PG | 28 April 2006 (USA)
RV Trailers

Climbing aboard their mammoth recreational vehicle for a cross-country road trip to the Colorado Rockies, the Munro family – led by dysfunctional patriarch, Bob – prepares for the adventure of a lifetime. But spending two weeks together in one seriously small space has a way of cramping their style.

SoftInloveRox Horrible, fascist and poorly acted
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
Ersbel Oraph Robin Williams is as usual funny. Nothing new. Nothing special. The rest is not funny at all. And generally the humor is quite low. Unless you think an explosion followed by a high pressure pump shower is funny and in that case, this might be the movie just for you.The script is also nothing special. Stock characters that move as expected. A bad boss who is, well, bad, but no explanation for his stupidity or the stupidity of his underlings. Or short: I hope you can fast forward when you get to see this.
FilmBuff1994 RV: Runaway Vacation is an awful movie with a terribly written storyline and a mostly good cast that deserved so much better than this.From the very first scene of the movie I was thinking it was going to be fun,Robin Williams was simply playing with his child and clearly improvising his lines,and it made me feel like this was going to be very enjoyable,and then every single scene after that was a disaster.The humour is ridiculous and not once (excluding the very first scene) did I laugh,it was too childish for anyone over the age of seven,and there is literally nothing funny in it for adults to enjoy.It sickens me that the late great Robin Williams is in this movie,because not even his likable personality could save it,Cheryl Hines and Jeff Daniels are two other great actors that made a huge mistake when they signed on to do this movie.Lacking a very little amount of fun that you would obviously want in a family movie and generally unlikeable characters,I would recommend RV: Runaway Vacation to absolutely nobody. Bob Munro (Robin Williams) and his dysfunctional family rent an RV for a road trip to the Colorado Rockies,where they have to contend with a bizarre community of campers.Best Performance: Robin Williams Worst Performance: Kristen Chenoweth
slightlymad22 In the vein of the Chevy Chase classic National Lampoons Vacation, In an effort to spend some time with his family during the school holidays, Robin Williams takes them on a trip across America in a RV. That's where the similarities with the 80's comedy classic end as Robin Williams, who has saved worse movies than this, has his work well and truly cut out here.Singer Jo-Jo pops up as Williams daughter and Jeff Daniels has a decent role as an eager to help fellow RV driver on the road with his family too, and Not even he can help Williams save it. Williams is watchable as always, but if I had to choose between rewatching this and going to a firework display on a very rainy night. RV would probably lose.
leplatypus My brother has subscribed to a choice TV and as he asked me to pick one movie, i tried this one. I have seen the poster in an X-men comics i have read lately (maybe « Astonishing ») and i was craving for a movie family about vacations. In addition, Williams is such a good actor who surprisingly seems to have disappeared just like that (is he trapped in a lamp ?). Right from the start, you can see this modern « RV » is far from « NL Vacation » : the kids appear less well educated, the wife is money addicted, Williams is the poodle of his boss. Thus, they goes into vacation without heart and the movie is deeply impacted by their negative attitude : it's not really funny, the other family is just boring and the RV just looks like a studio set with blue screen. Maybe the relation between Williams and his daughter is interesting and the final comes as a surprise : for one time, we have a worker saying sh#t to his boss and prefers to be unemployed with a family becoming supportive.