtly compares high school and the cruel "girl world" that exists within to the Jungle. The only thing that makes the two any different is the scheming, backstabbing, trash talking, manipulative ways in which these girls operate, causing an invisible wall of lies to be the only thing separating them from beasts, and let me give you a hint; the wall came down. We see how our protagonist (Cady) gets pulled into the hierarchy led by dictatorial ruler Regina and her clique of "Plastics." The thing that's so charming about the movie is that no matter how evil Regina gets, no matter how horrible she acts you just can't hate her (and yes I admit I am a little biased because Rachel McAdams is like my biggest girl crush ever). She is not portrayed as incredibly dumb (something other teen movies can't survive without) which when you think about it makes total sense: no dumb person could manipulate and intimidate their way trough high school so well. Of course the Plastics are shallow and the man crush is a popular hottie and the girl Cady first befriends happens to hate Regina more than anyone BECAUSE IT'S Still A HIGH SCHOOL MOVIE. You can't make a classic without throwing some of the stereotypes in there. Yet on the other hand the uniqueness of it is how it's the first of its kind to show how power and popularity can make you blind to other peoples feelings, and how bringing others down will not make your own insecurities vanish. Popularity should not be gained through intimidation, it should be earned by being NICE (a word that makes eyes roll and goosebumps appear in girl world). And if the horde can just realize the queen holds no actual power over them unless they give it to her she will need no taking down, she will fall herself. The best of its kind, a true classic that will never go out of fashion (even though we're talking about 2004 fashion), I would absolutely advice anyone who likes these kinds of movies to watch it right away, but then again, who hasn't already?