License to Wed
License to Wed
PG-13 | 04 July 2007 (USA)
License to Wed Trailers

Newly engaged, Ben and Sadie can't wait to start their life together and live happily ever after. However Sadie's family church's Reverend Frank won't bless their union until they pass his patented, "foolproof" marriage prep course consisting of outrageous classes, outlandish homework assignments and some outright invasion of privacy.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Kirpianuscus it seems be a film for him. because the story, the performances, the subject , the script are real far to convince. sure, nothing surprising for an easy comedy. but this is not the most inspired explanation. it is only a kind of chewing gum for mind. not relaxing, not very funny, using a priest as axis of obscure and fake situation and two young people as confuse zombies. so, an easy comedy. and, unfortunately, nothing more.
Python Hyena License to Wed (2007): Dir: Ken Kwapis / Cast: Robin Williams, John Krasinski, Mandy Moore, Josh Flitter, Eric Christian Olsen: Horrid comedy about dictatorship. John Krasinski and Mandy Moore wish to marry but their relationship is flashbacked within the first five minutes. That is usually a sign that the comedy is a one joke deal. Father Frank runs couples through a test to indicate compatibility for marriage. Perhaps he should have sought a screenwriter who was compatible for writing decent material. More disturbing than funny with an ending that reeks corniness. Director Ken Kwapis created a comic insightful masterpiece with The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants but none of that ambition seems to be made available in this travesty. Here he creates a comedy on the same corny level as The Beautician and the Beast and Dunston Checks In. Robin Williams as Frank is a variation of Williams doing standup. He challenges this couple in irritating methods that will result in a punch in the face. Krasinski and Moore are hardly sympathetic and basically go through the motions. Josh Flitter as Williams' pupil deserves better material. Here he assist in setting up situations to test the couple but the role is not believable. Theme regards sturdiness of relationships but unfortunately it is within a film that nobody should have had a license to produce. Score: 4 / 10
richieandsam LICENCE TO WEDI am a fan of Robin Williams. He has made some great movies in the past, but I have not really seen him in anything decent recently. This was only average.The movie is about a couple who want to get married. Before they get married, the vicar of the church puts them through a few tests to see if they are compatible.This is a comedy and it is funny in places, but it is not hilarious. There was not a lot memorable about it.The story was OK and it went along smoothly. But there could have been more. I was hoping for a few more twists and turns, but the whole film just was straight forward.The acting was very good throughout from everyone. The movie stars Mandy Moore, John Krasinski and the legend that is Robin Williams. Mandy and John went well together. I believed they were a couple. Robin was the star of the film from my point of view. He was the funniest character, but this is nowhere near his best role.This is a typical romantic comedy. Everything that you expect from a rom com you get. The ending was very predictable too. I just wish they would make a rom com where it all goes wrong at the end... The closest they got to that was The Break Up.This film was enjoyable to watch and it did keep us entertained all the way through, but it could have been better.I will give this 6 out of 10."Do you wanna walk the midget?"For more reviews, please like my Facebook page:Ordinary person movie reviews
Jackson Booth-Millard I saw maybe one or two clips, and passed the DVD cover plenty of times, every time spotting the leading actor, and knowing that was enough to convince me to try it despite the critics' opinions. Basically Sadie Jones (Mandy Moore) and Ben Murphy (John Krasinski) are in love, and after proposing Ben hopes to get married in the Caribbean, but Sadie wants to keep the family tradition and marry in St. Augustine's church. As the preparations get underway, the couple meet the eccentric pastor Reverend Frank (Robin Williams), who informs them that the only recent date available for them to marry is three weeks away, or they can wait two years. To make sure they are truly made for each other, the Reverand is insisting they take a marriage preparation course, Ben doesn't think it's necessary, but Sadie speaks on behalf of both of them and agrees. The only rules Sadie and Ben have is that they have to write their own vows, and they should not have any sexual contact until the happy day, and to make sure they stick to these rules the Revearnd and his sidekick Choir Boy (Ace Ventura Jr.'s Josh Flitter) bug their apartment. The course involves them learning everything a real couple have to go through, including having arguments, taking care of babies (they are given two creepy animatronic twins) and trust tests, e.g. blind-folded driving with guiding. All these tests they are going through is putting pressure on both of them, especially Ben who is determined to find out why Reverand Frank is the way he is, and the truth comes out that he used to be married himself. Sadie walks away from the wedding rehearsal not because of this revelation, but because she doesn't believe he is serious enough to write his vows. Thankfully Ben knows she has used their honeymoon ticket to the Caribbean, so he goes in search for Sadie with Reverand Frank following, and ready to marry them knowing they are good for each other. Also starring Eric Christian Olsen as Carlisle, Christine Taylor as Lindsey Jones, DeRay Davis as Joel, Peter Strauss as Mr. Jones, Grace Zabriskie as Grandma Jones and Monster in Law's Wanda Sykes as Doctor. Williams gets his moments of comedy and one-liners, you just get the sense he is a little too semi-psychotic, but he is the only reason to see the film, it is your usual schmaltzy romantic comedy with everything we have seen before. Adequate!