Seems Like Old Times
Seems Like Old Times
PG | 19 December 1980 (USA)
Seems Like Old Times Trailers

Writer Nick Gardenia is kidnapped from his California cliffhouse and forced to rob a bank. Now a fugitive, he seeks help from his ex-wife who is now a public defender and has remarried — to a prosecutor.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
gwnightscream Goldie Hawn, Chevy Chase, Charles Grodin, Robert Guillaume and T.K. Carter star in this 1980 comedy. This takes place in California and Chase (Vacation) plays writer, Nick Gardenia who is abducted by 2 bank robbers forcing him to help them. Hawn (Overboard) plays Nick's ex-wife, Glenda, a lawyer who is married to District Attourney, Ira Parks (Grodin) who both learn he's wanted by the police. Nick comes to Glenda for help and she's put in a difficult position trying to prove his innocence. Guilliame (Benson) plays Ira's assistant, Fred and Carter (The Thing) plays Glenda's chauffeur/butler, Chester. I grew up watching this and always enjoyed it. Hawn, Chase & Grodin are great together and I like the score too. I recommend this good comedy.
Aaron1375 I always enjoyed this comedy as a kid and even into my adulthood. Nothing all that spectacular about it, you are not going to be taken on a journey through many places and the plot is not going to have a surprise twist to it. However, it is very funny and that is thanks in large part to Chevy Chase, Goldie Hawn, and Charles Grodin. Though I would say most of the cast is superb in this comedy classic. Chevy Chase plays a guy who was once arrested for a crime that he did not really commit. Seems he is a writer and was doing research for a new book, however he ended up spending time in jail (I think a Mexican prison). Well two guys hijack him at his own home and use him to commit a bank robbery. He becomes a wanted man and ends up trying to find a hideout at his ex-wife's place. His ex-wife who just happens to be married to the DA of either the city this film was set in, or all of California. Do not quite remember which. So we get lots of laughs and Chevy tries to hide and Goldie tries to cover for him and hiding the fact that at times he is right under the bed when Charles Grodin (the DA) is in the room. Lots of near misses and such abound in this one that is for sure. I also found it funny how Goldie Hawn's character kept hiring criminals that she defended in court for odd jobs around the house. Yes, she is a defense attorney, who not only collects ex-cons, but also a whole heck of a lot of dogs. Like I said funny movie thanks to the wonderful chemistry of Goldie and Chevy and wonderful acting from the rest of the cast.
lost-in-limbo After the very good, wacky comedy 'Foul Play (1978)', two years later Goldie Hawn and Chevy Chase would pair up again in this pleasant, light-headed farcical comedy 'Seems like Old Times'. Chase plays it dry and Hawn is a loose pin, but it's the crackling chemistry between them that really works wonders… and the third party of Charles Grodin caps it off nicely. And not forgetting the ever reliable T.K Carter ('Southern Comfort', 'The Thing' and 'Runaway Train') who drops in with an amusing performance.Director Jay Sandrich is responsible for a lot TV shows and TV movies, but his crack at a feature length film displays bounce with the comical bravura and timing. The witty script (magnificently penned by Neil Simon) is well placed with its gags that it never out stays its welcome, but maybe it gets lost amongst its laconic talky spots. The eventual kayos that occurs is rather structured in its episodic layouts that come and go, but it's done in a wry style than intentional clumsiness even throwing some slapstick moments aside.A highly entertaining comedy enterprise by two stars who were at their peaks.
theowinthrop This film was a sequel film to a better comedy: FOUL PLAY which was made in 1976 and co-starred Chevy Chase and Goldie Hawn. In that one the former was a police officer who is trying to protect the Pope on a visit to San Francisco, and the latter is an innocent by-stander who stumbles into the details of an assassination plot. The story worked with the assistance of Dudley Moore as a befuddled not-so-innocent third party who gets dragged into the proceedings by Hawn, Eugene Roche as a conspirator, Billy Barty as an accidental victim of Hawn's fears and hysteria, and Burgess Meredith and Rachel Roberts having an unexpected classic judo face off. Oh, all to the concluding music from Act I of Gilbert and Sullivan's THE MIKADO.SEEMS LIKE OLD TIMES is a remake of sorts of the 1942 film THE TALK OF THE TOWN. That film dealt with Cary Grant as a fugitive being hidden in a house by Jean Arthur, while jurist Ronald Colman (just nominated for the U.S. Supreme Court) is renting the same house from Arthur. Here Chase is the fugitive, hiding in the garage of his first wife Hawn, unbeknown-st to her second husband Charles Grodin (who is being considered for the post of Attorney General of California. The screenplay is by Neil Simon this time, and there is good supporting roles by Robert Guillaume, George Grizzard, and Harold Gould (as an increasingly annoyed local judge). However, TALK OF THE TOWN was dealing with a man accused of an arson murder due to his labor union activities. Grant was an activist in that film. Chase comes across as something of a schmuck here - he is forced at gunpoint to assist two men in a bank robbery, is set up to deliver the note to the teller, gets his face photographed too well by the bank's camera, and is then tossed out of the speeding car on a hillside by the two felons. The audience knows Chase is innocent, and gradually Hawn and Grondin and Guillaume realize it too. But it seems that Chase had a similar bad experience in Mexico regarding being framed for a drug deal - and had spent some time in prison as a result there. He seems to be an unlucky sort.The weaknesses of Chase's character aside, SEEMS LIKE OLD TIMES is funny, and understandably so - it has a Neil Simon script. In fact, aside from the one-liners that pepper it, there are moments in it that reminded me of other films and plays Simon has written. In some late moments of intimacy between Hawn and Chase I felt that some of Chase's descriptions of Hawn's little idiosyncrasies actually could have been dialog left over from BAREFOOT IN THE PARK, from scenes between Robert Redford and Jane Fonda. And the unwelcome intrusion of Chase into an organized household resembles the situations in THE ODD COUPLE and THE SUNSHINE BOY, where Oscar has to make room for Felix, and Willie Clark has to reunite with Al Lewis.There are plenty of amusing sections: Chase fighting back fear and hysteria when he is with the kidnapping bank robbers (when he compliments the wording of the bank robbing note, the robber who wrote it thanks him); Hawn's fighting for the underdog legal practice, which results in her having a growing number of clients she is helping to get honest employment for - even in her own household; Gould's judge trying to get to the point of the ridiculous arguments and fact patterns that first Hawn and later Grodin put into his court; Grizzard's governor looking forward to dinner with his future attorney general, and his favorite dish, only to find the state's number one criminal is serving it to him. All in all it is an entertaining film. But it is not as concentrated and unified a script as FOUL PLAY was. You will enjoy the film, but FOUL PLAY is somewhat more memorable.