PG-13 | 05 October 2001 (USA)
Serendipity Trailers

Although strangers Sara and Jonathan are both already in relationships, they realize they have genuine chemistry after a chance encounter – but part company soon after. Years later, they each yearn to reunite, despite being destined for the altar. But to give true love a chance, they have to find one another again.

ScoobyMint Disappointment for a huge fan!
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
patriciajohnson-61570 Serendipity is an adorable movie, or any of the words synonyms can apply: cute, sweet etc. Taking place during Christmas NYC the setting is magical and the big apple once again endears itself to the big screen. This is one of the best NYC movies in my opinion. Both Kate Beckinsale and John Cusack are in their element in this romantic-comedy. A great film to watch with a partner.
pravinsaw124 A movie for those who love romantic thrills. The small moment mistakes led to a big adventure in life. People who were ment to meet today took a whole year. The excitement multiplies & the value and respect for the love they missed for an entire year thrown at them at once. This moment is the best described moment in this movie. The writer has turned a simple love story into a adventurous romantic story.
dandbone Romantic comedies are often cult films. There is a category of people who enjoys "Serendipity" and another who loves "An affair to remember". What you think of a movie like this, depends a lot on your age, experiences and upbringing.I enjoyed "Serendipity" for many reasons. One is the great chemistry between the actors who seem to have enjoyed making this movie. I also used to enjoy it, when I was younger and very much in love, for the message it sent. The message said people were predestined for each other and nothing could keep them apart. Now, that I'm older, I don't believe in this anymore and I'd be quite unhappy to have married any of the women I've been in love with.All the horrors in the movie, getting crushes on other people girlfriends when not being single, cancelling weddings on the wedding day, and making important decisions based on feelings and hunches are taken lightly. The movie justifies them through the implied necessity to fulfill the destiny of the main characters.
inframan Might have worked with Meg & Tom (script of course by Nora). Would have been a blast with Cary Grant & Irene Dunne 80 years ago but it's just another rushed choppy flat halfway effort with Cusack & Beckensale. No question she's gorgeous but she just can't act. Cusack can act but just can't do light comedy. Example: the critical hotel elevator scene in the beginning with the obnoxious kid & chubby (wouldn't be funny if dad wasn't chubby, right?). It should have been hilarious. Picture Cary Grant who was the master of these kinds of comic situations (see Bringing up Baby, for example) or Tom Hanks who cut his teeth in comedy. Cusack just acts peevish, period. I can only attribute the high ranking here to how inured viewers have become to highly derivative work from Hollywood.